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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. You are now cut off the sound of the standard lamp , not XVM. Before you get too heard the standard client alert.


    It works now in my case, no longer double sounds, just the one from sixsense.bnk:



    * Extra sounds settings.

    * Настройки дополнительных звуков.

    * http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/18955-



      "sounds": {

        "enabled": true,

        // List of extra banks to load from folder res_mods/X.Y.Z/audioww.

        // Use semicolon for multiple values: "bank1.bnk; bank2.bnk;..."

        // Список дополнительных банков для загрузки из папки res_mods/X.Y.Z/audioww.

        // Несколько банков необходимо указывать через точку с запятой: "bank1.bnk; bank2.bnk;..."

        "soundBanks": {

          "hangar": "xvm.bnk;",

          "battle": "xvm.bnk;sixthsense.bnk;"


        // Enable sound events logging in the xvm.log

        // Включить логгирование звуковых событий в xvm.log

        "logSoundEvents": false,

        // Sound events remapping

        // Переопределение звуковых событий

        "soundMapping": {

          // Event mapping

          // Переопределение события

          //"originalEventName": "newEventName"

          // To disable sound event use empty string for value

          // Для отключения звукового события используйте пустую строку для значения

          //"originalEventName": ""


          // Disable original sixth sense light bulb sound event

          // Отключить оригинальный звук лампы шестого чувства

          "lightbulb": "",

          // Disable original enemy detection event     

          // Отключить оригинальный звук обнаружения противника

          //"enemy_sighted_for_team": "",


          // Disable original fire sound event

          // Отключить оригинальный звук пожара

          "vo_fire_started": "vo_fire_started",

          // Disable original ammo bay damaged event

          // Отключить оригинальный звук повреждения боеукладки

          "vo_ammo_bay_damaged": "vo_ammo_bay_damaged",


          // Sound events added by XVM

          // Звуковые события, добавленные в XVM


          // Perk SixthSense

          // Перк Шестое чувство

          "xvm_sixthSense": "sixthsense",

          // Perk SixthSense (On vehicle Т-34-85 Rudy)

          // Перк Шестое чувство (На технике Т-34-85 Rudy)

          "xvm_sixthSenseRudy": "sixthSenseRudy",

          // Enemy detection (Use in together with disable original enemy detection event)

          // Обнаружение противника (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука обнаружения противника)

          "xvm_enemySighted": "",     

          //"xvm_enemySighted": "enemySighted",     

          // Fire alert

          // Пожар

          "xvm_fireAlert": "fireAlert",

          // Damage ammoBay

          // Повреждение боеукладки

          "xvm_ammoBay": "ammoBay"




  2. Edited by Aslain

    Держите пока, остальные архивы в шапке с примерами завтра перезалью, пока времени нет.



    Possible events in you bank "sixthsense.bnk" and XVM bank "XVM.bnk" have the same name, so the sound comes from XVM bank.


    Yes it's probably the same: sixthsense, so in this case I need new bnk with renamed event, or there is a chance to fix it via sounds.xc config?


    edit: ok I think I fixed it by this: "xvm_sixthSense": "sixthsense", "lightbulb": "",

  3. Edited by Aslain

    Not necessary comment out XVM sounds event in sounds.xc



    "soundMapping": {
      // Sound events added by XVM
      // Звуковые события, добавленные в XVM
      // Perk SixthSense
      // Перк Шестое чувство
      //"xvm_sixthSense": "sixthsense",
      // Perk SixthSense (On vehicle Т-34-85 Rudy)
      // Перк Шестое чувство (На технике Т-34-85 Rudy)
      //"xvm_sixthSenseRudy": "sixthSenseRudy",
      // Enemy detection (Use in together with disable original enemy detection event) 
      // Обнаружение противника (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука обнаружения противника)
      //"xvm_enemySighted": "",      
      //"xvm_enemySighted": "enemySighted",      
      // Fire alert
      // Пожар
      //"xvm_fireAlert": "fireAlert",
      // Damage ammoBay
      // Повреждение боеукладки
      //"xvm_ammoBay": "ammoBay"


      // Sound events added by XVM
      // Звуковые события, добавленные в XVM
      // Perk SixthSense
      // Перк Шестое чувство
      "xvm_sixthSense": "",
      // Perk SixthSense (On vehicle Т-34-85 Rudy)
      // Перк Шестое чувство (На технике Т-34-85 Rudy)
      "xvm_sixthSenseRudy": "",
      // Enemy detection (Use in together with disable original enemy detection event) 
      // Обнаружение противника (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука обнаружения противника)
      "xvm_enemySighted": "",      
      //"xvm_enemySighted": "enemySighted",      
      // Fire alert
      // Пожар
      "xvm_fireAlert": "",
      // Damage ammoBay
      // Повреждение боеукладки
      "xvm_ammoBay": "" 


    And don't remove from the boot and file in folder "xvm.bnk", it contains "emptyEvent" - which is required for proper operation.


