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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. Edited by Aslain

    I have a feeling that something has changed in 9.15.1 regarding damage taken on the OTM's HP bar. 


    I would like the hp bar to show damage taken as green and red flash depending who is the victim (ally or enemy), I don't want it to show any other colors. Currently it's showing green, red, yellow and maybe other colors too (depending who is shooting). How to limit it all to green/red only?


    I played a bit with colors in code below, tried to replace null with {{c:system}} but I couldn't make it to work like prior to 9.15.1


        "healthBar": {
          "enabled": true,                  //   false - не отображать
          "x": -36,                         //   положение по оси X
          "y": -34,                         //   положение по оси Y
          "alpha": 100,                     //   прозрачность (допускается использование динамической прозрачности, см. macros.txt)
          "color": null,                    //   цвет основной (допускается использование динамического цвета, см. macros.txt)
          "lcolor": null,                   //   цвет дополнительный (для градиента)
          "width": 70,                      //   ширина полосы здоровья
          "height": 4,                     //   высота полосы здоровья
          // Параметры подложки и рамки.
          "border": {
            "alpha": 45,                    //     прозрачность
            "color": "0x000000",            //     цвет
            "size": 1                       //     размер рамки
          // Параметры оставшегося здоровья.
          "fill": {
            "alpha": 50                     //     прозрачность
          // Параметры анимации отнимаемого здоровья.
          "damage": {
            "alpha": 100,                   //     прозрачность
            "color": null,           //     цвет
            "fade": 1                       //     время затухания в секундах

  2. How do you currently color the minimap letters and numbers for coordinates?


    In the past I could use code in elements.xc, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.


    * GUI elements settings (experts only)
    * Настройки графических элементов (только для экспертов!)
    * http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/1761-
    * TODO: doc
    * commands:
    *   "$log": 1,  // команда $log используется для вывода значений в лог, число - уровень вложенности
    *   "$delay": 1,
    *   "$interval": 1,
    *   "$textFormat": {   // подстановка для формата текста
    *     //"$log": 1,             // тоже можно логгировать
    *     "size": 30,              // размер шрифта
    *     "font": "$TitleFont",    // шрифт пожирнее
    *     "align": "center"        // выравнивание
    *   }
            "minimapFont": {
            "color": "0xFF0000",
            "alpha": 100
    // TODO: elements
      // Interface elements
      // Элементы интерфейса
      "elements": [
        // "x"     - положение по горизонтали / horizontal position
        // "y"     - положение по вертикали   / vertical position
        // "alpha" - прозрачность             / transparency
        // Example: Players panels
        // Пример: Панели игроков (уши)
          "$delay": 100,
          "playersPanel": {
            // Left panel
            // Левая панель игроков (ухо)
            "listLeft": {
              "y": 65
            // Right panel
            // Правая панель игроков (ухо)
            "listRight": {
              "y": 65
            // Players panels switcher
            // Переключатель режимов панелей игроков
            "panelSwitch": {
              "y": 37
        "debugPanel"         - Панель пинга/лага/фпс          / Debug panel (ping/lag/fps)
        "consumablesPanel"   - Панель снарядов и расходников  / Ammo bar
        "destroyTimersPanel" - ?                              / ?
        "radialMenu"         - Радиальное меню                / Radial menu
        "battleTimer"        - Таймер боя                     / Battle timer
        "battleTicker"       - ?                              / ?
        "prebattleTimer"     - Таймер до начала боя           / Timer before a battle start
        "playersPanel"       - Панели игроков (уши)           / Players panels
        "teamBasesPanelUI"   - Полоса захвата баз             / Capture bar  
        "sixthSense"         - Лампа шестого чувства          / Sixth sense lamp
        "endWarningPanel"    - Панель оповещяющая о конце боя / Panel informing about the imminent end of the battle
        "fullStats"          - ?                              / ?
        "damagePanel"        - Панель повреждений             / Damage panel
        "damageInfoPanel"    - ?                              / ?
        "minimap"            - Миникарта                      / Minimap
        "ribbonsPanel"       - Ленты боевой эффективности     / Battle performance badges
        "battleMessenger"    - Чат                            / Chat   
        "fragCorrelationBar" - Счёт боя                       / Battle score
                "$delay": 100,
                "minimap": {
                    "_alpha": "minimap._alpha",
                    "rowA": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowB": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowC": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowD": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowE": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowF": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowG": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowH": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowJ": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "rowK": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} },
                    "colsNames": { "textColor": ${"minimapFont.color"}, "_alpha": ${"minimapFont.alpha"} }


