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Korean Random


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  1. Dear XVM Com., i never had that problem 2 years ago - with xvm being used. I get squares as numbers being showen when i press "Tab" or left in team-board. (as showen) I googled a little bit i found a topic, one guy saying it depends on a font. I installed "Lucida Console" to my Windows-Fonts. But still it looks like the Screen, any fix ready for that? Win10 Pro being used. Cheers Michael
  2. Hey sir, i got it fixxed. I used in that case like everytime Firefox, i tried log-in in xvm through Microsoft Edge, and then logged in, never got a captcha there, and then it worked just fine. But i have new troubles, xvm working, but i do not get numbers by pressing "TAB", there are just yellow, green or red squares showing up for me on every player, any fix for that sir?
  3. Not really for now - still cant login - captcha everytime, i do it correct but it says still wrong. I dont know. LEL
  4. Is there no support? Cause i made this post yesterday? Is XVM even a thing any more? Cant see any Ticketsystem, just this Forum right here
  5. Hey guys, i cant use on modxvm - account the login EU, it loads infinite. Also on other browsers, also when cache is deleted. Can someone check pls? THANKS !! Gateway time-out Error code 504
  6. Dear Community, is xvm working or not? I allready installed xvm many times, but it not works ingame. Not xvm rating showing up ingame and no XVM overlay text left uppon. Very strange. Is a xvm update needed since word of tanks patch? Cheers
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