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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. On 2/25/2020 at 7:29 PM, Guano458 said:

    I am having trouble with a hit log in WOT modpak. It's the first entry after the mini map settings and it's Hitlog  Version#1 (Detailed header + Normal numbers}.  I got it to appear only once and tried to move it with the mouse, and it disappeared and I cant get it to come back.  I have reloaded the Aslain's mod pak several times and tried it by unchecking the option to move it with the mouse.  But nothing works.  Any helpo would be appreciated..




    Unfortunately, the option to move logs with the mouse is not ideal and likes to get stuck sometimes.


    To reset it, delete hitlog folder at this location:



  2. On 10/13/2019 at 10:34 AM, Aslain said:


    Small request: to add a warning window or something like this when font is not found in system.


    In example I have a text layer:



    But when I don't have this font installed then TIM will display some default font instead. It's easy to miss when you run dozens of projects.


    Bump. If you cannot make this then at least tell me if there is a some log or debug txt where I can find errors regarding missing fonts.

  3. 21 hours ago, yepev said:



    He removes it because he don't care about stability and prefers to feed his users with potentially unstable nightly versions because it's profitable for him.


    Cut that bullshit, when a nightly is working fine there is no need to annoy the users with this warning message. I'm not the only person doing this, almost every modpack maker is doing the same.


    Besides my modpack is free, so I don't know what profits you talking about.

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  4. Edited by Aslain

    C'mon... Like I don't know. 


    I posted what I have, maybe they will find it usefull. I have no other logs. Don't you think that it's better to show such logs than nothing? I cannot ask some random joe to install default xvm and send me logs, it's too hard for typical joe. If you read carefully you would notice it's not my logs but from someone else.


    You linked some old thread where I posted no logs but part of config and asked for explanation, what's wrong with that? Especial that this problem persist for years now and nobody fixed it. It's not attached to any particular xvm build, and logs are typical without any exceptions. I perfectly know where to post proper log, and this topic is very example of this. 

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