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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Are you tired of default tank contours, that tells you basicaly nothing about it, except for the tank contour itself? Try my custom contour icons, with them you'll not only have a brand new colored and tiered vehicle names, but also XVM - which means nice floating dmg numbers, custom health bars and more....The mod is in developement since WoT's closed beta back in 2010, and is one of the first icon mods ever created. The purpose of it was to replace ugly, and useless contour icons in favor of colored vehicle names. With my icons you can have much better battle awareness, than the others players who uses default set. You can identify enemy vehicle class with a blink of an eye, you will never be supriced like you can be with built-in icons. http://youtu.be/df21EtPW9ZM The mod is in a constant developement, visit this thread often to see what's new. ----------------------------------------------------------- Mod version for WoT 0.8.6: Aslain's XVM Mod v2.8.11 (EN) ----------------------------------------------------------- Mod version for WoT 0.8.7 CT: Aslain's XVM Mod v2.8.11_test2 (EN) ----------------------------------------------------------- Extras Alternative standalone mods (doesn't require the main mod): Aslain's XVM Mod v2.8.11 Colorblind Aslain's XVM Mod v2.8.11 Classical Aslain's XVM Mod v2.8.11 Classical CB Aslain's XVM Mod v2.8.11 Hitlog Only The enablers section (only for the main mod, doesn't work alone!):Aslain's XVM Mod WinChance enabler Aslain's XVM Mod Minimap Zoom enabler Aslain's XVM Mod Premium Star enabler Alternative configs (only for the main mod, doesn't work alone!):Config with tier number enabled by default v2.8.11 Config with player names enabled by default v2.8.11 Config with tier number + player names enabled by default v2.8.11 Config with max info always displayed without pressing ALT key v2.8.11 ----------------------------------------------------------- Backup download site: Click ----------------------------------------------------------- How to install: 1. Unzip and copy everything to WoT's folder 2. If you want to see clanicons, you have to download desired version and unpack to WoT directory 3. Download and install required fonts from here. Otherwise you may see colorfull squares instead of vehicle names, stats and symbols. 4. Launch the game and go to Settings - Game Tab - uncheck: Show vehicle tier 5. If you want to see statistics and the other stuff (like on my screenies) follow this guide. Changelog v2.8.11: - 6th sense icon location fix - the 56-19 vehicle name fix - added new stock turret icons - the wings of death are now colored by foe/ally FAQ:
  2. Mod conflict with Locastans minimap leftovers. Clean your res_mods, should help. You are welcome.
  3. Question1: Is that possible to display destroyed tank icons/names on the minimap, but only if ALT is pressed? If so, how to do it, any example woud be great. Question2: How to color the icons on the minimap according to vehicle class, let say also only if ALT pressed only.
  4. My own and friends wn6/eff ratings went down in 8.6 patch and XVM 4.0, why is that?
  5. Has anything changed in XVM 4.0.0 for 8.6 CT (no matter test4-test6, final 4.0), because this xvmres://icons/{{dmg-kind}}.png at hitlog.xc is not displaying any icons on hit, yet on 8.5 it's working fine and showing my icons as usuall. edit: I think I know why is that, you have translated the hitlog messages, its not attack anymore but ataka etc.
  6. When I use c:system I'm getting weird colors mixed with my own dmg colors, I dont know why :( Only null color is working fine. Too bad c:dmg macro is not working on shadow color setting. I'm attaching my config for testing. edit: I guess the problem might be with the Editor's save vs. full config save, didnt notice it earlier. The non-full save is stripping out default settings, leaving only changed ones. And null color settings was treated like default.
  7. Question regarding the Editor: This is my part of my markers code: "damageTextPlayer": { "color": "0xFFFFFF", "damageMessage": "-{{dmg}}", "font": { "bold": true, "size": 15 }, "maxRange": 60, "shadow": { "angle": 0, "distance": 1, "size": 5, "strength": 400, "color": null }, "speed": 3, "y": -65 }, When I open it in editor, and then save immediately, this is what I get: "damageTextPlayer": { "color": "0xFFFFFF", "damageMessage": "-{{dmg}}", "font": { "bold": true, "size": 15 }, "maxRange": 60, "shadow": { "angle": 0, "distance": 1, "size": 5, "strength": 400 }, "speed": 3, "y": -65 }, "color": null" is gone, is this intended? Because in my case it is changing all colors from colorfull dmg text to black dmg text for everyone. Yes I am using shadow color as dmg color.
  8. Thank you Sirmax for reply, I have a new one :) You have updated the editor to 0.50 for XVM 4.0, does it open the new config format? (multiple files) or only supporting single file one? When I tried to open res_mods/xvm/xvm.xc (${"configs/Default/@xvm.xc":"."}) I see this error: When I tried to open directly res_mods/xvm/configs/Default/@xvm.xc I see this: and this (different default config): (of course I have those files there)
  9. At first I used 4.0.0-test2 on 8.5, and it caused strange behaviour. I was confused because of folder 8.5 inside, on 8.6 everything is fine except foreign characters. I'm getting squares instead of special characters on capture bar: Special chars are encoded with ANSI, but also tried UTF-8 without success, it was all fine in xvm 3.5.0. And strange button on finalstatistics: Hope it helps :)
  10. I will provide more data but I'm busy atm.
  11. Thanks for reply. So I have downloaded 4.0.0-test2, and it's very messy build if you use it on 0.8.5 (it has even directory for 8.5, not 8.6 Common Test inside), wrong colors, missing stuff etc, but when used on 0.8.6 CT server it works quite ok, except for enlarged fonts on battleloading, playerpanels and other places, also the hitlog has big space between each line - this is what noticed in two battles.
  12. Dear Devs, I'd like to kindly ask for any ETA of XVM for 8.6 CT. Could you tell more or less when it would be done? :)
  13. Ok I see, thanks a lot for explanation.
  14. Visible to me, or to anyone in my team? In the other words, Do I have to be a witness to death of tank, to have it removed from my hplog, or ...?
  15. XVM-4.0.0_test1: It's hplog, the problem is at the moment it was only GW Tiger alive, but hplog shows 3 tanks, why? Is there a way to format the hplog ? (change font size etc...)
  16. Hi Mr A, thank you for your replies, but I dont fully understant this one, what should I look at? My question is simple: I have nothing in the E column, but my friend has his all tanks rated inm garage, and he can sort them that way. Why is that I have nothing, yet I see the rating if I click on every tank separately in achivement window.
  17. Can someone explain this: I mean this X, I know there is 1-9, X stands for what is that just 10, the max E value? It's also white, unlike the other numbers, this is why I am confused.
  18. the "E" column in garage is showing nothing for myself and and most of the other players, yet if I click on particular vehicle it has calculated his own "E" value in detailed window. Some rare players has it showed but 99% has not. Why is that?
  19. Good to know. I have another question: the "E" column in garage is showing nothing for myself and other players, yet if I click on particular vehicle it has calculated his own "E" value in detailed window. Why is that?
  20. Great news, I asked because there was info about new format and I was affraid.
  21. Will you provide a tool to convert old configs into a new XVM 4.0 format?
  22. Thank you for your answer, I will wait for █XlebniDizele4ku reply then :)
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