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Исходники модов StranikS_Scan'a на GitHub


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В аркадном режиме круг разброса заужен.

Снаряд летит за край.

Можно ли малость увеличить круг?

Или добавить бы для аркадного свой коэффициент? 

скрипт прицела попробуй заменить, как вариант удалить.

С EasyCrosshairs также пишут о проблемах.

у меня этот стоит

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у меня этот стоит

Мод содержит в себе следующие файлы::

    Аркадный прицел (res_mods\\gui\scaleform\crosshair_panel_arcade.swf);

    Снайперский прицел (res_mods\\gui\scaleform\crosshair_panel_sniper.swf);

    САУ прицел (res_mods\\gui\scaleform\crosshair_panel_strategic.swf);

    Скрипт прицела (res_mods\\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_MS.pyc);


Удали или поменяй на Протанковский.

Ну и? У всех у кого включен летит в него. 

Был неправ насчет зауженное сведение.


Летит не туда при стрельбе на ходу и с вертухана, но на это походу больше влияют пинг и лаги.

Edited by Scharfhobel
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(поглядел на календарь)* что-то автор потерялся... 




Увы но сегодня длится и по сей день, ибо патч 0.9.15 просто кошмарный.

Обновил под 0.9.15 все моды кроме Измерителя. С ним идёт возня второй день.

Edited by StranikS_Scan
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Увы но сегодня длится и по сей день, ибо патч 0.9.15 просто кошмарный.

Обновил под 0.9.15 все моды кроме Измерителя. С ним идёт возня второй день.


не хочет у мня работать 

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DispersionCircle_1.3_22.05.2016 не хочет у мня работать 


И не должен. Он не совместим с другими модами, которые хукают сведение. Например пимоды всякие. 

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Картинка стала рывками от new камеро-улучшайзеров в DispersionCircle. Выставил false всем и нормализовалось. Завтра выясню какой именно.

Edited by BoBaH 13
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Обновил "Измеритель" под 0.9.15.


Картинка стала рывками от new камеро-улучшайзеров в DispersionCircle. Выставил false всем и нормализовалось. Завтра выясню какой именно.


Подправил код в DispersionCircle, на отключение эффектов, перекачайте мод.

Edited by StranikS_Scan
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Мод "Круг разброса орудия" (DispersionCircle) 


При входе в бой остается на панели команд. Слева вверху рисуется 1/4 сведения анимированная.

Вот python.log:


BigWorld WorldOfTanks 2.8.0 (compiled at 11:31:15 Apr 11 2016) starting on 05/30/16 09:15:15

INFO: [Config] Command line: F:/World_of_Tanks/WorldOfTanks.exe
INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] BigWorld Release Client - Content Type: sd

INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/0.9.15: mods found
INFO: WARNING: WWISE support IS enabled.
INFO: [XFW] Version: 3.1.0
INFO: [XFW] Working dir: F:\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\mods
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_main 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_autologin 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battle 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battleloading 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battleresults 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_contacts 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_crew 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_equip 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_export 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_hangar 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_hotfix 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_integrity 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_limits 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_online 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_ping 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_profile 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_profiler 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_quests 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_sounds 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_squad 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_tcarousel 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_techtree 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_tooltips 0.9.15 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: Loading mod: autoaim_indicator v2016-04-17 (http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/441413-)
INFO: config file: ./res_mods/0.9.15/scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_autoaim_indicator.json
INFO: [LOAD] damageLog  v.0.4.0 (24.05.2016) by GambitER
INFO: [StranikS_Scan] Loading mod: DispersionCircle V1.3b P2.7 W0.9.14 28.06.2016 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/27695-/#4)
INFO: [StranikS_Scan] Loading mod: emblemsOff V1.6 P2.7 W0.9.15 25.05.2016 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/21432-)
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pmod
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_modsSettingsApi
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_achivments
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_armor_resist
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_assist
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_efficiency
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_enemy_indicator
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_minimap_guns
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_potapov
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_reduced_armor
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_safe_shot
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_sights
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_skin
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_sound
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_staff
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_rmanager
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_team_hp
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_wgfm
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 4 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 3 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 210): User authentication method: token2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 210): User authentication method: basic
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/common.py, 186): Error on server request to get battle results  (87258451130636327L, -10, '', None)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/10_hills
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 478, in __loadSpaceCallback
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 512, in __onSpaceLoadCompleted
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 100, in _invokeListenersMethod
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/ArenaLoadController.py", line 18, in spaceLoadCompleted
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 685, in onSpaceLoaded
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2757, in __onInitStepCompleted
ERROR:   File "battle_controller.py", line 113, in new__startGUI
ERROR:   File "mod_DispersionCircle", line 1, in new__startGUI
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2869, in __startGUI
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 512, in start
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 752, in create
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 214, in create
ERROR:   File "mod_DispersionCircle", line 1, in new_create
ERROR: AttributeError: _SuperGunMarker instance has no attribute '_SuperGunMarker__gm3'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/CallbackDelayer.py", line 58, in __funcWrapper
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/VehicleGunRotator.py", line 1326, in __update
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 365, in getDesiredShotPoint
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 292, in getDesiredShotPoint
ERROR: AssertionError

