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Korean Random


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Everything posted by soulza

  1. i have disabled the element for now , so i can see the default battle timer top right corner , but will be interesting to see who holds their hand up first :)
  2. snippet-battletimer.xc file { "$delay": 100, "battleTimer": { "shadow": { "alpha": 100, "size": 4, "distance": 4, "angle": 45, "color": "0x000000", "strength": 150 }, "_x": "WIDTH / 2 - 0", "_y": 74, "dotsMC": { "_x": "-80/2", "_y": "-27", "_height": 100, "_width": 80, "text": ":", "$textFormat": { "font": "digital-7","size": 31, "align": "center" } }, "secondsMC": { "_x": 5, "_y": "-29", "_height": 100, "_width": 80, "$textFormat": { "font": "digital-7","size": 31, "align": "left" } }, "minutesMC": { "_x": -85, "_y": "-29", "_height": 100, "_width": 80, "$textFormat": { "font": "digital-7","size": 31, "align": "right" } } } } this worked fine up until 9.9 and latest xvm now its not visable , its being called ok the code is still present
  3. hello folks quite an easy question , i have used my own config for over two years and have constantly updated it to include the newer additions , i add them but may not switch them on :) anyway i use elements/snippets to display the battle timer because i can move it and format it easily , this has worked until this patch (9.9) i am using the latest nightly build the timer is not displaying at all , the debug panel info is , i also use elements/.snippets to do this , so has something been done with the ingame battle timer?
  4. hello folks quite an easy question , i have used my own config for over two years and have constantly updated it to include the newer additions , i add them but may not switch them on :) anyway i use elements/snippets to display the battle timer because i can move it and format it easily , this has worked until this patch (9.9) i am using the latest nightly build the timer is not displaying at all , the debug panel info is , i also use elements/.snippets to do this , so has something been done with the ingame battle timer?
  5. xvm is tied to your wargaming id , so if you mean you wiped your wargaming account it will not show your old info as you need to log into xvm using your ingame id? so what account do you think you have wiped ?
  6. hello there , you could try and clean your cache , there is an auto cache cleaner available that is now included with a lot of the mod pack downloads google wot cache cleaner and i am sure you will find results. mine shows this info btw so it is supposed to work
  7. ahh ok , maybe it woulds be better to do a macro for the fragbar mod to produce the same type of result? i have did a little work on this mod a while back ,i think i need to update it and include live winchance based on tanks left and hitpoints
  8. while on the subject here , would it be possible to show the live winchance in battle? i know its available by pressing the <tab> key but i would like it on my battle screen as well , could the show win chance live code be used in one of the other .xc files like minimap or playerspanels, reason is simple , in battle i like to see how my team is doeing i know we have the fragbar and playerspanels so why not like winchance ? maybe it could be added as a snippet to the debug panel?
  9. can i add this:- i had same problem so did it another way , edit the tankcarosuel.swf its easier
  10. this is the code format you are using "ally": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'><span class='mm_a'>{{hp}}</span></font>", // Тимкиллер. "teamkiller": "<span class='mm_t'>{{vehicle}}</span>", // Враг. "enemy": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'><span class='mm_e'>{{hp}}</span></font>", // Взводный. "squad": "<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'><span class='mm_s'>{{hp}}</span></font>", // Own marker or spectated subject this is what i use "ally": "<textformat leading='-2'><span class='mm_a'><font size='6' color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{hp}}</font>\n{{vehicle}}<font face='XVMSymbol' size='7' color='{{c:wn8|#FFFFFF}}'>!</font></span><textformat>", // Тимкиллер. "teamkiller": "<span class='mm_t'>{{vehicle}}</span>", // Враг. "enemy": "<textformat leading='-2'><span class='mm_e'><font size='6' color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>{{hp}}</font>\n{{vehicle}}<font face='XVMSymbol' size='7' color='{{c:wn8|#FFFFFF}}'>!</font></span><textformat>", // Взводный. "squad": "<textformat leading='-2'><span class='mm_s'><i>{{nick%.5s}}</i>\n{{vehicle}}</span></textformat>",
  11. {"x": 0, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "w": 100, "h": 20, "bgColor": "0x000000", "alpha": "30" }, {"x": 2, "y": 4, "valign": "center", "w":96 , "h": 16,"{{hp-ratio:}}", "bgColor": "0xFF6666", i would have did it this way ?
  12. yep that is true ,but who keeps the default config??? ok granted some may
  13. your own country flag will eventually show up but it takes a little time , it will show the default EU flags until the server updates , rest assured it will display
  14. ok here are a few examples of what i myself have installed as extras in the hanger for crew and tank data extended crew skills tells you how much more battles xp you need etc. also this in the crew panels for quick reference for tank data these are indepth stats and this ,tells you how many battles and xp to the next tank in the tree or to elite the tank these are just a few mods that have came out recently edit , these mods are included in my pack btw that can be downloaded from roughnecksmods.com in my section , because we have a cosmapolitan membership we do tend to see new mods from all the WG servers as soon as they hit.
