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Seems there are lots of job to get XVM work like it used to be.   Hitlog not visible, minimap tank names and hp circles missing,  spotted status mark overlaps tank names in player list, team hp pool values aligned left and overlaps own team player names, tank markers shadowed really badly,  tier level missing etc.    Is this really the case that old configs needs really much job to get all working they used to work? If thats the case maybe need to start make new config at scratch... huh and tank carousel doesnt work as it supposed to, sixth sense alarm doesnt work either, I think its due to ongoing work? Any toughts should I make totally new configs or is there coming improvements for these mentioned things? This is the 1st time XVM has changed so much always got it working with only minor adjustments. thanks in advance for commentspost-12829-0-71109900-1469635315_thumb.jpg

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Don't wait for minimap in this XVM release.

For other things you should update your config.

XVM was completely rewritten, because battle gui engine was changed from AS2 to AS3, and all XVM features was made from scratch. For example, "strength" parameter for shadow differs in AS3, and you should divide its value to 100.

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here is my config, need to overhaul it to this new wot version..

been fixing my configs but cant get vehicle markers to work at all,  only shows vehicles class icon, nothing else , even tried default config same thing?? weird, yesterday they were almost working only vehicle tier was missing





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Looks like this is a "scratching our balls" week - 2nd day already there's no XVM, J1mb0 is scratching his balls too, the authors of 2 other mods are scratching their balls, everybody's scratching their balls.

Shall we have XVM before WOT 9.16 or not?

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here is my config, need to overhaul it to this new wot version..

been fixing my configs but cant get vehicle markers to work at all,  only shows vehicles class icon, nothing else , even tried default config same thing?? weird, yesterday they were almost working only vehicle tier was missing




The damage log you are using is likely to corrupt minimap labels.

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Looks like this is a "scratching our balls" week - 2nd day already there's no XVM, J1mb0 is scratching his balls too, the authors of 2 other mods are scratching their balls, everybody's scratching their balls.

Shall we have XVM before WOT 9.16 or not?


How about you go scratch your own non-existent balls instead of shitposting? 


The mods will be out when they are out. The mod authors may have other things to do other than spending all their free time catering to entitled whiners like you.

Edited by cokebottle
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The damage log you are using is likely to corrupt minimap labels.


minimap was corrupted by that WN8 mod, but how about those tank markers (above tank) ?  Is it damage log?

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The damage log you are using is likely to corrupt minimap labels.


weird I noticed if I use latest nighly build those tank names dont work in minimap, Gambiter damagelog doesnt affect those, now everythin else work (using older nighly build) but cant get those vehicle markers to work at all. Had to turn them off from xvm




also sixth sense sound doesnt work with newest nighly

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Looks like this is a "scratching our balls" week - 2nd day already there's no XVM, J1mb0 is scratching his balls too, the authors of 2 other mods are scratching their balls, everybody's scratching their balls.

Shall we have XVM before WOT 9.16 or not?


Do you actually even realize that the in-game interface was changed from ActionScript2 to ActionScript3 and XVM has to be re-written completely, which is enormous amount of work.


Plus, since when exactly mod developers started to owe you something?

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yep dont blame developers here (whole situation is is made by WG) , Im glad we have this excellent mod, usually Im here for asking help and if developers could tell where we are going would help people to understand the current situation and dont get frustrated, Im still not sure if  garage carusel or tank markers should work also noticed that last spotted situation doesnt work in miminap maybe someone could tell what should work and what not.  If developers dont have time to answer maybe some player could tell, thanks, it would help lots of people who are "scratching  balls"  :) .Thanks for this excellent mod. btw sixth sense works with latest 6169 but then my tank names dont work in minimap..so I have to use older version

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