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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. @ktulho One last thing, is this suppose to stay on the screen after player tank is destroyer?
  2. @ktulho "format": "Aim Time ~ <font size='19'>{{py:sight.timeAIM>0?{{py:sight.timeAIM%3.1f}}|Aimed!}}</font> {{py:sight.timeAIM>0?s|}}" "format": "Fly Time ~ <font size='19'>{{py:sight.timeFlight%3.1f}}</font> s" Is there way to not display any values in tbe beginning of battle (before the battle begins "Awaiting users..." etc.):
  3. I have small problem, when I use this macro {{py:sight.timeAIM%3.1f}} it displays aiming the number with one decimal place, i.e. "14.1 s." But when I change to this: {{{{py:sight.timeAIM}}>0?{{{{py:sight.timeAIM%3.1f}}}}|Aimed!}} it not displaying any decimal places, I only get this "14 s." I'm talking about this format: "format": "Aim Time ~ <font size='19'>{{py:sight.timeAIM%3.1f}}</font> s."
  4. @Ekspoint Please consider showing that links panel only once per game session. Sticking it to the bottom of panel, and forcing people to always see it is a VERY BAD IDEA. Especialy that it lead to russian language page where non-ru users cannot navigate, and cannot provide you any feedback either. If you must, make it visible only for RU region, like you did with your chat, otherwise it really has no point, it's only leads to huge annoyance, when users want to see stats (from the session stat mods) they have to always scroll up.
  5. @Finister I'm personaly following up many tank skin mods and when there is a new game update I'm receiving notification that they have been updated, but when I download them I'm finding out that they wasn't really updated, they was just re-uploaded....again. So I'm suggesting to add the possibility to mark a mod that was already uploaded and approved to be available for selected WoT client version. It's a waste of time to re-upload all mods that are still working with given WoT client version. In example there are skins/remodels, many of them don't even have a version folder included, just a .wotmod. There is no point to upload them again if they are still working fine. It's bad for modders, and bad for users - both groups are wasting own time and bandwidth in this case. It's also unnecessary traffic to your wg hub website which could be avoided. Example: If you consider my suggestion, then also make it to not send notifications to users who are following a mod if this mod wasn't really updated and is still compatible with new game client.
  6. Anything else I can do to help fix this? I can record a video but not sure if this can help with anything. I've tried that on RU client with the same results. 2018-04-02 19:42:54.591: INFO: marksOnGunExtended Flash coordinates updated : x = 116, y = -512 "panel": { "drag": true, "height": 46, "width": 146, "alignY": "bottom", "alignX": "left", "y": -228, "x": 230, "border": true },
  7. It's not fixed for me, moreover it re-introduced the bug from v4.05 (where the window was draggable only once, then it's getting stuck forever in one position).
  8. Я попробовал сейчас, я загрузил мод из github, я сыграл в одном бою, я изменил положение окна, я вышел из игры и вернулся к нему, окно с модемом снова в таком положении, как первоначально установлено. python.log
  9. @ spoter MoG extended 4.06 is not saving window position position properly. The position is reset at each game client restart. python.log
  10. Error spam with MoG extended 4.04 https://bpaste.net/show/c7b673a10f8f also it's impossible to move it with mouse, after first or second drag it get stuck in one possition.
  11. Yeah, enabling this option is solving the problem, however do you really belive it's not a bug? I don't think that a black box should remain in center of screen after button release.
  12. Black block on screen with enlarged minimap, after pressing L.CTRL "zoom": { // Zoom index value for minimap zoom key (0..5). // Значение масштаба миникарты при нажатии клавиши масштаба (0..5). "index": 5, // false - does not set zoomed minimap at display center. // false - не устанавливать увеличенную миникарту по центру экрана. "centered": true }, It stays in screen on key release. python.log xvm.log
  13. So is anyone able to fix atlas creation for 1.0? Does not have to be .dds, can be .png but still. Creating 30 different iconsets using CCAtlas is big lost of precious time.
  14. [9.23 CT][8229] Settings window hangs up When you open the settings window in hangar you cannot close it anymore. Attaching logs. python.log xvm.log Fixed in 8230.
  15. You'll be moved to https://koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/75- and forgotten, like me :P
  16. Is there a way avoid double compression of icons from original atlas files in the 1.0 (9.23 CT) when creating new icons? CCAtlas is cutting icons to png, then compressing them to dds, they lost quality in the process :/ Is anyone working on TIM update, so it can create .dds without need to use CCAtlas?
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