    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:004] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.colsNames isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:005] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowK isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:006] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowJ isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:007] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowH isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:008] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowG isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:009] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowF isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:010] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowE isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:011] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowD isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:012] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowC isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:013] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowB isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:014] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap.rowA isn't a primitive type: void
    2016-09-05 12:12:39: [B:015] [ELEMENTS] WARNING: main.minimap._alpha isn't a primitive type: void

  3. Contour icons in markers are shown in wrong colors (tinted), even despite amount it's set to 0 in config:

        "contourIcon": {
          // false - disable / не отображать.
          "enabled": true,
          // Axis field coordinates.
          // Положение поля по осям.
          "x": 0,
          "y": -57,
          // Opacity (dynamic transparency allowed, see macros.txt).
          // Прозрачность (допускается использование динамической прозрачности, см. macros.txt).
          "alpha": 100,
          // Color (dynamic colors allowed, see macros.txt).
          // Цвет (допускается использование динамического цвета, см. macros.txt).
          "color": null,
          // Color intensity from 0 to 100. The default is 0 (off).
          // Интенсивность цвета от 0 до 100. По умолчанию 0, т.е. выключено.
          "amount": 0



    I want contour icons to be in their original colors, is there a way to achieve this currently?

  4. Edited by Aslain

    Event "sixthSense" from version registered in the client. Built event overlaps our added.


    "xvm_sixthSense": "SM_sixthSense",



    Is there a fast way to convert my sixthsense.bnk to SM_sixthSense.bnk to fix this problem? Or there is a way to use my old bnk and change .xc only?

  5. Edited by Aslain

    Is sound mapping working yet?


    I was using it to load my sixthsense.bnk, additionaly to xvm sound bank.


    Now I have to use engine_config.xml to play my custom 6th sense sounds.


    I'm attaching my old sounds.xc, I always used it and it played my 6th sense sounds, now I hear no 6th sense sound.


    Additionaly I also used sound.xc for reload sounds:


    "soundMapping": {

         "gun_reloaded": "Play_UP02",


    using my custom bnk., it's not working too.



    So, is this my bug in config or somehting else?




  6. Edited by Aslain


    @Aslain you should tell your users what XVM is not your mod. "Aslain's XVM mod" - this is what really misleading (but you're don't care, does not it?). Call it Aslain's Config for XVM Mod" or smth.

    And while you purposely mislead your users about authorship your attempts point to other things looks hypocritical.


    OMG, are you serious? Mental problems maybe? 


    FYI I am changing this name because yes it was missleading, and it was not on purpose. I had it in plans for long time. Not because you said so mr spagetti.


    What I am tryining to do is to help to devs with good ideas, and you mr. are just being an asshole.

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  7. Edited by Aslain

    You don't understand I see. I don't try to make a preasure on devs. I gave an example only.


    I don't care if they release stable XVM now or in next month, what I pointing out is an akward message that will lead to confusion. I know they trying to help common users, but common user will simply go and download wrong XVM and it will end up with bigger mess.

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  8. Edited by Aslain

    If you won't release a stable build very soon, you will end up with bigger problem and more reports from users who will be misslead by this message from one of recent commits:

    +You've installed nightly build of XVM, which is not recommended for inexperienced users.
    +Some functionality may work incorrectly or may not work at all.
    +If you are testing XVM, you can ignore this message.

    +If you're just a player and not a tester of XVM, please use stable version instead of nightly builds. Download stable version from the official website of XVM: www.ModXVM.com

    People will go to www.ModXVM.com and download latest stable which is for Now imagine how pissed off they will be ;)

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