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[5.5.0, 28.12.14] Ded_Shalfey config

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Тестовая версия для XVM 3.5.0-pre1+(XVM Stat 1.4.2+, WoT 0.8.5+)

test_1 (стандартные иконки):


post-6548-0-78828000-1366279636_thumb.jpg post-6548-0-33319300-1366279637_thumb.jpg


Скрины сделаны на старых реплеях, так что тестируем на новом клиенте:)

В архиве картинки + конфиг


test_2 (стандартные иконки):

+доработка кругов дальности(добавлена новая техника, +10м для для VK3002DB)


С включенными звездами и крестами(сам езжу с ними, на основе test_2):

test_3 (альтернативные иконки):

+увеличение миникарты теперь по Ctrl;

+убраны клановые иконки из ушей(оставлены по Tab и в загрузочном экране);

+изменено положение иконок для засвеченных и не засвеченных противников;

+иконка мертвой арт-сау в ушах(исправлено)!

+изменена картинка для убитых(под спойлером отдельно!)

+доработка кругов дальности

post-6548-0-95794800-1366289949_thumb.jpg post-6548-0-49388800-1366294139_thumb.png


С включенными звездами и крестами(сам езжу с ними, на основе test_3):

test_4 (альтернативные иконки):

+полный функционал под XVM-3.5.0-pre2;

+включено текстовое поле "Союзники | Противники" под панелью счёта;

+увеличение миникарты теперь(окончательно!) на кнопке CapsLock;

+убраны часы на экране панели отладки;


С включенными звездами и крестами(сам езжу с ними, на основе test_4):


post-6548-0-48893800-1366315994_thumb.jpg post-6548-0-07088500-1366315995_thumb.jpg

post-6548-0-61485100-1366315995_thumb.jpg post-6548-0-62240100-1366319109_thumb.jpg

Сами иконки:

0.8.5 icons.rar

Edited by Ded_Shalfey
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Нужно по новой спец. технике

Там еще у 3002 прибавили 10м.


А так вся техника вот:

	   // Дальность максимального засвета танков
	   //  данные взяты из ТТХ топовых башен, то есть 100% экипаж без учета модулей и умений
           // Арта	
            { "bison_i":          { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "renaultbs":        { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_18":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t57":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "lorraine39_l_am":  { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m37":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb78_sexton_i":    { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "sturmpanzer_ii":   { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_26":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 300,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "wespe":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "_105_lefh18b2":    { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx_105am":        { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "grille":           { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m7_priest":        { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_5":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx_13f3am":       { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "hummel":           { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m41":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_8":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "g_panther":        { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "lorraine155_50":   { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m12":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "s_51":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_14":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 300,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "g_tiger":          { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "lorraine155_51":   { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m40m43":           { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "object_212":       { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "bat_chatillon155": { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "g_e":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "object_261":       { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t92":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // Техника по уровням:
       // 1
            { "ch06_renault_nc31":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb01_medium_mark_i":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ltraktor":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ms_1":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "observer":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 240,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "renaultft":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t1_cunningham":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 2
            { "at_1":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 250,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "bt_2":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch07_vickers_mke_type_bt26":    { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "d1":                            { "enabled": true, "distance": 300,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb03_cruiser_mk_i":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb05_vickers_medium_mk_ii":     { "enabled": true, "distance": 300,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb39_universal_carrierqf2":     { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb58_cruiser_mk_iii":           { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "h39_captured":                  { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "hotchkiss_h35":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 300,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m2_lt":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "panzerjager_i":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pz35t":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pzi":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pzii":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "renaultft_ac":                  { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t1_e6":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t18":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 240,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t2_lt":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t2_med":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_26":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "tetrarch_ll":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_60":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 300,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 3
            { "amx38":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "bt_7":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "bt_sv":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "d2":                            { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "gb42_valentine_at":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb59_cruiser_mk_iv":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb69_cruiser_mk_ii":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m2_med":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "pziii_a":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "s35_captured":                  { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_76":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_127":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_15":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_46":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t82":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_70":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 4
            { "a_20":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "a_32":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx40":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 340,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "t40":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_50":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "valentine_ll":                  { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t80":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk2001db":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 5
            { "bdr_g1b":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch21_t34":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "churchill_ll":                  { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "elc_amx":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb08_churchill_i":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb20_crusader":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb68_matilda_black_prince":     { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb73_at2":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "kv":                            { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "kv1":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "kv_220":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "kv_220_action":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m10_wolverine":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m24_chaffee":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m4_sherman":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m4a2e4":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m7_med":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "matilda_ii_ll":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pziii_iv":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pziv":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pziv_hydro":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ram_ii":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "s_35ca":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "stugiii":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 310,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_85i":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 320,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_85":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 280,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_50_2":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t1_hvy":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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       // 8
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       // 9
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       // 10
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Там еще у 3002 прибавили 10м.