Какой мод мне нужно удалить? Pmod? Но мне нужен его функционал, что я могу отключить что бы не было конфликтов?


Всё, вопрос снят. Отключил oldServerCrosshair и всё работает как надо.

Edited by zerox21
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Ни что не заужено. Включи серверный круг разброса, тогда лететь будет правильно.

У меня та же проблема. Где-то 2-3 выстрела из 80 летят далеко вне круга разброса не особо мешает, но иногда удивляешься... В конфиге включил замену сведения на разброс + отображение серверного разброса.

Может быть причина в том что я интерфейс игры масштабировал до 0.9?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Battle not loading with DispersionCircle V1.3b


Conflict with other mods?






BigWorld worldoftanks 2.8.0 (compiled at 11:31:15 Apr 11 2016) starting on 06/17/16 08:01:49

INFO: [Config] Command line: D:/World_of_Tanks/worldoftanks.exe wot_wait_for_mutex
INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] BigWorld Release Client - Content Type: sd

INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/ mods found
INFO: WARNING: WWISE support IS enabled.
INFO: ResMgr.DataSection at 0x22BFE1F0
INFO: [XFW] Version: 3.1.0
INFO: [XFW] Working dir: D:\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\mods
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_main (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_autologin (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battle (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battleloading (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_battleresults (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_contacts (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_crew (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_equip (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_export (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_hangar (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_hotfix (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_integrity (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_limits (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_online (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_ping (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_profile (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_profiler (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_quests (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_sounds (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_squad (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_tcarousel (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_techtree (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_tooltips (http://www.modxvm.com/)
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: andre_V_UT_announcer
INFO: [andre_V_UT_announcer]: [andre_V_UT_announcer by Ekspoint]
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [andre_V_UT_announcer]: Конфиг файл [mod_andre_V_UT_announcer.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [ ATAC! v.0.9.F.1 by Makct ]
INFO: Loading mod: autoaim_indicator v2016-04-17 (http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/441413-)
INFO: config file: ./res_mods/
INFO: Battle Assistant: v1.3.5
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: battle_debug_info
INFO: [battle_debug_info]: [battle_debug_info by Ekspoint]
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [battle_debug_info]: Конфиг файл [mod_battle_debug_info.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: calculator_rankings_battle
INFO: [calculator_rankings_battle]: [calculator_rankings_battle by Ekspoint]
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [calculator_rankings_battle]: Конфиг файл [mod_calculator_rankings_battle.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: CrewSkillInformer v.0.7 (0.9.14) /// © Voytello & Dumadidak
INFO: [LOAD] damageLog  v.0.4.0 (24.05.2016) by GambitER
INFO: [stranikS_Scan] Loading mod: DispersionCircle V1.3b P2.7 W0.9.14 28.06.2016 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/27695-/#4)
INFO: EasyCrosshairs: Loaded v6.1 26.02.2016 + 27.03.2016
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: ExtraAimInfo
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [ExtraAimInfo]: [ExtraAimInfo by Ekspoint]
INFO: [ExtraAimInfo]: Конфиг файл [mod_ExtraAimInfo.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: hide_message_battle
INFO: [hide_message_battle]: [hide_message_battle by Ekspoint]
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [hide_message_battle]: Конфиг файл [mod_hide_message_battle.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [LOAD_MOD]:  mod_InfoPanel
INFO: Aslain's ModPack remote file: Everything seems OK
INFO: [iNFO] Aslain's ModPack installed:  9.15.19 , latest Aslain's ModPack available:  9.15.19
INFO: [iNFO] Toggle is OFF
INFO: [iNFO] Version check Interval: 7200
INFO: [ERROR]:     [Not found config, create default: ./res_mods/configs/spoter_mods/mods_gui/i18n/en.json
INFO: [LOAD_MOD]:  [mods_gui v1.07 (19.02.2016), by spoter, satel1te]
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pmod
INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_pro_assist
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: reloading_command
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [reloading_command]: [reloading_command by Ekspoint]
INFO: [reloading_command]: Конфиг файл [mod_reloading_command.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [~~RN Mods Loader by Maggz~~] v.9.14.1
INFO: Session Statistics by tratatank modified by CBARoughneck [YasenKrasen 9.14.4]
INFO: [~~1 RN mods loaded~~]
INFO: [LOAD_MOD]:  [server_turret_extended v1.11 (11.03.2016), by spoter, reven86]
INFO: [LOAD_MOD]:  [spotted_extended_light, by spoter, updated by WOTsite.net (http://wotsite.net/12232)]
INFO: [iNFO]:      [spotted_extended_light Language set to: English...]
INFO: [iNFO]:      [spotted_extended_light, v3.09(18.05.2016) initialized ...]
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: spotting_info v1.3
INFO: [spotting_info]: [spotting_info by Ekspoint & VasyaPRO_2014]
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [spotting_info]: Конфиг файл [mod_spotting_info.json] Успешно загрузился
INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Loading mod: tidy_messenger v2015-12-13 (http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/496784-)
INFO: config file: ./res_mods/
INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: wg_load_custom_ekspont_banks
INFO: [wg_load_custom_ekspont_banks]: [wg_load_custom_ekspont_banks by Ekspoint & Polyacov_ Yury]
INFO: [ZJ] Marker Re-Load ver.0.9.15 Trial 082 Config file successfully loaded.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_tessumod.py, 275): Settings loaded from ini file
INFO: TessuMod version 0.6.6 (http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/433614-/)
