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Posts posted by Aslain

  1. Edited by Aslain

    Hi, it's me again, with another bug report :)


    So we have this elements.xc where we can tune the things. Can someone tell is it working fine now? While I could move capture bars a little bit to bottom (they are placed too high in the 9.8 for unknown reason) I cannot move 6th sense in the same manner, whatever I put there it always shown up in default position. Is it bugged then? 


    Latest xvm.

  2. Edited by Aslain

    Repost from my forum: With stock game the tank names in Domination mode are displayed correctly, but with mods installed then all the names are just shuffled. Example a T110E5 (D) with the name Ojb.140 and the Ojb.140 with the name of AMX 50B.


    Latest nighlty.




    Not sure if it's bug or what, but wanted to let you know. 


    At the beggining of match all the tanks are fine, it happens when you respawn.

  3. Using latest XVM for 9.8, and have very annoying issue when I press CTRL all PlayersPanel enlarging to large panel. Where to turn it off or maybe it's a bug?


    My hotkeys.xc seem to be ok.


    I simply don't want to see any alternative panels on CTRL.


      "hotkeys": {
        // keycodes below.
        // onHold: false - take action by key click. true - while key is remains pressed.
        // Minimap zooming.
        "minimapZoom":         { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29, "onHold": true },
        // Alternative minimap mode.
        "minimapAltMode":      { "enabled": true, "keyCode": 56, "onHold": true },
        // Alternative "ears" (players panels) mode.
        "playersPanelAltMode": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 56, "onHold": true }


  4. as the name says, it does not auto-puts eqiup, it auto-returns.

    the mod is applied only on removable equip (Camouflage net, Stereoscope, Toolbox)

    for the first time it runs, it learns which equipment is installed on tanks. it also learns which equipment you manually put later on tanks.

    when you switch tanks on carousel, it returns the remembered equipment to the current tank.

    also, even if on current tank there is no remembered equipment, the mod cares that you will have at least 1 type of each equipment so you can set on this tank.


    Where it's saving that data ?


    Is there possible conflicts with mods like AutoEquip/AutoTelescope?

  5. Edited by Aslain

    Help me understand this.

    Battleloading and stats tab windows looks the same:




    Names are not in same column on left side, on right side all is fine, but the code is the same for both left and right side



      // Parameters of the Battle Statistics form.
      "statisticForm": {
        "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 22, "show": true, "w": 22, "x": -348, "xr": -348, "y": 0, "yr": 0 },
        "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png' width='8' height='8'> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.20s~..}} <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>",
        "formatLeftVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
        "formatRightNick": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> {{name%.20s~..}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png' width='8' height='8'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
        "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'><font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> </font>",
        "removeSquadIcon": false,
        "showBattleTier": true


      "battleLoading": {
        "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 22, "show": true, "w": 22, "x": -348, "xr": -348, "y": 0, "yr": 0 },
        "clockFormat": "H:i:s",
        "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png' width='8' height='8'> <font color='{{c:r}}'><font size='13'>{{name%.20s~..}}</font> <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>",
        "formatLeftVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
        "formatRightNick": "<font color='{{c:r}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> <font size='13'>{{name%.20s~..}}</font></font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png' width='8' height='8'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
        "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'><font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> </font>",
        "removeSquadIcon": false,
        "showBattleTier": true
  6. Edited by Aslain

    People are reporting that your mod is blocking "Szarik" crew man voice, it's from new T-34 Rudy tank. Can you check it and fix it?


    edit: never mind I just translated your previous post and I see you know about this issue.

  7. Edited by Aslain

    I'm having similar issue, latest nighlty 4267 (the same was in 4262). It's all happening when battle is loading. Stats and iconset are not always loading on it. Sometimes I see default icons on battleloading, then I see my own icons in battle, then I play another battle and I see my icons as usuall with no issue. Happens almost every battle.


    In logs this look suspicious: 2015-05-06 13:05:41: {"badGetToken_cnt":50,"services":


