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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. Edited by Aslain

    could write in English

    I understand that you have not displayed number squad

    "color": "0x000000" you, set null


    Better chances of reply if russian, but ok :)


    The problem is black background on squad icon, it was working fine, until recently it stopped, I didnt change this config for half a year, and now it's suddenly all black there. I want the squad icon background to be colored by ally/enemy, not be always black.


    I remember now old c:system macro but it's stopped to work for me long time ago, is it working now again? :)

  2. Edited by Aslain

    Можете ли вы сказать мне, что макрос можно использовать для цвета что-то с командой цвета? Обычно цвет: color: Null было достаточно, но по некоторым причинам это не всегда работает так.




    часть markersAliveNormal.xc:

                  "name": "squad",
                  "visible": true,
                  "x": -42,
                  "y": -31,
                  "alpha": 70,
                  "color": null,
                  "font": {
                    "name": "XVMSymbol",
                    "size": 24,
                    "align": "center",
                    "bold": false,
                    "italic": false
                  "shadow": {
                    "alpha": 70,
                    "color": "0x000000",
                    "angle": 45,
                    "strength": 0,
                    "distance": 0,
                    "size": 0
                  "format": "<font size='{{squad?0|24}}'><font size='0{{squad-num~sq}}'>F</font></font>"
                  "name": "squad number",
                  "visible": true,
                  "x": -42,
                  "y": -26,
                  "alpha": 100,
                  "color": "0x000000",
                  "font": {
                    "name": "$FieldFont",
                    "size": 13,
                    "align": "center",
                    "bold": true,
                    "italic": false
                  "shadow": {
                    "alpha": 100,
                    "color": "0x000000",
                    "angle": 45,
                    "strength": 0,
                    "distance": 0,
                    "size": 0
                  "format": "<font size='{{squad?0|12}}'><font size='0{{squad-num~sq}}'>{{squad-num}}</font></font>"


    Вы можете "color": null, видеть в коде? Вместо того, чтобы цвета команды (зеленый / красный обычно) я получаю черный. Использование последнюю версию 3969

  3. Edited by Aslain

    Can not see enemy vehicle names on the minimap, since the first version for 9.5 CT 'til now.




    Generaly the minimap works weird some names are italic, some normal, it's connected with WG minimap changes, so tried the in game setting for enhanced minimap: Never, Alt and Always, but did not help much.


    Forgive me, if it was already reported.

  4. Edited by Aslain

    XWN instead of WN8 on large players panel, how to explain this?


    Used wn8 macro but the result is xwn:



    "large": {
          "formatLeft": "<font face='Lucida Console' size='12' color='{{c:wn8|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font> {{nick}}",
          "formatRight": "{{nick}} <font face='Lucida Console' size='12' color='{{c:wn8|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font>",
          "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
          "vehicleFormatRight": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
          "width": 120