А так вся техника вот:

	   // Дальность максимального засвета танков
	   //  данные взяты из ТТХ топовых башен, то есть 100% экипаж без учета модулей и умений
           // Арта	
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            { "renaultbs":        { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_18":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 260,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t57":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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       // 1
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       // 2
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       // 3
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       // 4
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       // 5
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       // 6
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            { "vk2801":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk3001h":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk3001p":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk3601h":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk3002db_v1":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 7
            { "amx_13_75":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx_ac_mle1946":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx_m4_1945":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch02_type62":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch04_t34_1":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch10_is2":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch16_wz_131":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb10_black_prince":             { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb22_comet":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "gb75_at7":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "is":                            { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "jagdpanther":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "kv_3":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 340,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "pzv":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pzvi":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pzvi_tiger_p":                  { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
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            { "su122_44":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_152":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 330,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t20":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t25_2":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t25_at":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t29":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_43":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t71":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk3002db":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "auf_panther":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 8
            { "amx_13_90":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx_50_100":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx_ac_mle1948":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch01_type59":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch01_type59_gold":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch03_wz_111":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch05_t34_2":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch11_110":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch17_wz131_1_wz132":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "fcm_50t":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ferdinand":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb11_caernarvon":               { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb23_centurion":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb72_at15":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "is_3":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "isu_152":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "jagdpantherii":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "jagdtiger_sdkfz_185":           { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "kv4":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "kv_5":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "lowe":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m6a2e1":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "object252":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 350,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "panther_ii":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pershing":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pzvib_tiger_ii":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su_101":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t23":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t26_e4_superpershing":          { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t28":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 370,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t28_prototype":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t32":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t34_hvy":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 360,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_44":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t69":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk4502a":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "indien_panzer":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 9
            { "amx_50_120":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "amx50_foch":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch12_111_1_2_3":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch18_wz_120":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "e_50":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "e_75":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb12_conqueror":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb24_centurion_mk3":            { "enabled": true, "distance": 410,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb32_tortoise":                 { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "is8":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "jagdtiger":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "lorraine40t":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m103":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m46_patton":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 410,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "object_704":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "st_i":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "su122_54":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t30":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t_54":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 390,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t54e1":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t95":                           { "enabled": true, "distance": 380,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "vk4502p":                       { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "pro_ag_a":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
       // 10
            { "amx_50fosh_155":                { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "bat_chatillon25t":              { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch19_121":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "ch22_113":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "e_100":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "e50_ausf_m":                    { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "f10_amx_50b":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb13_fv215b":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 410,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb48_fv215b_183":               { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "gb70_fv4202_105":               { "enabled": true, "distance": 410,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "is_4":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "is_7":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "jagdpz_e100":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "m48a1":                         { "enabled": true, "distance": 420,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "maus":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "object263":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 410,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "object268":                     { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t110":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t110e3":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t110e4":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t57_58":                        { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "t62a":                          { "enabled": true, "distance": 400,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "white_tiger":                   { "enabled": true, "distance": 460,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } },
            { "leopard1":                      { "enabled": true, "distance": 410,  "thickness": 0.3, "alpha": 65, "color": "0x00BBFF" } }

Свое форматирование сам автозаменой сделаешь

Большое спасибо!

Только нет такой техники object_907, vk7201. Остальные не помню названия(

Edited by Ded_Shalfey
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Здравствуй Дедушка помоги плиз подскажи.

