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Korean Random


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  1. ty for your input. but did you see the files I attached? @xvm calls both minimap+alt minimapalt calls minimaplabelsalt minimap calls minimaplabels labels & labelsalt are different files (content-wise). I can not find any file/referencing error so far
  2. I created a MinimapAlt section in my config, but it does not work. When I press ALT, the minimap will still show the tank names, not the HP they have. Anyone see what is wrong? in zip: @xvm, battle, minimap, minimapalt, minimaplabels,minimaplabelsalt config.zip
  3. the amount of crew xp displayed on the result screen: - is it calculated? - or is that a value coming from the server?
  4. seriously, this change is simply stupid. why change it? it was working perfectly.
  5. When a player has no XVM-data or I disable XVM statistics, I will get black names with a shadow on the minimap: How do I change that to white and no shadow? This is my colors.xc: (I only use {{wn8}} in my config) this is my minimaplabels.xc:
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