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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Have questions about macro: {{r}} player's rating (type of rating can be selected in the personal cabinet: http://www.modxvm.com/) When will you add these ratings to personal cabinet? Currently {{r}} is showing 2-digit something.
  2. Have you tried to use my code? Before, I tried something like this: "formatLeft": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|CT}}/{{language|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.9s~..}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{clan}}</font>", But the flag is a bit too close to the top on line, check both sides: "medium": { "formatLeft": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|CT}}/{{language|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.9s~..}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{clan}}</font>", "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{clan}}</font> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'alpha='{{alive?#F0|#80}}'>{{name%.9s~..}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|CT}}/{{language|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'>", "extraFieldsLeft": [ // { "x": -208, "y": 6, "align": "center", "bindToIcon": "false", "valign": "top", "src": "xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|EU}}/{{language|empty}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|30}}", "shadow": {} }, { "x": 0, "y": 22, "valign": "center", "h": 3, "w": "108", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, { "x": 0, "y": 22, "valign": "center", "h": 3, "w": "{{hp-ratio:108}}", "bgColor": "{{c:wn8|#FFFFFF}}", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" }, {} ], "extraFieldsRight": [ // { "x": -208, "y": 6, "align": "center", "bindToIcon": "false", "valign": "top", "src": "xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|EU}}/{{language|empty}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|30}}", "shadow": {} }, { "x": 0, "y": 22, "valign": "center", "h": 3, "w": "108", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, { "x": 0, "y": 22, "valign": "center", "h": 3, "w": "{{hp-ratio:108}}", "bgColor": "{{c:wn8|#FFFFFF}}", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" }, { "x": 0, "y": 4, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": "true", "format": "{{spotted}} ", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {} }, {} ], "width": 56 }, Also how to make the flag in format field to dissapear after players death? I tried to add alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}' to <img> but it doesn't change anything. Solved with this: "medium": { "formatLeft": " <font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{nick%.13s~..}}</font>", "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:wn8}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{nick%.13s~..}}</font> ", "extraFieldsLeft": [ { "x": 10, "y": 6, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "src": "xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|EU}}/{{language|empty}}.png", "alpha": "{{alive?100|30}}", "shadow": {} }, { "x": 0, "y": 22, "valign": "center", "h": 3, "w": "105", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}" }, { "x": 0, "y": 22, "valign": "center", "h": 3, "w": "{{hp-ratio:105}}", "bgColor": "{{c:wn8|#FFFFFF}}", "alpha": "{{alive?75|0}}" }, {} ], Thanks for a tip Soulza
  3. Thanks, wonder who was that smart to modify this font, and do not rename it.... he must be idiot...
  4. I see you embedded different font. Why there is so many versions of the same font people? Why so big mess. Can anyone tell, and also give a souce of this font? Who is making it? Embedded XVMSymbol: My XVMSymbol font (same version and date!):
  5. Aye, everything seem to be ok with scale 1, this works for me too, the problem begins when I try to scale it, for example to 0.8.
  6. What about vtype? I used characters from the code I pasted above, but they give the same effect, no fonts at all. Tried unicode and normal char, no change.
  7. I noticed you recently embedded XVMSymbol font into XVM, how to use it? When I have this in hitlog, I see empty space instead of class icons: "formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-3' tabstops='[13,48,87,130,238]'><b><font color='#B5B5B5'><font size='13'>×{{n-player}}: </font></font><font size='13'><tab>{{dmg-player}}<tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| <img src='cfg://Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0'><tab>| <font color='{{c:vtype}}' size='14' face='xvm'>{{vtype}}</font> <font color='{{c:vtype}}'><font size='13'>{{vehicle}} </font></font><tab>| </b><font color='#F8F8F8'><font size='12'>{{name}}</font></font> <font size='11'><font face='Consolas'><font color='#DFDFDF'>{{clan}}</font></font></font> <font size='12'>{{dead}}</font></font></textformat>", "vtype": { // Text for light tanks "LT": "\u003A", // Text for medium tanks "MT": "\u003B", // Text for heavy tanks "HT": "\u003F", // Text for arty "SPG": "\u002D", // Text for tank destroyers "TD": "\u002E" }, "texts": { // Text for {{vtype}} macro. "vtype": { // Text for light tanks "LT": ":", // Text for medium tanks "MT": ";", // Text for heavy tanks "HT": "?", // Text for arty "SPG": "-", // Text for tank destroyers "TD": "." }, When I used <font face='xvm'>ABC</font> I also see empty space without letters. Using XVM nightly 4110
  8. Above is my playerspanel.xc with flags and hp bars, the problem is why flags sometimes fit perfectly, but on another battle they are overlapping right side player name Battle no.1 (all is OK): Battle no.2 (NOT OK): Why is this happens?
  9. I tried 131, and even bigger numbers, but it always look like on the picture. Check this: "extraFields": [ {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?5|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 1, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "1", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": 131, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "1", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": 78, "h": 1, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"} ] And this: "extraFields": [ {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?5|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 1, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "1", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": 131, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "1", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": 79, "h": 1, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"} ]
  10. Need someone to help with this: Cannot make it look right, the edges are lacking.... Tried different settings but still.... Cell scale: 0.8 "extraFields": [ {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?5|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 1, "w": "131", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "1", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": 128, "y": -1, "h": 79, "w": "1", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"}, {"x": -1, "y": 78, "h": 1, "w": "128", "bgColor": "{{v.selected?#29DF00|#000000}}", "alpha": "{{v.selected?75|0}}"} ]
  11. Why not ask me? I have added special code to make IsComponentNotSelected available :)
  12. Aslain


    ok, I'm still waiting for working version for strategic mode only, I only want to see info panel in arty.
  13. Aslain


    When I used english few days ago I was ignored :)
  14. Aslain


    привет, Спасибо за этот прохладный мод Вы, может быть, есть версия, которая работает только в артистических режиме? Когда я проверил ссылки в первом посте все моды есть работает все время времени.
  15. Aslain


    Hi, please could you give link to Extra Aim Info that works only in SPG? I tried some version I found in first post, but no matter I set in a config, I always see that info on screen, even in non spg vehicles. "Spgonly": true, "StrategicOnly": true not working. When I tried different mod version with spg only enabled I usually have no aiming circle for spg, it's gone, and no aim info too.
  16. Well nevermind that anyway, got it fixed. However I was not responsible for this issue, looks like something has changed in XVM past the time and it stopped to work without reason. Cheers
  17. Better chances of reply if russian, but ok :) The problem is black background on squad icon, it was working fine, until recently it stopped, I didnt change this config for half a year, and now it's suddenly all black there. I want the squad icon background to be colored by ally/enemy, not be always black. I remember now old c:system macro but it's stopped to work for me long time ago, is it working now again? :)
  18. Привет, Можете ли вы сказать мне, что макрос можно использовать для цвета что-то с командой цвета? Обычно цвет: color: Null было достаточно, но по некоторым причинам это не всегда работает так. часть markersAliveNormal.xc: Вы можете "color": null, видеть в коде? Вместо того, чтобы цвета команды (зеленый / красный обычно) я получаю черный. Использование последнюю версию 3969
  19. Can not see enemy vehicle names on the minimap, since the first version for 9.5 CT 'til now. Generaly the minimap works weird some names are italic, some normal, it's connected with WG minimap changes, so tried the in game setting for enhanced minimap: Never, Alt and Always, but did not help much. Forgive me, if it was already reported.
  20. They removed it from the config recently, so no hope, but maybe they can add it to the personal gabinet on xvm website.
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