Где в этом конфиге изменить размер иконок на мини карте и изменить шрифт и зделать покрупней

И как добавить скобки лвл


Edited by nesy_dobro
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Здравствуй Дедушка помоги плиз поксажи плиз.

Где в этом конфиге изменить размер иконок на мини карте и изменить шрифт и зделать покрупней

И как добавить скобки лвл

"iconScale": 1,                 // Размер только иконки техники.

Шрифт и размер:

"css": { // CSS стиль.

          "ally":  ".mm_a{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#C8FFA6;}",

          "enemy": ".mm_e{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FCA9A4;}",

          "squad": ".mm_s{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FFC099;}",

          "lost":  ".mm_l{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FCA9A4;} .mm_dot{font-family:Arial; font-size:17px; color:#FCA9A4;}",

          "oneself": ".mm_o{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FFFFFF;}"


Пример с уровнем танка на миникарте в круглых скобках:

"units": { // Текстовые поля для танков на миникарте.

        "revealedEnabled": true, // Выключатель добавочных текстовых полей для видимых юнитов.

        "lostEnemyEnabled": true,// Выключатель текстовых полей, помечивающих последние позиции потерянных врагов.

        "format": { // Формат поля.

          "ally":  "<span class='mm_a'>{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</span>", // Союзник

          "enemy": "<span class='mm_e'>{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</span>", // Враг

          "squad": "<textformat leading='-1'><span class='mm_s'><i>{{short-nick}}</i>\n{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</span><textformat>", // Совзводный.

          // Для потерянных с миникарты врагов.

          "lost":  "<span class='mm_dot'>\u2022</span><span class='mm_l'><i>{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</i></span>",

          // Для своего маркера и маркера приёмника камеры наблюдения в случае смерти.

          "oneself": ""


Как найти и заменить думаю сможешь!?

Edited by Ded_Shalfey
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"iconScale": 1,                 // Размер только иконки техники.

Шрифт и размер:

"css": { // CSS стиль.

          "ally":  ".mm_a{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#C8FFA6;}",

          "enemy": ".mm_e{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FCA9A4;}",

          "squad": ".mm_s{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FFC099;}",

          "lost":  ".mm_l{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FCA9A4;} .mm_dot{font-family:Arial; font-size:17px; color:#FCA9A4;}",

          "oneself": ".mm_o{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FFFFFF;}"


Пример с уровнем танка на миникарте в круглых скобках:

"units": { // Текстовые поля для танков на миникарте.

        "revealedEnabled": true, // Выключатель добавочных текстовых полей для видимых юнитов.

        "lostEnemyEnabled": true,// Выключатель текстовых полей, помечивающих последние позиции потерянных врагов.

        "format": { // Формат поля.

          "ally":  "<span class='mm_a'>{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</span>", // Союзник

          "enemy": "<span class='mm_e'>{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</span>", // Враг

          "squad": "<textformat leading='-1'><span class='mm_s'><i>{{short-nick}}</i>\n{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</span><textformat>", // Совзводный.

          // Для потерянных с миникарты врагов.

          "lost":  "<span class='mm_dot'>\u2022</span><span class='mm_l'><i>{{vehicle-type}}({{level}})</i></span>",

          // Для своего маркера и маркера приёмника камеры наблюдения в случае смерти.

          "oneself": ""


Как найти и заменить думаю сможешь!?

Спасибо огромное

  • Upvote 1
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подскажите плиз как добавить столбец (например % побед по акку) в уши?


возможно добавить нельзя, но можно заменить вместо иконки клана или взвода?

Edited by procyber
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Только нет такой техники object_907, vk7201. Остальные не помню названия(
Действительно. Блин, раньше сам собирал, в этот раз смотрю готовую секцию выложили в теме миникарты. При беглом осмотре всё норм показалось, себе оттуда скопипастил, ибо форматирование получше было, чем у меня.

Надо будут эту табличку распарсить:


Там данные по 907-му и прочим есть.

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Привет. Очень не удобно по CTRL миникарта вызывается,т.к. ремонт модулей привычно было делать по этой кнопке.


А так ,как всегда ,конфиг супер. :exc:

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