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Szulson last won the day on November 3 2022

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  1. Same here but i got mod White Color WG Crosshairs.. When i delete him.. All good.. soo now im not use, untill they will Update him.
  2. @vik_ingr 1st. Try to activated Stats on main Page of XVM https://modxvm.com/en/ Login And activate.. 2nd if u use an Anomyzer in Game. U will not be able to see stats of Players.. And Next time try to Gave us more details of your Problem,That will Be easier to find solution.. Greetings, i hope i help..
  3. Not working for me... Still the same.. All config here: XvmConfig.rar
  4. Picture1: Picture2: Im Adding some stuff to the Xvm.. Stats, Ping's, and Personal Boosters.. Now im wondering Why when im interract with my Garage why they dont Hide Like a CLOCK??? Here is my Config: widgetsTemplates.xc widgets.xc
  5. Если вам надоела стандартная картинка: Вы можете изменить это. Просто установите свое фото так для этого нужно создать папку personal_reserves res_mods > > gui > maps > icons > personal_reserves Translated by Google translator
  6. @Kurzdorthank u for fast replay... Now we know... Sad.. Greetings..
  7. Hello everyone.. 2 Years ago a Man called @night_dragon_on post a topic: https://kr.cm/f/t/55266/c/480611/ (i think he is not active anymore) Im just wanna see Tank names on Tank list, colored: On Carousel this is possible, and looks like this: It will be great to see those Tank list colored again. Btw. Thx for All replays... Greetings
  8. В папке \res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\icons\boosters\basic есть файл free_xp_and_crew_xp.png? Nope... i Will check later @ktulho you were right. A picture was missing.
  9. Hello Soory for English here.. I Dont know why, but icons not shown: As u can see i have active reserve and on the left side not shown icon only time.. here is my Booster xc: boosters.xc Any sugestion?? Edit: 1. Ive noticed that on the left side Icons are not those which should be.. They change sorting Criteria?? 2. On The batlle Not shown Anything:
  10. @HEKPOMAHT Exactly.. Thank u very much... We can close a topic....Once again thank u..
  11. @HEKPOMAHTthank u for fast reply... Im sorry but this is not this what i want... i mean This script shows in hangar, numbers of grinding fields mod on tank... on this sign was numbers...
  12. Hello fellows tankers.. Last time i see some of u made a script to show numbers of field mods on tank... I cant find where is this.. Sorry for using english... I will be greatefull for helping me to find... Greetings
  13. @Darkwolf3802 If u are using anomyzer u would not see stats... Describe your problem, then we will try too help u
  14. @HEKPOMAHT thx a lot bro.. This Line makes me crazy... and now it looks Perrrfffect: My Config lIne Looks like this now..: "format": "{{py:math.sub({{py:sp.allyFrags}}, {{py:sp.enemyFrags}})>0?<font color='#FFFF00'>&gt;</font>|{{py:math.sub({{py:sp.allyFrags}}, {{py:sp.enemyFrags}})<0?<font color='#0099FF'>&lt;</font>|:}}}}" @sasha_1_nm_ru , @night_dragon_on ,@HEKPOMAHT Thx a lot all of u Guys.. I am grateful..
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