    XVM logs

    2014-11-24 14:48:37: xvm 1.5.0 (http://www.modxvm.com/) for WoT 0.9.4
    2014-11-24 14:48:37: Branch: default, Revision: 3433
    2014-11-24 14:48:41: FlashInit: Application.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:44: [iNFO]    HTTP: /wn8.json
    2014-11-24 14:48:44: [iNFO]    Time: 141 ms, Size: 8430 (40854) bytes
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:000] LoadFile: configs/xvm.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:001] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/@xvm.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:002] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/battle.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:003] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/minimapAlt.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:004] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/statisticForm.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:005] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/login.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:006] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/vehicleNames.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:007] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/battleLoading.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:008] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/texts.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:009] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/iconset.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:010] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/colors.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:011] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/captureBar.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:012] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/alpha.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:013] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/hotkeys.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:014] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/playersPanel.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:015] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/markers.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:016] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/battleResults.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:017] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/hangar.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:018] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/squad.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:019] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/minimap.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:020] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/userInfo.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:021] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/hitLog.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:022] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/elements.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:023] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/minimapLabels.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:024] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/minimapCircles.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:025] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/minimapLines.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:026] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/markersDeadExtended.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:027] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/markersDeadNormal.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:028] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/markersAliveExtended.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:029] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/markersAliveNormal.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:030] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/carousel.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:031] LoadFile: configs/Aslain/clock.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:032] LoadFile: l10n/en.xc
    2014-11-24 14:48:49: [X:033] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (detected)
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:034] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-autologin.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:035] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-clock.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:036] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-comments.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:037] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-company.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:038] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-crew.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:039] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:040] [battleLoading]
                                   XVM_VERSION= for WoT 0.9.4
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [iNFO]    HTTPS: /3.0/getComments/f1e13e48-****-****-****-d77551cd6dd9
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [iNFO]    Time: 247 ms, Size: 21 (1) bytes
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [iNFO]    HTTPS: /3.0/rplstat/f1e13e48-****-****-****-d77551cd6dd9/508267243=7457,501190408=54289,507116555=2849,500335629=2657,513701264=9505,506155537=3649,506306203=7169,500565533=16913,504669979=7169,502655911=6929,501303471=11521,509387067=8193,515111356=9505,505863106=13825,516726345=10785,501744331=2849,506048844=7169,503962703=2865,504235857=15393,503398359=16913,503433560=4097,508780133=14881,518048618=5377,502836715=14865,507407728=2849,500665329=7937,500031733=13569,512202870=54289,511003895=11521,501192700=3425
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:041] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-hangar.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:042] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-loginlayout.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:043] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-ping.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:044] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-profile.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:045] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-squad.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:046] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-svcmsg.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:047] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-tcarousel.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:50: [X:048] [XVM] Mod loaded: xvm-techtree.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [iNFO]    Time: 1516 ms, Size: 5848 (14887) bytes
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:049] ========== begin chance calculation ===========
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:050] playerNames: superoizo, tino_zd, 501Lukas17, pippen84, Fridayy, Jackson548333, kjtek, blackdog0608, TayIor_Swift, Finarfins, superandi11, HELLKain, tatka43, Deksu, HerrLanda, synek2103, gwardzista1984, K1LL_S3CuR3R_Tiger, cezmitr, Aslain, __Steve83__, Nakrchov, Floki66, So_Cute, Ghan_Buri_Ghan, VENOM_MG, LeXaN994, Derbiili, original86, Rozkurwiator18
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:051] teamsCount=15/15
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:052] battleTier=10
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:053] Ka=80.49 Ke=75.56 percent=52
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:054] RESULT=Battle tier: 10
    2014-11-24 14:48:52: [X:055] ========== end chance calculation ===========
    2014-11-24 14:48:54: FlashInit: battle.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:55: FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [V:001] Locale: Loaded en
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [V:002] Config: Loaded
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [V:003] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [b:002] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [b:004] Locale: Loaded en
    2014-11-24 14:48:57: [b:005] Config: Loaded
    2014-11-24 14:48:58: [b:006] Minimap: localized map name: WINTER HIMMELSDORF
    2014-11-24 14:49:01: [b:007] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
    2014-11-24 14:54:14: FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
    2014-11-24 14:54:14: FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
    2014-11-24 14:54:15: FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf



       BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 19:34:04 Oct  9 2014) starting on Mon Nov 24 14:48:37 2014
       Content Type: content

    Checking ./res_mods/0.9.4: mods found
    [XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
    [XPM] 1.5.0
    [XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.9.4/scripts/client/gui/mods
    [XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.3 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
    [XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.5.0 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
    Load mods: DamageIndicator
    Load mods: DamagePanel
    Load mods: GunConstraints
    Load mods: PMOD
    Load mods: SafeShot
    Load mods: sights
    Load mods: skok
    Load mods: stat
               Session Statistics by tratatank modified by _Eddy_, _Jeso_ [YasenKrasen]
    Load mods: updater
    [NOTE] (, 123): [Aslain_updater]Updater is ON
    [NOTE] (, 125): [Aslain_updater]Current Version: 4.0.21
    [Aslain_updater]Live Version: 4.0.21
    "Modpack by Aslain is <font color="#74E474"><b>up to date</b></font> (v4.0.21)"
    Load mods: zClanMod
    [NOTE] (scripts/common/fortified_regions.py, 189): fortified_regions.init()
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 267): The quality = 0 was selected.
    [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 267): The quality = 0 was selected.
    [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/86_himmelsdorf_winter
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 301, in __call__
      File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 268, in handleExternalInterfaceCallback
      File "scripts\GunConstraints.py", line 152, in scaleCallBack
    TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
    Message: (-1, 'Screenshot saved: shot_1723.jpg')

