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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Replay attached. 20140509_1912_ussr-SU_85I_87_ruinberg_on_fire.wotreplay
  2. Maybe a bug (build 2868): White dashes, but color is defined as #666666
  3. How do you set spotting limit for dynamic spotting circles on minimap? In XVM Tank Miniranges mod it was "spotting_limit": true
  4. Build 2830. No stats but red 0% is still displayed instead of regular placeholders.
  5. This is typical Python.log from all those who are crashing, having issues with strange crosshair size and jittering, or see playerspanel in garage etc. http://www.mediafire.com/download/a9ey8hra4t7t46d/python.rar Has anyone clue what could cause it?
  6. Is this possible that in 2838 players started to crash to desktop again, like it was right after update to 9.0? Has anyone Reported it? Also found this bug Rounding: That number in brackets is average dmg in battle. "formatHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Hits}}:</font> <font color='#FFCC66' size='15'><b>{{n}}</b></font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Total}}:</font> <font size='16' color='#FF8080'><b>{{dmg-total}}</b></font> <font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>[</font><font size='14' color='#A4FF80'><b>{{dmg-avg}}</b></font><font size='14' color='#FFFFFF'>]</font> <font color='#FFFFFF'>{{l10n:Last}}:</font> <img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0'><font size='13'>{{dead}}</font> <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b>{{dmg}}</b></font></font><br><img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/hitlogline.png' width='300' height='3' vspace='0'>",
  7. You cannot use Aslain in xvm.xc otherwise Tankcarousel mod will destroy your garage. Thanks to two retards.
  8. I see they are slightly different. I don't have to use decimals? (For example value: 88.5) Thanks, I wasn't sure if my values were correct, I took them from this forum, but cannot find the original post now.
  9. I have colors.xc, with these settings: "colorRating": { "very_bad": "0xCC0000", "bad": "0xFE0E00", "below_average": "0xFE7903", "average": "0xF8F400", "good": "0x99CC00", "very_good": "0x00CC00", "great": "0x66BBFF", "unicum": "0xCC66CC", "super_unicum": "0xFF00FF" }, "x": [ { "value": 17, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad"} }, { "value": 29, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"} }, { "value": 38, "color": ${"def.colorRating.below_average"} }, { "value": 50, "color": ${"def.colorRating.average"} }, { "value": 63, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"} }, { "value": 73, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, { "value": 88, "color": ${"def.colorRating.great"} }, { "value": 98, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unicum"} }, { "value": 999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.super_unicum"} } ], "wn8": [ { "value": 1, "color": "0xFCFCFC" }, { "value": 300, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad"} }, { "value": 600, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"} }, { "value": 900, "color": ${"def.colorRating.below_average"} }, { "value": 1250, "color": ${"def.colorRating.average"} }, { "value": 1600, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"} }, { "value": 1900, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, { "value": 2350, "color": ${"def.colorRating.great"} }, { "value": 2900, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unicum"} }, { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.super_unicum"} } ] Yet the x value is not quite accurate in compare to WN8 it's always slightly different, so the Profile in garage has sometimes incorrect color for wn8 (xwn8). So the problem is when I display C:XWN8 / XWN8 and C:WN8 / WN8 next to each other there are differences in colors. I need to find which x value is correct for the same rating in wn8. I've noticed you can add decimals, but still don't know how to calculate values in 9 steps.
  10. Could you please link latest stable version without stat activation? I haven't seen any. The one stated as stable (XVM 5.1.0) has bugged Team Mode since WG minipatch.
  11. Error in r3314: Error: www.modxvm.com Unknown status {"Status": "requested", Getting this once I clicked "ADD PC".
  12. Has anything changed in configs or something? I tried most of last nightly builds (including latest 3263), have stats activated on modxvm.com but no stats in the game, and no stats on replays. The problem is in both 8.11 and 0.9.0CT, yesterday was everything fine so I'm not sure is it on your side or on client? From xvm.log: 2014-03-25 18:08:23: [iNFO] HTTPS: /3.0/checkToken/500031733 2014-03-25 18:08:23: [iNFO] Time: 227 ms, Size: 101 (96) bytes 2014-03-25 18:09:09: [ERROR] No valid token for XVM statistics (key = EU / Aslain)
  13. Hi there, Do you guys maybe know how to add Wargaming openID loging to IPB forum? (v3.4.6) Would appreciate any help on that because creating own forums based on it. A.
  14. Is the dev still waiting for stable XVM? We will soon have 8.11 and still no update :(
  15. One more thing, if you decide to add this macro what I mentioned, could you also add something like Nationality marker, that can display tank nationality on the OTM, with possibility to use images too, just like it is with stock turret marker. Could someone from the XVM answer here, to accept it, or refuse, or something that confirming you have read it, and are aware? ;)
  16. You have an example just one post above yours... what do you need more?
  17. Yes I know but it's not what I need, what you proposed is inproper in the usage by a FAR, kind of huge workaround. I did this before, and I didn't like the results. I need a proper and separate text marker for the OTM made by our awesome XVM devs :)
  18. Hi Sirmax, Your editor needs some update, it's missing a split options of Ally/Foe at the iconset options. A.
  19. I'm having a feature request: Add premium tank macro/marker to the OTM Example: // {{premium-vehicle}} marker for premium vehicles "premiumMarker": "marker", It should be possible to put images nor text there, just like the stock turret macro is working currently. I belive it shouldn't be hard to implement. The same way please add tank nationality macro for the OTM. Thank you!
  20. Thank you for the reply :) Awesome job with adding the WN8 macro. Keep up the good work! Wish there would be also a {{c:wn8}} macro added, otherwise it's hard to test it, when the colors are matching totaly different rating :)
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