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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. Edited by Aslain

    What is the cause of having a missing letters in tank and player names? 





    "tankName": {
          "name": "Tank name",
          "enabled": true,
          "x": 0,
          "y": -39,
          "alpha": 100,
          "align": "center",
          "textFormat": {
            "font": "Calibri",
            "size": 15,
            "color": "{{c:vtype}}",
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false
          "shadow": {
            "enabled": true,
            "distance": 1,
            "angle": 45,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "alpha": 100,
            "blur": 4,
            "strength": 4
          "format": "{{vehicle}}"

    So as you can see above it's Calibri font used there, when I change it to $FieldFont it start working fine, but I want Calibri. 


    The font Calibri is fine and installed properly.


    This is random issue, cannot be reproduced all the times.


  2. I would like to make the suggestion that W8 should be calculated using more recent stats...than your forever stats.   I would say use a players last 10,000 battles maybe.   That way it is a truer reflection of the player you are now. 


    I second that. Not sure if it's possible, but it would be nice to see something like that. More like last 1000-2000 battles, 10k is planety.




    This is not related to the OP suggestion.

  3. Edited by Aslain

    I'd like to change a position (and sometimes size, width and, hight too) on many elements like text fields or hp bar, in all markers*.xc files globaly. The change should be dependent on what is set in my custom file. In example when I select setup1 I will get everything positioned like I defined at setup1, and when I select setup2 it will display all elements like I selected in setup2. So basicaly I need to create some kind of easy way to switch that positions and sizes. 


    Let's use this as example:

    "tankHp": {
          "name": "Tank HP",
          "enabled": true,
          "x": 0,
          "y": -16,
          "alpha": 100,
          "textFormat": {
            "font": "$FieldFont",
            "size": 11,
            "color": "0xFCFCFC",
            "align": "center",
            "bold": true,
            "italic": false
          "shadow": {
            "enabled": true,
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 45,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "alpha": 100,
            "blur": 4,
            "strength": 2
          "format": "{{hp}}"

    It has :


    "x": 0,

    "y": -16,


    let's call it setup1


    Now I have this, it's for setup2


    "x": 10,
    "y": -20,


    I need to make a switch for it somewhere in a file, preferably in custom file.


    I belive it should be changed to something like :


    "x": if setup2 then 10, else 0 
    "y": if setup2 then -20, else -16


    Coud someone give me some hints on that? I would need to see some working examples for that.

  4. Edited by Aslain

    Something has got broken in recent nighlty builds, like 7632


    Damage Log has stopped to work properly there, check those huge numbers:





    "formatLastHit": "<font size='40' color='{{c:costShell}}'><b><font size='{{dmg=0?18}}'>{{hit-effects}}</font> <font size='21'>{{splash-hit}}{{critical-hit}}</font> {{type-shell}}</b></font><br><font size='30' color='{{c:team-dmg}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>"
    "formatHistory": "<textformat leading = '-4' tabstops='[25,110,155]'><font color='#999999' size='13'>{{number}}.</font><tab><font size='15' color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b><font size='{{dmg=0?13}}' color='{{dmg=0?#CCCCCC}}'>{{hit-effects}}</font> {{splash-hit}}{{critical-hit}}</b></font><tab>{{dmg-kind}}<tab><font size='13' color='{{c:team-dmg}}'>{{vtype}}  {{name}}</font></textformat>"


  5. Edited by Aslain

    Version 1 not working when:


    Using server.json from mod_updater_v1.zip


    and changing true to false:


