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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. Edited by Aslain



    @overrideMethod(ConsumablesPanel, '_ConsumablesPanel__makeShellTooltip')
    def ConsumablesPanel__makeShellTooltip(base, self, descriptor, piercingPower, shotSpeed):


    overrideMethod(ConsumablesPanel, '_makeShellTooltip')
    def ConsumablesPanel_makeShellTooltip(base, self, descriptor, piercingPower, shotSpeed):



    • Upvote 3
  2. Edited by Aslain


    Is there a known issue with the Dynamic and motion minimap circles ?


    This is the report I received recently:


    I always liked to use the XVM all of minimap with dynamic view range circle, view range circle while in motion and view range circle when standing enabled at the same time. It basically was always giving me the standing and moving view ranges, with the one currently active becoming bolder thanks to the dynamic view range circle option


    however, since 1.10 update, this function is bugged out and does not really work as intended. i think the dynamic view range circle now does not overlapp with the other twos, instead moving both the standing and the in motion circles together to account for the increased/decreased view range


    I suspect that this is his config:

        "view": [
          // Main circles:
          // Основные круги:
          { "enabled":  false, "distance": "blindarea", "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 80, "color": "0x3EB5F1" },
          { "enabled":  true, "distance": 445,         "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.1, "alpha": 45, "color": "0xFFCC66" },
          // Circle of the maximum units appearance.
          // Окружность границы максимальной отрисовки юнитов.
          { "enabled": "{{my-vtype-key=SPG?false|true}}", "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.1, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFF0000" },
          // Additional circles:
          // Дополнительные круги:
          { "enabled": true, "distance": 50,           "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x00EAFF" },
          { "enabled": true, "distance": "standing",  "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF0000" },
          { "enabled": true, "distance": "motion",    "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x0000FF" },
          { "enabled": true, "distance": "dynamic",   "scale": 1, "thickness":  1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x3EB5F1" }







  3. 9 hours ago, Michael Levenberg said:

    I loaded the nightly build as part of Aslain's modpac, and 30 - 40 seconds after entering the garage the game started crashing with the message "Connection to sever has been lost".  When will the next 'stable' XVM be available?  Keep up the good work.

    From what I see the interruptions are not related to the XVM build, so stable will most likely not save you from this.

  4. Something is not right




    Thread: Main

    Exception: System.NullReferenceException
    Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at TankIconMaker.Layers.TankImageLayer.Draw(Tank tank) in Layers\ImageLayer.cs:line 24
      at TankIconMaker.RenderTask.RenderLayer(LayerBase layer) in MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 2567
      at TankIconMaker.RenderTask.Render() in MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 2618

  5. Edited by Aslain

    The game is crashing when the battle begins while you have it minimalized.

    Method of reproduction: 1. Install AntonVK_1_HangarClock_1.9.0.0.wotmod, 2. Click on BATTLE button, 3. Minimalize the game, and go to desktop. 4. Crash will happen at the moment when battle begins.


    Игра рушится, когда начинается битва.

    Способ размножения:

    1. Установите AntonVK_1_HangarClock_1.9.0.0.wotmod,

    2. Нажмите на кнопку боя,

    3. Минимизируйте игру и перейдите на рабочий стол.

    4. игра вылетит в момент начала битвы.



  6. Мод вылетает из игры, это происходит, когда вы переключаете танковую башню и играете в бой в том же танке.

    Извините за некромантию, но не могу найти другую тему для этого мода здесь на форумах.

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