  5. Edited by Aslain

    I belive it is a bug in XVM with stats coloring, not sure since when, but surely in the latest version:




    Look at a picture there:


    on playerspanel, first 4 players:

    - yellow

    - green

    - green

    - blue


    but on stat tab:


    - green

    - blue

    - blue

    - blue


    Why is that?

  6. Edited by Aslain

    Почему я иметь разные цвета на игрока панели и на статистических вкладке:




    Почему длинные игроки имя не обрезается?


    XVM build 3431.



      // Parameters of the Players Panels ("ears").

      "def": {
        "c1": "0x13C313",
        "c2": "0xFF0F0F"
      "playersPanel": {
        "alpha": 60,
        "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 24, "show": true, "w": 24, "x": 82, "xr": 105, "y": 0, "yr": 0 },
        "enemySpottedMarker": {
          "Xoffset": -40,
          "Yoffset": -5,
          "enabled": true,
          "format": {
            "artillery": {
              "dead": "",
              "lost": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/lost.png' width='24' height='15' vspace='0'>",
              "neverSeen": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/hidden.png' width='24' height='15' vspace='0'>",
              "revealed": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/onmap.png' width='24' height='15' vspace='0'>"
            "dead": "",
            "lost": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/lost.png' width='24' height='15' vspace='0'>",
            "neverSeen": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/hidden.png' width='24' height='15' vspace='0'>",
            "revealed": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/onmap.png' width='24' height='15' vspace='0'>"
        "iconAlpha": 100,
        "large": {
          "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.16s~..}} <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>",
          "nickFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> {{name%.16s~..}}</font>",
          "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'><font color='{{c:avglvl|#666666}}'>{{avglvl%d|-}}</font>  <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font>  <font color='{{c:t-battles|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{t-battles%4d|----}}</font> <font color='{{c:t-rating|#666666}}'>{{t-rating%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:tdv|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{tdv%0.1f|---}}</font></font>",
          "vehicleFormatRight": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'><font color='{{c:avglvl|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{avglvl%d|-}}</font>  <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font>  <font color='{{c:t-battles|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{t-battles%4d|----}}</font> <font color='{{c:t-rating|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{t-rating%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:tdv|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{tdv%0.1f|---}}</font></font>",
          "width": 80
        "medium": {
      "width": 190,
      "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.8s~..}}</font>",
      "nickFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.8s~..}}</font>",
      "extraFieldsLeft": [
       { "x": 116, "y": 5, "valign": "center", "w": 70, "h": 14, "bgColor": "0xffffff", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" },
       { "x": 117, "y": 6, "valign": "center", "w": "{{hp-ratio:68}}", "h": 12, "bgColor": "0x149612", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}" },
       { "x": 138, "y": -1, "valign": "center", "format": "<font size='11'><b>{{hp%4.4s|-----}}</b></font>", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {"alpha": 100, "angle": 90, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 0, "size": 2, "strength": 8} }
      "extraFieldsRight": [
       { "x": 115, "y": 5, "valign": "center", "w": 70, "h": 14, "bgColor": "0xffffff", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" },
       { "x": 116, "y": 6, "valign": "center", "w": "{{hp-ratio:68}}", "h": 12, "bgColor": "0xdc0f00", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}" },
       { "x": 137, "y": -1, "valign": "center", "format": "<font size='11'><b>{{hp%4.4s|-----}}</b></font>", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {"alpha": 100, "angle": 90, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 0, "size": 2, "strength": 8} }
        "medium2": {
          "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
          "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
          "width": 120
        "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false,
        "removeSquadIcon": false



      // Parameters of the Battle Statistics form.

