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Korean Random


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Everything posted by soulza

  1. if you look in your xvm folder you will or should find a file named minimaplabelsAlt.xc (default xvm will not) you will need to alter {{vehicle}} to {{name}} so instead of tank name you will see users name for wn8 its a bit trickier for me as i dont show win% so you will need to find that and change it to {{c:wn8}} its hard to explain without seeing what you already have
  2. this is what the l10n folder is for if your client is in english and you want to keep it that way but change the days of the week ect. edit the l10n file EN one
  3. as andrew said above , also if you can get anything to work ,go through normal steps like make sure you have activated it , do you see any message in garage ref xvm on start up? make sure your path is set correct in xvm.xc
  4. there is an option within xvm for it to collect clan logos as you go through your battles , it does not have to be 100 it can be 1000 ,however this would take you many battles to come across all clans what i did a while back and still maintain is i got EVERY clan logo on the NA servers as of august last update, what else i did was this ,normally the clan logos are stored at 96x96 or 64x64 which is way to large for your use, so i resized them ALL down to 24x24 as this is the normal dimension the clan icons get displayed in game and the pack is a fraction of the size it would be. contains all clan icons at 21 mb not bad :) http://roughnecksxvmmods.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/1460-clan-icon-na-aug-2015/
  5. Hello I have an idea you may like or not , but please read through before you dismiss what XVM has done for the game is magical for people like myself who are stats nuts, however although the pretty new addition of the extended tooltips is a good idea , i feel you missed a trick? at the moment there is a good list of macros/values that can be displayed in the tooltips but i was wondering if it would be possible to use the carousel macros also? the tank carousel has restricted space to display good info about the vehicle (see pic below) many macros cant be used due to space but if we could use the current carousel macros in the tooltips panel? we could put far more relevant info for the selected vehicle there ,besides most of the info in the tooltips is being already displayed in the hanger on the right side of the screen. being able to use the extra macros opens up whole new options about what gets displayed by a mouse over, consider little icons like many carousel configs use dont need to be squashed in to the vehicle cell it can be displayed in the tooltips panel. more to the point it would be info that people would check often to see how they are performing in a selected vehicle. I just think there are very powerful macros un used in the carousel due to space restrictions so instead of tooltips consider it a bit more like extended vehicle stats how hard this would be to do i dont know , but i do know many,many people would be interested and use this
  6. sorry for the late reply but i have had a few of us working on this as it was a problem that i kind of liked we have managed to get it thus far , not bad ehh? :))
  7. have you got an lc_messages folder in your res_mods directory?
  8. got the vehicle state icons to work as well :)
  9. all turn standardmarkers to true does is makes the game use standard contours colorblind mode can be selected via the ingame settings in hanger minimapcircles.xc for distances there is a setting for 445m there login.xc set auto login to true
  10. to get the above effect there were basically two ways i could do it , this version i did via the maps/icons/vehicles , which is ok and fine , but i did not know this folder is also used by the battle results, so i need to redo this mod via the carousel .swf , not a biggie will update it this evening. but you can get this version with all files you need here:- http://roughnecksxvmmods.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/1645-soulzas-tanks-99/ updated to v2 (using flags.swf) http://www.mediafire.com/download/hfau893bofbic74/soulzas_tanksv2.rar
  11. i would also be interested in your no crew settings etc. after reading this thread tonight i decided to redo my carousel here are results , i think with your settings added this could be even better , this modification is available for you to download if you want it
  12. not 100% sure what you want to change ? but on the subject ,i did these this week
  13. are you sure you have not done an edit on that python log? as those errors look very much like a bad aimbot?
  14. you dont loose any performance by using extra fields ???? in fact i would suspect the code is very much cleaner? even if you did loose performance it would be tiny and on todays machines nothing at all
  15. as i posted above use thew extra fields , its a lot easier to align ,move ,replace items
  16. are stats for this tank going to be displayed by XVM ?
  17. just my input on this , the info given above indeed is correct on how to align items in players panels and works fine but all that info you want to display and are having trouble with can be done via the extra fields? use the formatleft/right just for the players name , then you can add the other items with EXACT placment via X and Y positions , reason for doing things this way is its easier to add change items that you want to display , you can just // a line of code out and add another beneath it, i know its radical if you dont use this system but it is easier in the long run m8 "medium2": { "width": 170, "removeSquadIcon": true, "formatLeft": "<b><font face='$fieldfont' size='14' color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{name%-10.10s}}</b></font>", "formatRight": "<b><font face='$fieldfont' size='14' color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{name%-10.10s}}</b></font>", "fragsFormatLeft": "", "fragsFormatRight": "", "extraFieldsLeft": [ { "x": 175, "src": "xvm://res/keho/squads_a/{{squad}}{{squad-num}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|40}}" }, { "x": 46, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp-max:140}}", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": 40 }, { "x": 46, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp:140}}", "bgColor": "0x1878B0", "alpha": 70 }, { "x": 17, "y": 4, "h": 20, "w": 20, "valign": "center", "src": "cfg://soulzaskehoblue/img/ppanel/fraggs/{{frags}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|60}}" }, { "w": 15, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "bgColor": "0x1878B0", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" } ], "extraFieldsRight": [ { "x": 175, "src": "xvm://res/keho/squads_e/{{squad}}{{squad-num}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|40}}" }, { "x": 46, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp-max:140}}", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": 40 }, { "x": 46, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp:140}}", "bgColor": "0xD62E2B", "alpha": 70 }, { "w": 15, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "bgColor": "0xD62E2B", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" }, { "x": 17, "y": 4, "h": 20, "w": 20, "valign": "center", "src": "cfg://soulzaskehoblue/img/ppanel/fraggs/{{frags}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|60}}" }, { "x": 14, "y": 0, "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "shadow": {} } ] }, this code displays this:-
  18. lol i like that "dancing battle timer " :) yes i still have this issue , like i said it looks as if xvm loads it every other battle , yet the debug (ping) is working every battle ,
  19. this is not major but its a niggle to me and i am sure to others,take a look at this screenshot of the ping and online status ,notice US East and then NA EAST it would be a good idea to have these uniform by either calling both US East or NA EAST the NA method uses capitols while the US does not I know its a little thing but i thought i would point it out
  20. i just checked and yes i do have the timerbig snippet in my elements folder , i dont know why because i use my own modified version of battletimerbig.swf in the scaleform directory so i have no need for it ,i just disabled it ,this is how i set my elements up , i have them true or false, just trsted and seems to have fixed the problem :) here is what i mean by my own modified battletimerbig.swf
  21. are you using a modified lc_messages folder?
  22. opps , hold the bus....... ok this is what is happening , game one , timer is center of screen works fine , game two ,it reverts back to default top right corner like xvm or client is ignoring elements game three its back in center , game four back to the right? its like every second game the timer is being overlooked
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