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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. They changed some things in texts.xc, try it. "spotted": { "neverSeen": "", "lost": "<font face='xvm' size='23'>p</font>", "spotted": "<font face='xvm' size='23'>p</font>", "dead": "<font face='xvm' size='23' alpha='#80'>v</font>", "neverSeen_arty": "", "lost_arty": "<font face='xvm' size='23'>p</font>", "spotted_arty": "<font face='xvm' size='23'>p</font>", "dead_arty": "<font face='xvm' size='23' alpha='#80'>v</font>" }, Was revealed, now is spotted.
  2. You helped a lot. Thanks again, now it works :) Do you maybe know how to make that hp rings to have same colors as icons? Currently it's brighter than icons. Also to make rings thinner a bit, I tried but failed, when I lower to 20|18 it looks crappy on some vehicle class.
  3. Found some bugs in code, missing ' Anyway tried that and this looks bad: This is what I need:
  4. I still don't fully understand how this new templates system work, I see new macros there, or at least stuff I'm not familiar with yet, so I would need some advices. I need to know how to display HP circles on the minimap now :) Previously it was like that: "ally": "<span class='mm_a'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span>", "teamkiller": "<span class='mm_t'>{{vehicle}}</span>", "enemy": "<span class='mm_e'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|æ}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span>", "squad": "<textformat leading='-1'><span class='mm_s'><font face='dynamic' size='14' color='{{c:system}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a}}</font>{{vehicle}}</span></textformat>", How to convert it to current config? :) Another question: How to hide player names for enemy team on the minimap?
  5. Thanks. Another question related minimap. Currently dead tanks are showing up as dots, how to replace dot with class icon? Somehow cannot find it in config.
  6. So I assume that XVM is trying to use/install fonts that I already have in system as older versions.
  7. Hi I'm using latest default xvm 6.1.5, and have a question, is the picture below correct? I see missing icons for hidden / dead enemies. How to enable them? As you see just tank names without point where he is, it's very annoying.
  8. Error Updating crewmans, game stuck. Python: Эта опция прослушивание: "useFreeXpForVehicleResearch": true,
  9. XVM- * bug fixes and optimization * new options: "sounds"/"fireAlert" - fire alarm sound "sounds"/"ammoBay" - alarm sound after ammo bay is damaged So, can someone tell more about it? Where is their setting (which file). Also need info if they are using custom sound banks, or using built in game ones? If so, which sound bank is needed? I do hope it's not xvm.fsb, because it would fuck up all 6th sense sound mods....they would need total rework.
  10. So, is this new feature of XVM now to display Tier number on Battleloading/Statstab or you are still working to remove it? :)
  11. Tried: "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{nick%.12s~..}}</font> <font color='#C9C9C9' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{flags=default?--|{{flags}}}}</font>", Displays nothing for flags
  12. Hi Can you tell how to stop this macro {{flags}} to display "default" ? When I use it in textual form, to show letters it ruins it all when it displays "default". I only want two char letters or nothing, but no default text.
  13. Definitely agree with that. Great people and country. I love to visit them. Always pleasure :)
  14. Visiting my new family :) This is third year in row I'm going there, usually I am staying in Gerogia 1-2 months. At this moment I am at Ureki (near Kobuleti) but in two days going to Svanetia Causassius mountains, to visit another part of family.
  15. Thanks, so it's my mobile internet in Georgia maybe.
  16. EU server, XVM 4664, ping is not working either in login and in hangar, EU1: error, EU2: error all the time
  17. Latest build is crashing the 9.9 game. On EU client at least.
  18. Hi I was wondering if you have a setting that allows for floating damage to be on first plane, not behind custom text fields. Is that possible?
  19. This is vanilla client: http://aslain.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-7923-0-07937000-1435007854.jpg First engine 450, second engine 500, but when you install XVM, both engines are 500 and weight is messed up either: http://aslain.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-7923-0-37174300-1435007711.jpg It's probably more global, not just this tank, but who knows...
  20. Hi, it's me again, with another bug report :) So we have this elements.xc where we can tune the things. Can someone tell is it working fine now? While I could move capture bars a little bit to bottom (they are placed too high in the 9.8 for unknown reason) I cannot move 6th sense in the same manner, whatever I put there it always shown up in default position. Is it bugged then? Latest xvm.
  21. Repost from my forum: With stock game the tank names in Domination mode are displayed correctly, but with mods installed then all the names are just shuffled. Example a T110E5 (D) with the name Ojb.140 and the Ojb.140 with the name of AMX 50B. Latest nighlty. Not sure if it's bug or what, but wanted to let you know. At the beggining of match all the tanks are fine, it happens when you respawn.
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