      "statisticForm": {
        "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 22, "show": true, "w": 22, "x": -348, "xr": -348, "y": 0, "yr": 0 },
        "formatLeftNick": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.10s~..}} <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>",
        "formatRightNick": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> {{name%.10s~..}}</font>",
        "formatLeftVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
        "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'><font color='{{c:rating|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> </font>",
        "showBattleTier": true

  7. Edited by Aslain

    Akwotker, on 22 Oct 2014 - 10:30, said:

    Перед отправкой логов проверил сайт, все галочки стояли. Попробую почистить папку по совету  angelsoft.

    Хотя странно, версия  5.3.r3354 работает, а ставишь новый, показывает ....

    З.Ы. Удалил кэш игры и все заработало. Всем спасибо.



    Deleting the cache worked for me too.

  8. Edited by Aslain

    ExtraFields can be configured as you need, so scale parameter is not required



    I would say scale factor is totaly needed. When I change zoom factor, all positions in extra fields are misspositioned, some things becomes invisible (outside of box), unless you mean this can be prevented in a code of extrafield, and this code I provided could use some improvement?

  9. When I change zoom factor on carousel.xc, then extrefields are not being scaled, the layout works only in 1.0 zoom, when changed to 0.75 many elements are out of the tank box.


    Is this bug, or not implemented yet?


    For example this extrafields:



    +   "extraFields": [
    +        { "x": 134, "y": 57,
    +          "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='23' height='23'>"
    +        },
    +        { "x": 2, "y": 18,
    +          "format": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/mog{{v.marksOnGun|x}}.png' width='14' height='17'>"
    +        },
    +        { "x": 11, "y": "{{v.marksOnGun?18|17}}", "align": "center",
    +          "format": "<b><font size='9' color='#C8C8B5'>{{v.marksOnGun|x}}</font></b>",
    +          "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    +        },
    +        { "x": 21, "y": 0,
    +          "format": "<b><font size='12' color='#C8C8B5'><font face='Arial'>{{v.rlevel}}</font>  {{v.battletiermin}}-{{v.battletiermax}}</font></b>",
    +          "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    +        },
    +        { "x": 21, "y": 15,
    +          "format": "<b><font size='12' color='{{v.c_winrate}}'>{{v.winrate%2d~%}}</font></b>",
    +          "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    +        },
    +        { "x": 158, "y": 77, "align": "right", "alpha": "{{v.premium?100|0}}",
    +          "format": "<font size='15' color='#FEA659'>{{v.name}}</font>",
    +          "shadow": { "color": "0xFC3700", "alpha": 1, "blur": 10, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    +        },
    +  { "x": 158, "y": 16, "align": "right",
    +  "format": "<font face='XVMSymbol' size='18' color='#CCCCCC'>$</font> <font face='$FieldFont' size='12' color='{{v.c_battles}}'>{{v.battles|--}}</font>",
    +  "shadow": { "distance": 0, "angle": 90, "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 3 }
    +  },
    +        { "x": 158, "y": 77, "align": "right", "alpha": "{{v.premium?0|100}}",
    +          "format": "<font size='15' color='#C8C8B5'>{{v.name}}</font>",
    +          "shadow": { "color": "0x73734C", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 6, "strength": 2, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 }
    +        }
  10. Edited by Aslain

    Aslain, you can open the file \res_mods\xvm\configs\default\hitLog.xc for reference.





    The links start with  xvm://  instead of  xvmres://


    xvm://res/icons/dead.png  -->  \res_mods\xvm\res\icons\dead.png


    xvm://res/Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png  -->  \res_mods\xvm\res\Aslain\icons\{{c:dmg-kind}}.png



    Also make sure you have the corresponding definition for {{c:dmg-kind}} in colors.xc





    Thank you, this is all true, but didn't solve my issue, my config is fine, I'm using it on 9.2 without any problem, the problem is only in 9.3 CT in this new xvm build for 9.3


    This is probably because {{c:dmg-kind}} seem to be bugged in Hitlog, don't show me any color and icons too. 





