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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Same to me, I will not include logs because it the same like for the OP.
  2. The Great Race Platoon doesn't work, cannot proceed and select vehicle as ready nor clicking on Battle button. Race tanks are greyed out too. The problem persist in either latest stable and latest nightly. python.log xvm.log
  3. {{battletype-key}} не работает должным образом (Последний xvm)
  4. @ktulho Thread: Main Exception: WotDataLib.WotDataException Message: Could not parse game data for country "ussr" ... at TankIconMaker.MainWindow.ReloadData(Boolean first) in MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 396 Exception: System.InvalidOperationException Message: Only bool values can be converted to bool. ...
  5. Game is crashing when loading Grand Battle replay. No xvm.log because it's not created in this replay. (Without XVM this replay is loading fine, with XVM game is crashing.) python.log 15607001981318_uk_GB48_FV215b_183_epic_random_valley.wotreplay
  6. Still errors, but different. python.log xvm.log
  7. Ошибки в логах 7.9.4 [9116] python.log xvm.log
  8. @Polyacov_Yury Спасибо что прекратили использовать polarfox и зашли на izeberg.modsettingsap. Лучшее решение этого года.
  9. @Mixaill Спасибо. Я не могу скрыть {{vehicle}} имена, отключил их, и они все еще видны. (в маркерах)
  10. Почему у меня есть маркеры по умолчанию, даже когда я модифицирую их в конфиге? Есть ли с ними проблемы?
  11. C'mon... Like I don't know. I posted what I have, maybe they will find it usefull. I have no other logs. Don't you think that it's better to show such logs than nothing? I cannot ask some random joe to install default xvm and send me logs, it's too hard for typical joe. If you read carefully you would notice it's not my logs but from someone else. You linked some old thread where I posted no logs but part of config and asked for explanation, what's wrong with that? Especial that this problem persist for years now and nobody fixed it. It's not attached to any particular xvm build, and logs are typical without any exceptions. I perfectly know where to post proper log, and this topic is very example of this.
  12. Unlocked the topic to add new logs from someone who still experience this bug even in 7.8.3 (it's not me, I'm ok). python.log xvm.log
  13. Unable to preview vehicle in hangar XVM Latest stable 7.8.2 python.log xvm.log
  14. It's too rare to reproduce sorry. Happens like 1 time every 1000 battles.
  15. Same problem here (+ missing things on battle loading window) - using latest "stable" 7.7.7 for Errors in both logs: xvm.log python.log
  16. Like this https://wgmods.net/1903/ ? You can use someones mod or create such icons yourself using Tank Icon Maker
  17. Ktuhlo I think all is ok, I was just asking without experiencing any problems.
  18. Is it working fine in Many crosshairs are broken that's why I ask.
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