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"Калькулятор эффективности" средствами XVM.

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11 minutes ago, Szulson said:

Can i attach wn8 to hitlogHeader?
Can i use line named "format"??   "format": "{{ battleEfficiency}} {{hitlog-header}}"

Yes. Like this:

"format": "{{hitlog-header}} [WN8: <font color='{{py:efficiencyWN8Color}}'>{{py:efficiencyWN8}}</font>]\n{{hitlog-body}}"


15 minutes ago, Szulson said:

Im using sesssion statistic and this shows different value on afterbatlle screen.

Session statistic mods are not use battle result (win, lose), and calc results always for win. This addon calc efficiency with included battle result (hangar part).

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2 часа назад, Kotyarko_O сказал:

Исправление для САУ: battleEfficiency.py

Проверил на всех типах танков, все работает. Tabstop подобрал.

"textFormat": "<textFormat tabstops='[340]'>{{mapName}} - {{battleType}}<tab>WN8: <font color='{{c:WN8}}'>{{WN8}}</font>, EFF: <font color='{{c:EFF}}'>{{EFF}}</font></textFormat>"


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Bad news guys... Im Not testing this... When im try to launch a Game it take few minutes and i get an ERROR:

Application has failed to start because no appropriate graphics hardware acceleration is available or it is turned off.

I dont know what is happend... yesterday im end playing and shut down my Laptop.. today turn on and i get this Error..


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В 9/7/2018 в 10:46 AM, Kotyarko_O сказал:

That's right. By default in the XVM-config there is no color gradation of statistics, so you need to add it manually.

The actual values can be found here:  https://modxvm.com/Ratings/scale-xvm/color /


c:wn8 works anywhere without values in colors.xc, the scale gets loaded externally. strange it doesn't work in this case.

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18 минут назад, Kaeptn сказал:


c:wn8 works anywhere without values in colors.xc, the scale gets loaded externally. strange it doesn't work in this case.

    // Dynamic color by efficiency
    // Динамический цвет по эффективности
    "eff": [
      { "value": 598,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 598  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 874,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  599 - 874  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 1079, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  875 - 1079 - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 1540, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // 1080 - 1540 - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 1868, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 1541 - 1868 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 1869 - *    - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by WN8 rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WN8
    "wn8": [
      { "value": 397,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 397  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 914,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  398 - 914  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 1489, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  915 - 1489 - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 2231, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // 1490 - 2231 - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 2979, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 2232 - 2979 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 2980 - *    - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)


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4 hours ago, alex_alex said:

и иногда не отображает эффективность

Используйте формат из этого сообщения. Шапку обновлю позже.


4 hours ago, alex_alex said:

почему есть различия?

WN8 достаточно близок, можно списать на разницу в применяемых таблицах ожидаемых значений. Почему такое отличие у EFF - не знаю. Формула, использованная в этом аддоне, вроде, "правильная".

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1 hour ago, alex_alex said:

ну, шураББ вроде как подключает таблицу к своему моду

Там другие, неизвестные мне коэффициенты: https://bitbucket.org/ShuraBB/timespent/src/0eef15ec046f410db5a7ccd6f0f8994efd3754b9/mod_TimeSpent.py#lines-992


@ADv , внесите в colors.xc секции с рейтингами:

    "wn8": [
      { "value": 451, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 985, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } },
      { "value": 1578, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } },
      { "value": 2369, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } },
      { "value": 3183, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good" } },
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } }
    "eff": [
      { "value": 605, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 885, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } },
      { "value": 1188, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } },
      { "value": 1548, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } },
      { "value": 1874, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good" } },
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } }


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