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Everything posted by soulza

  1. i will grab a copy thank you :) just added to my modpack as this is a very simple idea that makes a very good little mod
  2. i have both sets of icons in the respective folder paths shown above along with the battle atlases, all other paths are the same as battle loading and all show but the battle loading does not , if the paths were wrong stats and players panels would not show
  3. xvm is updated and i have all battle atlases in proper folders , yet contours not showing in battle loading, they show in players panels and statistics(tab in battle) same path is set in iconset.xc, i use battleloading tips for my battle loading, would i have to add an extra path to below for contours to show?
  4. i think you need to set the order in both, carouselnormal.xc and carouselsmall.xc as well
  5. only thing i can think of is screenshots above are of battle loading not battle loading tips (tips has picture in middle of screen)
  6. you mean to display them ? if so in players panels,battle loading,statistic form and over tank marker can all display clan icons , you just need to add or activate the line of code or macro, this is from battle loading.xc "clanIcon": { "show": false, <<<<<<<set to true "x": 0, // default=0 "y": 6, // default=6 "xr": -100, // default=0 "yr": -100, // default=6 "w": 16, "h": 16, "alpha": 90 },
  7. what ever .png files you have in your .res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder will display in battle so you need to add them all there , xvm used to display all clan icons but stopped doing so some time ago , however i have a collection of clan icons already resized i did these a while ago but there are a good lot included and it constains most clans here is a link for the NA pack http://www.mediafire.com/download/0h212mn246fn1of/NA_clan_icons_Aug_2015.rar anyone else interested from EU heres EU pack http://www.mediafire.com/download/yh8vbewat42a3yc/EU.rar
  8. you need these commands active both commands below move the icons either left or right
  9. you can do it with tank inspector ,a few of us did it a while back ,its a lot of work screen grabbing each vehicle then resizing. maybe what your not looking for but this is a decent enough replacement pack that can be found if you browse mod site it has most of the higher tier tanks in this format,
  10. you have to make your own in tank icon maker then place the file/folder in the location shown below these will then replace the icons shown in the carousel
  11. markersalivenormal.xc the settings will be in there uner wn8 or something same, the dots are telling you how good the people driving the tanks are ? youy would fight/aproach a purple dot a lot more cautious than a red dot for instance
  12. the backgrounds are within flagslib.swf i edit mine as seen below , the crew incomplete message is a text string within lc_messages that can be changed to whatever you like
  13. "vehicleSpotted": { "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" }, "x": 2, "y": "{{squad?7|-1}}", "flags": [ "ally", "enemy", "squadman", "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ], "textFormat": { "size": 8 }, "format": "<font size='6' face='TechnicBold' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{vehicle}}</font><font face='XVMSymbol' size='8' color='{{c:wn8|#FFFFFF}}'>!</font>", "x": 2, "y": -8 }, // Vehicle name, visible, company config // Название техники, видимый, ротный конфиг "vehicleSpottedCompany": { "$ref": { "path":"def.vehicleSpotted" }, "y": "{{ally?{{battletype?7|{{squad?7|-1}}}}|-1}}" }, // Player nickname, visible // Ник игрока, видимый "nickSpotted": { "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" }, "x": 2, "y": -6, "flags": [ "player", "ally", "squadman", "enemy", "teamKiller", "lost", "spotted", "alive" ], "textFormat": { "size": 8 }, "format": "<font size='6' face='TechnicBold' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'><i>{{name%.7s~..}}</i></font>", "x": 2, "y": -1 }, // Player nickname, visible, company config // Ник игрока, видимый, ротный конфиг "nickSpottedCompany": { "$ref": { "path": "def.nickSpotted" }, "flags": [ "ally", "squadman", "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ], "format": "<font size='{{battletype?8|{{squad?8|0}}}}' color='{{squad?{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}|{{tk?{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}|#BFBFBF}}}}'><i>{{name%.7s~..}}</i></font>", "x": 2, "y": -1 }, this code gives you vehicle name,wn8 rating via colored star and players name (wn8 rating not shown in picture below but the code above adds it
  14. i went the other way and blacked it out and gave them a nice boarder , find it cleaner to add stats and info this way
  15. line 34 "tankType": { "enabled": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, change to line 34 "tankType": { "enabled": false, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, you are calling tank names later on in extra fields but names are displayed in two colors for normal and premium, line 77 { "x": 1, "y": 78, "align": "left", "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' color='#ffffff' size='14'>{{v.name}}</font>", "alpha": "{{v.premium?0|100}}" , "shadow": {"blur":8, "color": "0x545341", "strength": 3} },
  16. the mod will over ride xvm , i have my bar set to on in xvm yet the mod over rides as its NEWfragcorrelationbar not fragcorrelationbar
  17. i already have heres screengrab as you can see i have changed it but its still remaining green here are the labels : "labels": { "enabled": true, // Format set // Набор форматов "formats": [ //${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpotted" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.xmqpEvent" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" }, ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" } ] } vtypespotted is disabled in xvm atm by default i assume there is still work to be done there because if i enable the vtypespotted i do get a vehicle icon i can edit/color but the default icon is also displayed in green
  18. hmm latest nightly is nearly there though, i still have to change vehicle icon color from green to blue , but as you can see by using ingame circles its possible to have a decent minimap already i have dead tanks ally enemy last seen enemy two tone colors both ally and enemy
  19. lol ok , i posted this last august :) game interface has changed quite a bit since then , but it would be a nice addition.
  20. load any paint program such as paint.net and select text option , then select the xvm font , now start typing on a blank canvas to see what is what, or google free font viewer
  21. ahhh..... you will see the logo and your clanmates will but nobody else will , clan owner pays for the logo in gold so its displayed to his clan
  22. nightly versions are leaking fps i would not bother just yet
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