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Korean Random


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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. I'm not sure what you are trying to tell :(


    It doesn't matter if I have that marked in red options checked or unchecked, the only difference to me was 50m circle visible when I enabled them.




          { "enabled": false, "distance": "blindarea", "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 80, "color": "0x3EB5F1" },
          { "enabled": false, "distance": 445,         "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.1, "alpha": 45, "color": "0xFFCC66" },
          // Circle of the maximum units appearance.
          // Окружность границы максимальной отрисовки юнитов.
          { "enabled": false, "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
          // Additional circles:
          // Дополнительные круги:
          { "enabled": false,  "distance": 50,         "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
          { "enabled": true, "distance": "standing", "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF0000" },
          { "enabled": false, "distance": "motion",   "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x0000FF" },
          { "enabled": false, "distance": "dynamic",  "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x3EB5F1" }

    Without XVM:




  2. Edited by Aslain

     View range circle "standing" not showing up

        "view": [
          // Main circles:
          // Основные круги:
          { "enabled":  false, "distance": "blindarea", "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 80, "color": "0x3EB5F1" },
          { "enabled":  false, "distance": 445,         "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.1, "alpha": 45, "color": "0xFFCC66" },
          // Circle of the maximum units appearance.
          // Окружность границы максимальной отрисовки юнитов.
          { "enabled": false, "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
          // Additional circles:
          // Дополнительные круги:
          { "enabled": false, "distance": 50,           "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
          { "enabled": true, "distance": "standing",  "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF0000" },
          { "enabled": false, "distance": "motion",    "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x0000FF" },
          { "enabled": false, "distance": "dynamic",   "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x3EB5F1" }


    python.log xvm.log xvm.zip

  3. Edited by Aslain

    On 10/13/2019 at 10:34 AM, Aslain said:

    Small request: to add a warning window or something like this when font is not found in system.


    In example I have a text layer:



    But when I don't have this font installed then TIM will display some default font instead. It's easy to miss when you run dozens of projects.


    Bumping this request, as I was ignored back then.


    Is there anyone updating TIM ? NDO left so I'm curious.


    So two requests to anyone who is updating this program:

    - add a warning window when a font is missing (not installed in the system)

    - add a command line feature, so we can launch TIM without GUI and create/export icons with a batch script.


  4. Edited by Aslain

    Screen is freezing when pressing ALT key to display clan icons on the markers


    It happens multiple times durring the battle when you press ALT key (keep in mind I enabled that clan icons only in markersAliveExtended.xc)


    It happens when I have 107k of eu clan icons in c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\EU\clan\


    There is no problem when there is less files, i.e. 28k clan icons.


    This is the code I added to markersAliveExtended.xc:


    	"clanIcon": {
    		"name": "clanIcon",
    		"x": 0,
    		"y": -90,
    		"alpha": 100,
    		"enabled": true,
    		"shadow": {
    			"enabled": false,
    			"strength": 13,
    			"alpha": 50,
    			"distance": 1,
    			"blur": 5,
    			"color": "0x000000",
    			"angle": 45
    		"textFormat": {
    			"color": null,
    			"bold": false,
    			"font": "$FieldFont",
    			"size": 11,
    			"align": "center",
    			"italic": false
    		"format": "<img src='{{clanicon}}' width='24' height='24'>"
        "textFields": [
          ${ "def.playerName" },
          ${ "def.hpPercent" },
          ${ "def.clanIcon" },	  
          ${ "def.rating" }

    I think there was no such problem last month, it started to happen this month.


  5. Edited by Aslain

    Contacts list broken is broken like that in Build 8.7.4_0033, no problems in Stable version.




    Sorry, no got no logs exept for this:

    2021-02-02 11:59:36: [L:339] TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ContactItemUI@8fab42e0 to com.xvm.lobby.ui.contacts::UI_ContactItem.
        at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw()
        at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
        at net.wg.gui.components.controls::ScrollingListEx/populateData()
        at net.wg.gui.components.controls::ScrollingListEx/populateData()
        at net.wg.data.daapi.base::DAAPIDataProvider/requestItemRange()
        at scaleform.clik.controls::CoreList/refreshData()
        at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw()
        at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw()
        at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
        at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/handleEnterFrameValidation()

    ...it was reported to me, and problem was sorted by returning to the stable xvm.

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