INFO: [OLD MODS LOADER] loading mod: BalCalcMod
INFO: [OLD MODS LOADER] loading mod: DamageIndicator
INFO: [OLD MODS LOADER] loading mod: observed
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 1 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 3 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 210): User authentication method: token2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/h14_FEvent_2016
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/scheduled_notifications.py", line 78, in _onNotification
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/scheduled_notifications.py", line 81, in __processNotification
ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/35_steppes
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 486, in __loadSpaceCallback
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 520, in __onSpaceLoadCompleted
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/listeners.py", line 100, in _invokeListenersMethod
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/ArenaLoadController.py", line 18, in spaceLoadCompleted
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 685, in onSpaceLoaded
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2778, in __onInitStepCompleted
ERROR:   File "<string>", line 1099, in l001100
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2891, in __startGUI
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 519, in start
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 752, in create
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 214, in create
ERROR:   File "mod_DispersionCircle", line 1, in new_create
ERROR: AttributeError: _SuperGunMarker instance has no attribute '_SuperGunMarker__gm3'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/CallbackDelayer.py", line 58, in __funcWrapper
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/VehicleGunRotator.py", line 1326, in __update
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/__init__.py", line 365, in getDesiredShotPoint
ERROR:   File "d:\ModsWOT\BalCalcMod\mods\BalCalcMod.py", line 255, in hook_meth
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarInputHandler/control_modes.py", line 292, in getDesiredShotPoint
ERROR: AssertionError
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mod_atac09F1obf", line 1, in Ii1
ERROR: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visible'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_GMM'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NO_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NO_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:08: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:09: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/tessumod/utils.py", line 40, in wrapper
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_tessumod.py", line 281, in sync_configs
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/tessumod/user_cache.py", line 215, in sync
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/tessumod/user_cache.py", line 270, in sync
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/tessumod/user_cache.py", line 279, in _is_cache_file_modified
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/tessumod/user_cache.py", line 276, in _get_modified_time
ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Lib/genericpath.py", line 54, in getmtime
ERROR: WindowsError: [Error 3] Het systeem kan het opgegeven pad niet vinden: './res_mods/\\..\\configs\\tessu_mod\\tessu_mod_cache.ini'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:13: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:14: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_ground_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:15: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:25: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:29: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:29: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:29: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:32: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:33: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:39: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:46: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:46: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:47: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:49: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:50: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:08:54: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 215, in onLeaveWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 473, in new_vehicle_onLeaveWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'enemyList'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:03: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:03: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:17: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:18: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:18: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:18: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:27: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_sand_GMM'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:28: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:28: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:46: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:49: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_orange.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:55: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:57: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:09:57: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_AM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_NM'
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/DecalMap.py, 58): Invalid texture name 'explosion_stone_GMM'
ERROR: RuntimeError: setTrackTraces - invalid <groupName> parameter. groupName = mediumTank.
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 205, in onEnterWorld
ERROR:   File "mod_spotting_info", line 461, in new_vehicle_onEnterWorld
ERROR: AttributeError: 'SpottingInfo' object has no attribute 'playerAlive'
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:10:03: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:10:04: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:10:05: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
INFO: 2016-06-17 08:10:05: [ERROR] ./res_mods/mods//xfw/python\xfw\events.pyc
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 54, in __event_handler
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Flash.py", line 23, in __init__
ERROR: IOError: scripts/client/gui/mods/ZJ_Mods/flash//Ext_Marker_green.swf
INFO: =============================
CRITICAL: [Exception] [Compound] Failed to load model vehicles/russian/R107_LTB/crash/lod0/Chassis.model! Compound building failed!

