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Heliomalt last won the day on June 10

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  1. https://gitlab.com/xvm/xvm/-/commit/7ff7caaa28955c36d72ec7cf9b959d297299d418
  2. What does that mean exactly? Does the battle.xc have to be adapted as specified on gitlab? Are the changes also relevant for the WG client? Because the Sixth Sense icon is only displayed for 3 seconds, the timer, different script, counts down.
  3. @Kurzdor I played Onslaught again today and everything worked. I can't say why it didn't work at all last time. Strange.
  4. @Kurzdor Tested it with the replay with the 9 kills, works so far and counts correctly. Will play a few battles tonight and then give feedback. Thanks already.
  5. I have watched a replay with 9 kills, the error also occurs here, kill 5 is recognised again as kill 4 and the corresponding sound is played, at kill 9 the sound of kill 8 is played again. 17130399738617_china_Ch47_BZ_176_steppes.wotreplay python.log
  6. The UT Announcer does not count the frags correctly, happens in Random and Onslaught. I have attached a replay in which the first and third work, but the sound from the second is output on the third kill. 2024-04-10 22:19:55.472: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354287, 11354289, 0) 2024-04-10 22:19:57.804: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 3123812533 . Error The ID was not found 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354288, 11354292, 0) 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",), ()) 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 46, in setNested_vehiclesInfo 2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR: File "scripts/client/AvatarVehiclesInfo.py", line 16, in setVehInfo_isAlive 2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 64, in setVehInfo_isAlive 2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/ClientArena.py", line 734, in updateVehicleIsAlive 2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled 2024-04-10 22:19:57.867: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck 2024-04-10 22:19:57.867: ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' 2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354284, 11354290, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: firstBlood playing 2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling checkSquadKills function. 2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: Check Squad Kills: (11354284, 11354290, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: Player not in a Platoon. Returning. 2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354286, 11354290, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling checkSquadKills function. 2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: Check Squad Kills: (11354286, 11354290, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: Player not in a Platoon. Returning. 2024-04-10 22:20:27.459: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 1650177404 . Error The ID was not found 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354295, 11354291, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",), ()) 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 46, in setNested_vehiclesInfo 2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: File "scripts/client/AvatarVehiclesInfo.py", line 16, in setVehInfo_isAlive 2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 64, in setVehInfo_isAlive 2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/ClientArena.py", line 734, in updateVehicleIsAlive 2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled 2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck 2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' 2024-04-10 22:20:30.116: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354297, 11354292, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:30.145: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 3123812533 . Error The ID was not found 2024-04-10 22:20:32.363: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354289, 11354296, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:32.363: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-04-10 22:20:32.363: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",), ()) 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 46, in setNested_vehiclesInfo 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: File "scripts/client/AvatarVehiclesInfo.py", line 16, in setVehInfo_isAlive 2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 64, in setVehInfo_isAlive 2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR: File "scripts/client_common/ClientArena.py", line 734, in updateVehicleIsAlive 2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled 2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck 2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' 2024-04-10 22:20:32.395: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354294, 11354292, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:32.404: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 3123812533 . Error The ID was not found 2024-04-10 22:20:33.549: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 1650177404 . Error The ID was not found 2024-04-10 22:20:35.835: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 1650177404 . Error The ID was not found 2024-04-10 22:20:35.835: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354285, 11354292, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:36.335: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354293, 11354290, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:36.335: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling checkSquadKills function. 2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: Check Squad Kills: (11354293, 11354290, 0) 2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: Player not in a Platoon. Returning. 2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling normal killCheck function. (11354293, 11354290) 2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: frags: (2) 2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: doubleKill playing 20240410_2205_ussr-R45_IS-7_Onslaught_28_desert.wotreplay
  7. Again, I don't see any helpful contribution from you nor that you contribute anything to the project, except that you are unfriendly to new users, which you are yourself, and think you have to speak for the developers here, who as far as I know are completely independent and either ignore such contributions or react to them in the way they are entitled to. Likewise, it is at most your point of view regarding frustration and demotivation, which does not give you the right to be so unfriendly. You feel attacked by my post and find it unkind? That was exactly the aim, because I don't like people who are new somewhere and immediately think they're making others feel stupid just because they ask a question incorrectly. A forum is there to exchange ideas, to help each other and not to take out your frustrations on others.
  8. Is it necessary to be so unfriendly? He asked a simple question, apparently doesn't know anything about XVM and the forum as you can see from his post counter. You yourself are also new here and your first post in the forum consists of simply giving someone a useless and unfriendly answer. Are you the professional here or are you just in a bad mood? Just be a bit cool and offer help, if that's not possible, better keep your mouth shut.
  9. Crew Auto Return no longer works. The Prestige icon cannot be hidden in the hangar, not even in the vehicle statistics. The option in hangar.xc is set to false.
  10. Are this updated scripts only for lesta? Because chancepenetration is not working anymore with EU client. Show no numbers, missing some flamethrower in the XVM log file.
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