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Aslain last won the day on July 25

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About Aslain

  • Birthday 03/28/1976

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  1. The mod is not repairing anything with the Large Box (infinite one) on the AE Phase I tank. Repairing on the damage panel works fine, but not the one from the repair rose. Nothing in logs, no errors, just this in xvm.log: 2024-07-11 13:47:00: _updateDeviceState value[0] = rightTrack0 2024-07-11 13:47:00: _updateDeviceState value[1] = critical 2024-07-11 13:47:00: _updateDeviceState value[2] = critical 2024-07-11 13:49:07: _updateDeviceState value[0] = rightTrack0 2024-07-11 13:49:07: _updateDeviceState value[1] = normal 2024-07-11 13:49:07: _updateDeviceState value[2] = normal
  2. Updated for WoT micropatch from 20.06
  3. Unable to create atlas files using the UI: The command line method seem to create the atlas files with no error like this.
  4. Updated the MT variant to
  5. In WoT Error: Value cannot be null (zero). Parameter name: stream This occurs when I want to save the icons. Fix: <GuiPackageName>gui-part1 gui-part2 gui-part3</GuiPackageName> In Data\WotGameVersion-#0001.xml In Data\WotGameVersion-#0408.xml
  6. In WoT WG added new file gui-part3 and probably moved some files inside 1 and 2 to 3. I used this command: CCAtlas /cdia Now I checked the rest and only /cvma and /cca are working, the other extract parameters gives this error.
  7. Updated for WoT micropatch
  8. Yes, I forgot to post here, that it fixed this problem. Thank you Kurzdor :)
  9. @ktulho Two problems: 1. Why does {{v.levelPostProgress}} return 'None' when a tank has any level of Field Modifications but has not yet played any random battles? Is this intended behavior or a bug? 2. {{v.levelPostProgress}} returns 'None' when carousel.xc "enabled": false. Let's say I would like to use this macro in the garage widgets when the carousel.xc is disabled, I cannot do it now.
  10. Updated the MT variant to
  11. There is this problem, where when I have Auto scale and 4K resolution, the consumable bar is gone and only HP bar is visible: @ktulho Can this be fixed to support scale x2 (Auto) in 4K resolution, maybe other high resolutions as well? Is there universal code for all resolutions and UI scales? "consumablesPanel": { "$delay": 4000, "y": "{{py:math.sub({{py:xvm.screenHeight}}, 80)}}" } Added "$interval": 5000 but it doesn't make any difference.
  12. Errors in xvm.log @ktulho 2024-04-26 19:33:34: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_pymacro\python\__init__.py", line 144, in process return (func(), deterministic) File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_pymacro\python\__init__.py", line 110, in <lambda> return (lambda: func(*args), deterministic) TypeError: math_sub() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) "format": "{{v.levelPostProgress?{{v.level=6?{{v.levelPostProgress=5?<img src='xvm://res/postprogress/Full.png'>|}}|{{py:sub({{v.level|0}},{{v.levelPostProgress}})<3?<img src='xvm://res/postprogress/Full.png'>|}}}}|}}" The same here: "format": "{{v.levelPostProgress?{{v.level=6?{{v.levelPostProgress=5?<img src='xvm://res/postprogress/Full.png'>|}}|{{py:sub({{v.level}},{{v.levelPostProgress}})<3?<img src='xvm://res/postprogress/Full.png'>|}}}}|}}"
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