BigWorld worldoftanks 2.8.0 (compiled at 11:31:15 Apr 11 2016) starting on 06/17/16 08:10:28

INFO: [Config] Command line: D:/World_of_Tanks/worldoftanks.exe wot_wait_for_mutex -clientGraphicsAPI d3d9
INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8
INFO: [PY_DEBUG] BigWorld Release Client - Content Type: sd

INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/ mods not found
INFO: WARNING: WWISE support IS enabled.
INFO: ResMgr.DataSection at 0x20ADABE0
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 1 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 269): The quality = 3 was selected.
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 210): User authentication method: token2
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/app_loader/states.py, 123): Can not change GUI space to other, because client is not connected to game server. (_GlobalCtx(guiSpaceID = 3, appsStates = {'scaleform/lobby': 2}, dsnReason = 0, dsnDesc = ()),)
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/app_loader/states.py, 123): Can not change GUI space to other, because client is not connected to game server. (_GlobalCtx(guiSpaceID = 3, appsStates = {'scaleform/lobby': 2}, dsnReason = 0, dsnDesc = ()),)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 210): User authentication method: token2
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 210): User authentication method: basic
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/h14_FEvent_2016
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/scheduled_notifications.py", line 78, in _onNotification
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/scheduled_notifications.py", line 81, in __processNotification
ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/common.py, 186): Error on server request to get battle results  (1589190905270921L, -10, '', None)
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/22_slough
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/VoiceChatInterface.py, 140): Initialize. Vivox is not supported
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/VoiceChatInterface.py, 169): RequestCaptureDevices. Vivox is not supported
NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 449): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/h14_FEvent_2016
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/scheduled_notifications.py", line 78, in _onNotification
ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/utils/scheduled_notifications.py", line 81, in __processNotification
ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
INFO: PostProcessing.Phases.fini()



Source: http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/6052-wot-stay-stastionairy-in-this-screen-does-not-continue-to-battle-countdown-screen/&do=findComment&comment=31291

Edited by Aslain
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Conflict with other mods?


uncheck oldServerCrosshair in PMode



Перехожу с GUI на флэш, в качестве эксперимента запилил вывод инфы в моде Chances, добавил интерактивную подсветку. Кто мод юзает перекачайте.



Edited by StranikS_Scan
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DispersionCircle_1.3b_28.05.2016: Падает FPS, картинка дергается так, что не возможно играть. Что я делаю не так?


Мод не совместим с другими модами, которые меняют питон-код процела. Например опция "Старый серверный прицел" в пимоде или прицелы, у которых в комплекте есть pyc-файлики и т.д.

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