    I have it like this now:


    "soundBanks": {

          "hangar": "xvm.bnk;",

          "battle": "xvm.bnk;sixthsense.bnk;"


    "lightbulb": "lightbulb",

          // Disable original enemy detection event     

          // Отключить оригинальный звук обнаружения противника

          //"enemy_sighted_for_team": "",


          // Disable original fire sound event

          // Отключить оригинальный звук пожара

          "vo_fire_started": "vo_fire_started",

          // Disable original ammo bay damaged event

          // Отключить оригинальный звук повреждения боеукладки

          "vo_ammo_bay_damaged": "vo_ammo_bay_damaged",


          // Sound events added by XVM

          // Звуковые события, добавленные в XVM


          // Perk SixthSense

          // Перк Шестое чувство

          "xvm_sixthSense": "",

          // Perk SixthSense (On vehicle Т-34-85 Rudy)

          // Перк Шестое чувство (На технике Т-34-85 Rudy)

          "xvm_sixthSenseRudy": ""

          // Enemy detection (Use in together with disable original enemy detection event)

          // Обнаружение противника (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука обнаружения противника)

          "xvm_enemySighted": "",     

          // Fire alert

          // Пожар

          "xvm_fireAlert": "",

          // Damage ammoBay

          // Повреждение боеукладки

          "xvm_ammoBay": ""



    And cannot hear custom 6th sense from sixthsense.bnk. When I uncomment xvm_ ... I can hear my custom 6th sense from sixthsense.bnk but also xvm 6th sense is played at the same time (I hear two sounds at same time). When I remove xvm.bnk I see sound errors.

  4. Edited by Aslain

    I see many sound errors in python, I'm unsure, if it's due to my config, or a bug in this Revision: 5293


    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15
    INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 1650177404 Code: 15




    Also people reporting fps lose (like 10 fps less).





  5. Edited by Aslain

    Are you sure this is XVM issue? I don't see this in the log.


    Well, without XVM the same so I guess you can ignore it.



    BigWorld worldoftanks 2.8.0 (compiled at 10:17:43 Feb 18 2016) starting on 03/20/16 13:01:19

    INFO: [Config] Command line: C:/Games/World_of_Tanks_EU/worldoftanks.exe "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\20160311_1345_japan-J28_O_I_100_84_winter.wotreplay"

    INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8

    INFO: [PY_DEBUG] BigWorld Release Client - Content Type: hd

    INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/0.9.14: mods not found

    INFO: WARNING: WWISE support IS enabled.

    NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 0 was selected.

    NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 0 was selected.

    NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 433): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/84_winter

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/VoiceChatInterface.py, 140): Initialize. Vivox is not supported

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/VoiceChatInterface.py, 169): RequestCaptureDevices. Vivox is not supported

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found

    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found

    ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/common/Event.py, 36):

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 34, in __call__

      File "scripts/client/vehicle_systems/vehicle_audition_wwise.py", line 220, in onEngineStart

    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'play'

    ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/common/Event.py, 36):

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 34, in __call__

      File "scripts/client/vehicle_systems/vehicle_audition_wwise.py", line 220, in onEngineStart

    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'play'

    INFO: PostProcessing.Phases.fini()





  6. Latest build 5272, Default config.


    I see lots of


    ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/CustomEffect.py, 978): Node HP_turretJoint is not found


    in pyhon, are you working on it?


    Also this errors:


    File "scripts/client/vehicle_systems/vehicle_audition_wwise.py", line 220, in onEngineStart
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'play'

  7. I have created my own icons, and would like to replace original ship names on OTM with my icons.


    Anyone can help?


    Google trans:

    Я создал мои собственные иконки, и хотел бы заменить оригинальные имена корабль на ОТМ с моими иконами.

    Кто может помочь?



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