  15. if you did the method above you would loose your own custom xvm config as it would set to default ? also i myself use the most recent xvm files but i customise them , like the minimap.swf playerspanels.swf etc. again method above would over write. many players have their xvm configs set to their own play style and liking , so would not accept the above method as good advice ? of course nightly is for developers i know this ,so anyone downloading it should be aware if they dig themselves a hole how to get themselves out of it. i always read the log updates and check what each version has changed so for myself it is not a problem , because i read the version notes i know what has been altered so know what i need to update. the post i made above was a guide for someone who wanted to keep his own config but use the nightly updates no harm intended
  16. http://roughnecksxvmmods.ipbhost.com/index.php?/forum/6-soulzas-xvm-mods/ whole ton of mods there that i have made/altered :) you can probably clean the fruit rating code up a little as i did it a while back, for the circular health meter to work you need the fonts installed in xvm/res/fonts
  17. no problems hope your sorted :) this is my config it also shows tank effc. in over tank markers note the little tank icon is color coded to the players effc. in that tank , i did this by using a font to represent the icon. code for this would be :- { "x": 52, "y": -40, "name": "\u0025 tank win rating", "color": "{{c:t-rating}}", "shadow": { "distance": 0, "size": 5, "color": "0x000000", "strength": 200, "angle": 90, "alpha": 100 }, "font": { "italic": false, "align": "right", "bold": false, "name": "XVMSymbol", "size": 14 }, "alpha": 100, "format": "*", "visible": true },
  18. can i just add to this post as this question came up this week on our own forums from a member he wanted to know what files to replace when using nightly builds so i did this for him:- for testing nightly builds i do this , in the xvm folder i merge these three folders above that come with the download , i leave the config and res folders alone, in the 0.9.5 directory just merge the downloaded script folder, open the gui folder above and you will see pic below , safe to merge the flash folder that came with the download of nightly ,but the scaleform you will need to check, open scaleform directory , and only two files i check are xvm.swf and battle.swf to see if the newer files have a different file size, i customise the rest of the files in there so i only check these two , if different i use the newer versions
  19. ohhhhh!! lol :) we waited for wargaming to do this .........................and waited................waited............ so feck it we did it ourselves :) there are mods around that show you all you asked above , and a lot more , there has been a recent glut of russian mods for crew and tanks in hanger stats. but this is an xvm site so dont want to give out links but look around and you WILL find them
  20. it is done auto after a set time , so sit tight and wait , you can of course just add it yourself and give the .png to your clan mates , only you will see it but if all clan has it in thier icons dir , at least you will all have tags on
  21. its not xvm , if you have xvm installed you may be running thre minimaps one locastans two xvm three new super dupper wg minimap (settings in garage disable the default minimap)
  22. lol nice fellow ? :) easiest way would be to goto res_mods directory and rename the xvm folder xvmdead. the game will bypass the loader then , but you will still have all the other custom .pyc and swf files you could look at the download you have and take out all files in your res mods directory that are the same in the xvm download
  23. you put the code in the wrong place , you added it at the end of the config , do this line 177-203 ADD CODE this is line 177-228 , it needs to be added here, this is for allies , do the same further down the config for enemy "textFields": [ // Text field with the name of the tank. // Текстовое поле с названием танка. { "name": "Win Rate", "visible": true, "x": 0, "y": -46, "alpha": 100, "color": "{{c:rating}}", "font": { "name": "$FieldFont", "size": 11, "align": "center", "bold": true, "italic": false }, "shadow": { "alpha": 100, "color": "0x000000", "angle": 45, "distance": 0, "size": 6, "strength": 200 }, "format": "{{rating%2d~%}}" }, { "name": "Tank name", "visible": true, "x": 0, "y": -36, "alpha": 100, "color": null, "font": { "name": "$FieldFont", "size": 13, "align": "center", "bold": false, "italic": false }, "shadow": { "alpha": 100, "color": "0x000000", "angle": 45, "distance": 0, "size": 6, "strength": 200 }, "format": "{{vehicle}}{{turret}}" }, note the brakets { --------}---------},-------------- all like they are above
  24. the online editor may still work , but then that is why you are not able to sort spotted markers out ??? it is no longer used. you really should start to look at these files with notepad++ it is not that hard to grasp what is going on , and the good thing is , there is always help available . i will always help someone who is trying ,the same goes for others ,the more people we get doing this , the easier it becomes and the more ideas start to happen. forget about the online editor , like it never existed ,open up with notepad++ and you will be suprised
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