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Korean Random


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Everything posted by nixxxie

  1. Can't you substitute whole extraField entry with this macro :) ?
  2. Guys, where's the problem? From my understanding, texts is a generic macro and you can substitute color values with it or full expression or links, whatever one wants to? Depends on what you put in those fields and where you use them afterwards. So, you don't need several separate macros, only fill fields you need and then use your imagination.
  3. Maybe just stack icons one on another? You don't have to see full flag to recognise it. And there is a place for platoons and clan icons already.
  4. From my knowledge, he updates his pack every patch, so you have the "newest" version - newer being only nightlies.
  5. BTW: could you make a second macro for checks if a tank is within render distance, since this one went so well :P ? Just 0/1 one.
  6. Enough in mine ;) . That's the whole idea if we want to get rid of it being perceived "win chance". PS: that proposal is somewhere in between current XVM and what WG wants... PS2: wn8 is a "meaningless" number even now ;) .
  7. No digits anyway, only bars. The whole purpose of it is to be unusable and not easily understood in case if anyone ever makes a plugin for xvm and use those raw values because "older was better".
  8. Hurray, does it work on allies too :) ? PS: nevermind, i see it used in left field too...
  9. Then: A. Calculate team strengths separately and do NOT complement them to 100(%) value and do NOT normalize them to a power of 10 so they can't be easily misinterpreted ;) . B. Display them with separate bars the way calculate above, both starting from zero - any team has NONzero strength so this somewhat diminishes teams disparity and obfuscates rating a bit - but the difference is still there and players after some time will get that. It won't protect you from red vs rainbow battles, though, and those happen quite often. C. Do not use scales, because then every battle with weaker team will have the same effect that only low percentages have now. D. Call it simply "team strength" or "team combined skill".
  10. My impression after reading silently (and thinking for myself) is that you either 1. Stay true to current rating - no matter if you display it with numbers or bars; it will always do the same and players will quickly learn to recognize the odds - so it will NEVER serve the purpose WG wants you to implement. 2. Obfuscate rating and displaying, effectively lying to players and making prediction meaningless - because it is the only way to achieve what WG wants you to. There is no third way and decision is not mine - decision about your goals vs WG goals. I like bars and i think it may be the way to go anyway, but do not delude yourselves about the outcome ;) , so set your motivations for this change proper first.
  11. I noticed yesterday that some arties have their range circle on minimap wrong - it was bishop for me. On release, but probably every version has the same error.
  12. Is there a way to make vanilla shot direction indicator display longer with snippets? Similarly to lightbulb.
  13. Attacker/defender message in this mode? Or, it can be minimap if it won't eat too much resources? This screen displays longer for players with weaker computers and we don't want it to display even longer ;) .
  14. Online Editor in current form will always lag behind, stall development and allow only to change simple features. Yet, to certain extent, there is a need for it and i am constantly fighting guys on EU forums, who try to use it and then whine because of outdated configs with errors. Solution i'm thinking about falls in between: instead of editor make quick online validator/renderer - which would allow a quick check of errors in hand-edited file and see how certain features look (even faster than running a replay), showing all possible events together, the ones that need visual check (eg. OTM, color schemes, playersPanel, statisticForm etc). It seems to me, that such tool wouldn't need updates that frequently, would it? And it surely would be helpful even for noobies starting their adventure with handediting configs.
  15. I am dumb, it wasn't that long ago...
  16. From supertest patchnotes: That reminds me of sth.: is there a way to change minimap background, eg. for putting HD maps the way locastan did? Maybe via snippets?
  17. Yea, blur for me too and i don't remember that far back :P . Stats in CW would be good, though. If only they could make it without lagging.
  18. Oh, as a fix for "none" panels? I will need some examples how to use it sensibly, once it gets to release... Nevertheless ;) , {{autoaimed}} macro would be a useful addition to OTM.
  19. I'm not sure how this new {{selected}} macro should work? Does it need enemy (or ally) highighted with your crossair? There may be use for similar macro for OTM to highlight autoaimed enemy.
  20. Probably, but my memory is short and i even checked oldest configs i have - 8.8 and couldn't find it. Curiosity, as i said.
  21. I thought that team battles are always 8tier by design ;) (the same goes for respective tank companies and CW). So, is this value sent by the server or is xvm calculating it? If the latter, it should be an easy fix.
  22. And i'm saying that rating.xc is not a default file and i'm curious what was in it ;) .
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