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[Fixed] Login EU is down (problems on the WG's side)

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Hey guys, i cant use on modxvm - account the login EU, it loads infinite. Also on other browsers, also when cache is deleted.


Can someone check pls?



Gateway time-out Error code 504

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11 hours ago, Mikebazz said:

Is there no support? Cause i made this post yesterday? Is XVM even a thing any more?

Cant see any Ticketsystem, just this Forum right here

OMG, you've got to be kidding, clown! It's a free open-source project provided as-is by a bunch of enthusiasts, and you expect personal support with a ticket system? Are you dumb or something? People are doing this for free, and they have their own lives too. Keep your patience and go touch some grass :sceptic:

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34 minutes ago, awgar said:

OMG, you've got to be kidding, clown! It's a free open-source project provided as-is by a bunch of enthusiasts, and you expect personal support with a ticket system? Are you dumb or something? People are doing this for free, and they have their own lives too. Keep your patience and go touch some grass :sceptic:


Is it necessary to be so unfriendly? He asked a simple question, apparently doesn't know anything about XVM and the forum as you can see from his post counter. You yourself are also new here and your first post in the forum consists of simply giving someone a useless and unfriendly answer. Are you the professional here or are you just in a bad mood? Just be a bit cool and offer help, if that's not possible, better keep your mouth shut.


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@Heliomalt Is it necessary to be demanding as if someone owes him everything he wants? These kinds of ungrateful people are frustrating and demotivating for open-source developers, which is why they should know their place.


I also see nothing friendly or helpful in your message. Should you do the same thing with your mouth, then?

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Again, I don't see any helpful contribution from you nor that you contribute anything to the project, except that you are unfriendly to new users, which you are yourself, and think you have to speak for the developers here, who as far as I know are completely independent and either ignore such contributions or react to them in the way they are entitled to. Likewise, it is at most your point of view regarding frustration and demotivation, which does not give you the right to be so unfriendly.
You feel attacked by my post and find it unkind? That was exactly the aim, because I don't like people who are new somewhere and immediately think they're making others feel stupid just because they ask a question incorrectly. A forum is there to exchange ideas, to help each other and not to take out your frustrations on others.


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Just to name it more specific: XVM is working, but login with WoT account is not working. So this seems not be a XVM problem. Anybody ideas how to prolong XVM without using WoT login?

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The problem is that WG accidentally blocked the IP of our server (again).

And now, as they've dropped their support forum and their Support Center doesn't even contain a category for API-related tickets, it's quite difficult to reach out to them and report this problem. Therefore, we're currently looking for a contact in WG(EU) to provide details so they can fix it.

As a temporary alternative solution, we've moved our login app to another IP, but the only reliable solution would be for WG to finally respect developer-specified IPs instead of randomly banning them :)

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20 hours ago, Cannabis_is_medicine said:


Not really for now - still cant login - captcha everytime, i do it correct but it says still wrong. I dont know. LEL

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On 4/1/2024 at 10:07 AM, yepev said:

@Mikebazz show a video. I never got a captcha there.

And what browser and extensions are you using?

Hey sir, i got it fixxed. I used in that case like everytime Firefox, i tried log-in in xvm through Microsoft Edge, and then logged in, never got a captcha there, and then it worked just fine.


But i have new troubles, xvm working, but i do not get numbers by pressing "TAB", there are just yellow, green or red squares showing up for me on every player, any fix for that sir?

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10 minutes ago, Mikebazz said:

But i have new troubles, xvm working, but i do not get numbers by pressing "TAB", there are just yellow, green or red squares showing up for me on every player, any fix for that sir?

Start a new topic as described here:


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