    2015-05-06 13:05:32: xvm 3.0.0 (http://www.modxvm.com/) for WoT 0.9.7
    2015-05-06 13:05:32: Branch: default, Revision: 4267
    2015-05-06 13:05:37: FlashInit: lobby.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:40: [iNFO]    HTTP: /wn8.json
    2015-05-06 13:05:40: [iNFO]    Time: 109 ms, Size: 9030 (39168) bytes
    2015-05-06 13:05:41: [iNFO]    HTTPS: /3.0/checkVersion/518943186
    2015-05-06 13:05:41: [iNFO]    Time: 255 ms, Size: 9328 (57155) bytes
    2015-05-06 13:05:41: [iNFO]    HTTPS: /3.0/checkToken/518943186/22db3317-****-****-****-********f579
    2015-05-06 13:05:41: [iNFO]    Time: 203 ms, Size: 235 (330) bytes
    2015-05-06 13:05:41: {"badGetToken_cnt":50,"services":{"chanceLive":true,"chance":true,"comments":true,"statCompany":true,"statAwards":true,"statBattle":true,"rating":"xte","scale":"basic","topClansCount":200,"flag":"pl","chanceResults":true},"expires_at":1431498074165,"cnt":180,"_id":518943186,"status":"active","issued":3,"start_at":1414405160882}
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:000] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/xvm.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:001] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/@xvm.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:002] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/minimapAlt.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:003] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/statisticForm.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:004] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/login.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:005] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/vehicleNames.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:006] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/iconset.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:007] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/battle.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:008] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/alpha.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:009] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/markers.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:010] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/battleResults.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:011] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/hangar.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:012] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/squad.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:013] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/hitLog.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:014] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/userInfo.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:015] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/battleLoading.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:016] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/colors.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:017] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/texts.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:018] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/captureBar.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:019] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/hotkeys.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:020] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/playersPanel.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:44: [X:021] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/minimap.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:022] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/minimapLabelsAlt.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:023] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/minimapCircles.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:024] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/minimapLines.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:025] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/elements.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:026] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/markersDeadExtended.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:027] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/markersDeadNormal.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:028] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/markersAliveExtended.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:029] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/markersAliveNormal.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:030] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/carousel.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:031] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/clock.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:032] LoadFile: [cfg]/xvm/Aslain/minimapLabels.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:033] LoadFile: [res]/xvm/l10n/pl.xc
    2015-05-06 13:05:45: [X:034] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: pl (detected)
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:035] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_main.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:036] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_autologin.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:037] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_clock.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:038] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_company.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:039] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_contacts.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:040] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_crew.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:041] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:042] [battleLoading]
                                   XVM_VERSION= for WoT 0.9.7
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:043] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_hangar.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:044] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_limits.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:045] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_loginlayout.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:046] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_ping.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:047] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_profile.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:048] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_quests.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:049] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_squad.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:050] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_svcmsg.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:051] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_tcarousel.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:052] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_techtree.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [X:053] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_widgets.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:46: [iNFO]    HTTPS: /3.0/rplstat/22db3317-****-****-****-********f579/1011544132=11857,1012138881=4945,1013339395=1809,1012762756=11777,1001234821=801,1001206152=53761,1002166284=1105,1003273358=2881,1013018898=257,1006456984=1,1012518809=2817,1006108444=849,1013681310=3361,1005716389=1553,1007201328=3105,1005451066=1,1001611844=17425,1004552647=1041,1005627086=5409,1003076561=5169,1003013332=17425,1003904477=1553,1012249193=2897,1013231467=57105,1013726446=1,1003956591=5153,1005201268=11089,1000031733=52257,1013563860=14145,1005219070=18689
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [iNFO]    Time: 1279 ms, Size: 4795 (12524) bytes
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [iNFO]    HTTPS: /3.0/getComments/22db3317-****-****-****-********f579
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [iNFO]    Time: 254 ms, Size: 111 (97) bytes
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:054] ========== begin chance calculation ===========
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:055] playerNames: anagot, Armistead1863, WTF_2015, jougesayuu, hieizan, RichardXiaR, tankitytanktanktank, ka_imu, BlueSparke, HunterMachete, Pega1, gi_jungle, RainJK, Crazy_Kyle, ttharm, MOZHYSK, THATONE_DIDNT_GO_THROUGH, BMWOtaku, tac3826, Aslain, CreditCardCrew, EasySwamper, tromort, Slugshot, Datvi, Bernsc13, WaffleMonsta, sully4k6, redcrow_sniper, CmdrKalion
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:056] teamsCount=15/15
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:057] battleTier=6
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:058] Ka=71.79 Ke=37.46 raw=77.71913979201636 percent=78
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:059] Ka=67.42 Ke=37.08 raw=74.99343096541836 percent=75
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:060] RESULT=Szansa na wygraną: <font color='#81e4d9'>75%</font>. Tier: 6
    2015-05-06 13:05:48: [X:061] ========== end chance calculation ===========
    2015-05-06 13:05:51: FlashInit: battle.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:52: FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [V:001] Locale: Loaded pl
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [V:002] Config: Loaded
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [V:003] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:002] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:004] Locale: Loaded pl
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:005] Config: Loaded
    2015-05-06 13:05:54: [b:006] Minimap: localized map name: PRZEDMIEŚCIE
    2015-05-06 13:06:28: [b:007] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
    2015-05-06 13:06:44: FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
    2015-05-06 13:06:44: FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
    2015-05-06 13:06:44: FlashBeforeDelete: lobby.swf

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