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Missing icons on the new minimap?

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I'm using latest default xvm 6.1.5, and have a question, is the picture below correct?


I see missing icons for hidden / dead enemies. How to enable them? As you see just tank names without point where he is, it's very annoying.



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Currently dead tanks are showing up as dots, how to replace dot with class icon?


    "vtypeDead": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "ally", "enemy", "squadman", "teamKiller", "dead" ],
//    "format": "<font face='xvm' size='8' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.lostDot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>D</font>",
      "format": "<font face='xvm' size='11' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.lostDot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{.minimap.labelsData.vtype.{{vtype-key}}}}</font>",
      "shadow": { "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem.shadow" }, "strength": 3 },
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "center",
      "alpha": 90
Edited by Kotyarko_O
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I still don't fully understand how this new templates system work, I see new macros there, or at least stuff I'm not familiar with yet, so I would need some advices.


I need to know how to display HP circles on the minimap now :)


Previously it was like that:

"ally":   "<span class='mm_a'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span>",
"teamkiller":  "<span class='mm_t'>{{vehicle}}</span>",
"enemy":  "<span class='mm_e'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|æ}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span>",
"squad":  "<textformat leading='-1'><span class='mm_s'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span></textformat>",

How to convert it to current config? :)


Another question: How to hide player names for enemy team on the minimap?

Edited by Aslain
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I still don't fully understand how this new templates system work, I see new macros there, or at least stuff I'm not familiar with yet, so I would need some advices.


I need to know how to display HP circles on the minimap now :)


Previously it was like that:

"ally":   "<span class='mm_a'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span>",
"teamkiller":  "<span class='mm_t'>{{vehicle}}</span>",
"enemy":  "<span class='mm_e'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|æ}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span>",
"squad":  "<textformat leading='-1'><span class='mm_s'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span></textformat>",

How to convert it to current config? :)

Try this (example based on default config):



   "vehicleSpottedAlly": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "ally", "spotted", "alive" ],     
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}",
      "x": 2,
      "y": -1
    "vehicleSpottedEnemy": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "enemy", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|æ}}</font>{{vehicle}}",
      "x": 2,
      "y": -1
    "vehicleSpottedSquadman": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "squadman", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<textformat leading='-1'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</textformat>",
      "x": 2,
      "y": -1
    "vehicleSpottedTeamKiller": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "{{vehicle}}",
      "x": 2,
      "y": -1


    "formats": [
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpottedAlly" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpottedEnemy" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpottedSquadman" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpottedTeamKiller" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" }

Edited by Kotyarko_O
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Found some bugs in code, missing '

I saw it later) Fixed.


Anyway tried that and this looks bad

In my previous post i wrote: "example based on default config". I`ve not configurate coordinates.


Try this:


"iconAlpha": 0,

'minimapLabelsTemplates.xc (add this after "def" template in config):'

    "HealthPointsSpottedAlly": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "ally", "spotted", "alive" ],      
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?21|19}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "y": -11
    "HealthPointsSpottedEnemy": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "enemy", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?21|19}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|æ}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "y": -11
    "HealthPointsSpottedSquadman": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "squadman", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?21|19}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "y": -11
    "HealthPointsSpottedTeamKiller": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?21|19}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "y": -11


      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedAlly" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedEnemy" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedSquadman" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedTeamKiller" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" }

Edited by Kotyarko_O
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sorry to jump this thread, I trying to get same thing working.  The code above works like this (1st pic)  and would like to have it like in second picture, darker colors red/green  and tank class icon in middle of circle, the circle could also be sligtly smaller



Edited by Andyss
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You helped a lot. Thanks again, now it works :) 


Do you maybe know how to make that hp rings to have same colors as icons? Currently it's brighter than icons. Also to make rings thinner a bit, I tried but failed, when I lower to 20|18 it looks crappy on some vehicle class.

Edited by Aslain
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I'm not familiar with these hp circles, but from what I see they use the same color as tank names. You need to either set a fixed color for them or change the macro to use colors from icons not from names.


Change this:


to this:



As for the second question, I think you can't change the thickness of the circles, because it's a font. You can only scale it.

Edited by konrad509
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I'm not familiar with these hp circles, but from what I see they use the same color as tank names. You need to either set a fixed color for them or change the macro to use colors from icons not from names.


Change this:


to this:



As for the second question, I think you can't change the thickness of the circles, because it's a font. You can only scale it.


Thanks, that fixed circle color.

Finaly managed to do it:







"formats": [
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedAlly" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedEnemy" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedSquadman" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.HealthPointsSpottedTeamKiller" },
      //${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpotted" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" },
      ${ "minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" }




"HealthPointsSpottedAlly": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "ally", "spotted", "alive" ],     
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?16|14}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "x": 0,
      "y": -9
    "HealthPointsSpottedEnemy": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "enemy", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?16|14}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|æ}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "x": 0,  
      "y": -9
    "HealthPointsSpottedSquadman": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "squadman", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?16|14}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "x": 0,  
      "y": -9
    "HealthPointsSpottedTeamKiller": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='{{vtype-key=HT?16|14}}' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>",
      "align": "center",
      "valign": "top",
      "x": 0,  
      "y": -9




"iconScale": 0.65,
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