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My Game freezes and needs to be killed via task manager when I go esc/"back to garage"

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Hi all, 


My Game freezes and needs to be killed via task manager when I go esc/"back to garage" from a battle or the battle ends regularly. This happens in about 1 in 5 games.


Without XVM game runs stable and the error does not occur. 


I also tried with other mods and the error only occurs for xvm mod.




I have deactivated "player stats in battle" from the website and it seems to have improved things.



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I have attached the python log to my original post.

I confirm that the game has not crashed since I deactivated "player stats in battle".

The game crashed today after about 50 battles... a big improvement occurs when I deactivate "player stats in battle".




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yes, its been driving me mad for a while! Crashes tend to occur when I come back to the garage from a battle and there is another battle results just a few minutes before... (in other words, there is a queue of two battles waiting to show results), Then it almost certainly crashes. 


I would really appreciate if you could have a look at it. I am not the only one with this problem. There is a ticket open in Aslain's mod pack website. Please check it out. https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/16077-game-freezing-when-in-the-garage/


I realise it has to do with xvm since all other mods work well when I remove yours. Reading this thread I got the idea of unchecking "player stats in battle" and that made a huge improvement.


My guess is that there is some time-out with your servers that stops the mod from updating its battle results and this ends up in a freeze.


cheers and thanks for having a look at it.

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19 часов назад, knasil сказал:

I realise it has to do with xvm since


In this section, logs are accepted only with XVM.

Check out the rules.


  1. Clear directories for modifications ("mods" and "res_mods").
  2. Check the integrity of the client in the WGC.
  3. Install only XVM (latest release version, if available, or nightly builds).
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@night_dragon_on не стоит так ультимативно заявлять, что логи с другими модами не рассматриваются.

Во-первых — это не всегда так. Исключения редки, но бывали.

Во-вторых — в такой формулировке это сильно отпугивает людей и мешает здоровому общению по сути проблем.

Лучше просто уточнить, что лог без других модов гораздо полезнее и поможет быстрее решить проблему. Тогда вероятность, что пользователь пойдёт навстречу будет выше.

Формулировки важны, особенно при обращении к новичкам, которым может быть сложно освоиться в незнакомой среде. Спасибо.


@knasil actually, it's not a "rule", it's just a recommendation which is important in your case. We do not have any reports about this kind of problem and we cannot reproduce it on our side. But in your case it might be caused by the incompatibility of 3rd party mod with XVM. It's very hard to investigate this kind of problem without additional tests only with XVM.

Also, XVM in 3rd party modpacks is usually modified by modpack author, so we can't even know what is exactly different from the official XVM. So even if you select some "XVM" settings in 3rd party mod pack, it does not mean what it's the XVM part. It might be 3rd party mod for XVM.

We are happy to help, but this is impossible without reproducing the problem with XVM from an official source and without other mods.

It would be very helpful if you reproduce this problem using XVM only and then attach new logs. Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/27/2020 at 3:27 AM, knasil said:

well, with those rules you will exclude lots of people who may otherwise contribute to improve your work. count me out.



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  • 1 month later...

I see this same behavior. I turned off "In game player stats" and never got it -- but that doesnt mean much as I couldnt see playing with that turned off.   Python log stops at

2020-07-17 18:11:45.779: INFO: [Scaleform] Scaleform manager: unregister movie 0000000077954D70(uid='3', swf='gui/flash/waitingTransitionsApp.swf').
2020-07-17 18:11:45.782: INFO: [Scaleform] Destroy GUI Component: 'gui/flash/waitingTransitionsApp.swf'
2020-07-17 18:11:45.782: INFO: [Scaleform] Destroy GUI Component: 'UiRenderComponent'
2020-07-17 18:11:46.382: INFO: [Scaleform] Destroy GUI Component: 'WindowGUIComponent'
2020-07-17 18:11:46.382: INFO: [Scaleform] Destroy GUI Component: 'WindowGUIComponent'

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