    "formatHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Hits}}:</font> <font color='#FFCC66' size='15'><b>{{n}}</b></font>  <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Total}}:</font>  <font size='16' color='#FF8080'><b>{{dmg-total}}</b></font> <font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>[</font><font size='14' color='#A4FF80'><b>{{dmg-avg%d}}</b></font><font size='14' color='#FFFFFF'>]</font>  <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Last}}:</font> {{c:dmg-kind}}.png<font size='13'>{{dead}}</font> <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b>{{dmg}}</b></font></font><br><img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/hitlogline.png' width='300' height='3' vspace='0'>",
        "formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-3' tabstops='[13,48,87,130,238]'><b><font color='#B5B5B5'><font size='13'>×{{n-player}}: </font></font><font size='13'><tab>{{dmg-player}}<tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| {{c:dmg-kind}}.png <tab>|  <font color='{{c:vtype}}' size='14' face='XVMSymbol'>{{vtype}}</font>   <font color='{{c:vtype}}'><font size='13'>{{vehicle}} </font></font><tab>|  </b><font color='#F8F8F8'><font size='12'>{{name}}</font></font> <font size='11'><font face='Consolas'><font color='#DFDFDF'>{{clan}}</font></font></font> <font size='12'>{{dead}}</font></font></textformat>",
  11. Edited by Aslain

    (last build 3134)


    Is there a problem with macros in Hitlog?


    Because this macro is not giving me any results: <img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0'>










    Full hitlog code:

      // Hit log (my hits calculator).
      // Лог попаданий (счетчик своих попаданий).
      "hitLog": {
        "visible": true,
        "x": 260,
        "blowupMarker": "<font size='13'><font color='#FF3B3B'><font face='Wingdings'>M</font></font></font>",
        "deadMarker": "<font size='11'><font color='#FF3B3B'><font face='XVMSymbol'>+</font></font></font>",
        "defaultHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Hits}}:</font> <font size='14'>#0</font>",
        "direction": "down",
        "formatHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Hits}}:</font> <font color='#FFCC66' size='15'><b>{{n}}</b></font>  <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Total}}:</font>  <font size='16' color='#FF8080'><b>{{dmg-total}}</b></font> <font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>[</font><font size='14' color='#A4FF80'><b>{{dmg-avg%d}}</b></font><font size='14' color='#FFFFFF'>]</font>  <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Last}}:</font> <img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0'><font size='13'>{{dead}}</font> <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b>{{dmg}}</b></font></font><br><img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/hitlogline.png' width='300' height='3' vspace='0'>",
        "formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-3' tabstops='[13,48,87,130,238]'><b><font color='#B5B5B5'><font size='13'>×{{n-player}}: </font></font><font size='13'><tab>{{dmg-player}}<tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| <img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0'><tab>|  <font color='{{c:vtype}}' size='14' face='XVMSymbol'>{{vtype}}</font>   <font color='{{c:vtype}}'><font size='13'>{{vehicle}} </font></font><tab>|  </b><font color='#F8F8F8'><font size='12'>{{name}}</font></font> <font size='11'><font face='Consolas'><font color='#DFDFDF'>{{clan}}</font></font></font> <font size='12'>{{dead}}</font></font></textformat>",
        "groupHitsByPlayer": true,
        "h": 500,
        "hpLeft": {
          "enabled": true,
          "format": "<textformat leading='-4' tabstops='[50,90,165]'><b><font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>     {{hp}}</font></b><tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>/ </font>{{hp-max}}<tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>|</font><b><font color='{{c:vtype}}'><font size='13'>{{vehicle}} </font></font></b><tab>|  <font color='#F8F8F8'><font size='12'>{{name}}</font></font> <font size='11'><font face='Consolas'><font color='#DFDFDF'>{{clan}}</font></font></font></textformat>",
          "header": "             <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:hpLeftTitle}}</font>"
        "insertOrder": "last",
        "lines": 15,
        "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 75, "angle": 90, "distance": 0, "size": 1.5, "strength": 815 },
        "w": 600,
        "y": 3


    Of course I have right files in the right folder. 


    Could you tell more if this is a new bug?

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