       "enable": false,


    server.json https://pastebin.com/raw/sZ26BkV8


    2017-05-14 21:12:31.847: INFO: [updater] Piranhas ModPack for (
    2017-05-14 21:12:31.849: INFO: [sL_PRO] Executed Script: mod_updater.pyc
    2017-05-14 21:12:31.849: INFO: --------------------------------------------------------
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.000: INFO: [XFW] Version: 5.0.0
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.000: INFO: [XFW] Working dir: mods
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.400: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_main (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.408: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_autologin (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.501: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battle (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.504: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battleresults (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.512: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_contacts (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.517: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_crew (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.519: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_equip (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.522: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_export (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.527: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_hangar (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.528: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_hotfix (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.531: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_integrity (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.550: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_limits (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.553: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_online (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.556: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_ping (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.559: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_profile (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.560: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_profiler (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.564: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_quests (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.571: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_sounds (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.578: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_squad (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.591: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_tankcarousel (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.593: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_techtree (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.596: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_tooltips (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.597: INFO: [sL_PRO] Executed Script: mod_.pyc
    2017-05-14 21:12:32.597: INFO: --------------------------------------------------------
    2017-05-14 21:12:44.843: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: LOGIN - 22.0219993591
    2017-05-14 21:12:44.847: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 221): User authentication method: token2
    2017-05-14 21:12:45.603: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: CONNECTED - 22.781999588
    2017-05-14 21:12:46.310: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/account_helpers/settings_core/options.py, 712): Change state of voip: (True,)
    2017-05-14 21:12:46.311: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SHOW GUI - 23.4899997711
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.038: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: QUESTS SYNC - 37.216999054
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.144: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: USS SYNC - 37.3230018616
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.188: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SPACE LOADING START - 37.3670005798
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.239: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 459): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_victory_day
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.252: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: VEHICLE LOADING START - 37.4309997559
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.796: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: VEHICLE LOADING END - 37.9749984741
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.953: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SPACE LOADING END - 38.1329994202
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.953: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: HANGAR READY - 38.1329994202
    2017-05-14 21:13:00.953: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 247): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SUMMARY TOTAL = 16.111000061
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.025: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.025: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/BaseDAAPIComponent.py", line 67, in registerFlashComponent
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.025: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DisposableEntity.py", line 50, in create
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.025: ERROR:   File "mod_updater", line 69, in <lambda>
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.025: ERROR:   File "mod_updater", line 43, in event_handler
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.026: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/notification/NotificationPopUpViewer.py", line 67, in _populate
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.026: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/notification/NotificationsModel.py", line 98, in setup
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.026: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/notification/listeners.py", line 937, in start
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.026: ERROR:   File "mod_updater", line 78, in <lambda>
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.026: ERROR:   File "mod_updater", line 357, in serviceChannelListener_start
    2017-05-14 21:13:01.026: ERROR: AttributeError: 'ServiceChannelListener' object has no attribute 'format'
    2017-05-14 21:13:07.244: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: DISCONNECTED - 44.4230003357
    2017-05-14 21:13:07.250: INFO: PostProcessing.Phases.fini()


  6. Edited by Aslain

    So I found this, don't know who is author of this folder: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ttKf/3Rgaewzb7/


    Anyway, I noticed that newer crosshair script there: vxCrosshairs_0_2_6. Is that script working fine? No issues?


    I'm asking because I've noticed that most of crosshairs posted on in example on http://wotsite.net website are using 0.2.5 not 0.2.6. So either they are unaware of new script or they don't use it on purpose.


    Is it safe to use 0.2.6?

  7. Как сделать ссылку вот такую например : UHphBFZyWE51AgBEaXcAXm4Kb0p9X1daeQV5VFpea15QXQBHVAoARQ==


    I would like to know too, it's encrypted link, but not sure which method is used.

  8. Edited by Aslain


    This screen is when I replace default config with this:


    "format": "<font face='$FieldFont'><textformat leading='-38'><font size='36'>{{py:xvm.formatDate('%I:%M %p')}}</font><br></textformat><textformat rightMargin='85' leading='-2'>{{py:xvm.formatDate('%Au')}}<br><font size='15'>{{py:xvm.formatDate('%d %bu %Y')}}</font></textformat></font>"




    Changing the width to 400 does not helping too.

  9. Edited by Aslain

    Team HP is currently bugging following in-battle functions on 9.18-NA when you want to use mouse with L.CTRL

    - minimap clicking

    - tooltips

    - players panel buttons


    Maybe even more things related to mouse in battle, I didnt check all.




    If you still got no clue what I'm talking about.




    "totalHP": {
          "enabled": true,

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