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Everything posted by nixxxie

  1. That's what i can't understand - why people are playing fullscreen on 5:4, screwing their perspective and putting more strain on their already old computers instead of using windowed mode with physiologically correct aspect ratio... Sorry for offtopic :P . I'm not sure about minimap - you could try to make it top layer so only it becomes clickable instead of ears.
  2. Good to know, it's like only 2-3weeks before next patch.
  3. From test server if it's all the same. 12:00 battle time is where it starts, there was a bit looking for each other at the beginning. BTW, it's good to know that barrel tip is empty critical indeed... PS: do we need additional module/crew symbols in xvmsymbol? Or png icons? replay_last_battle.wotreplay
  4. Going deeper into discussion :) ... Last known position on minimap can be considered "unfair" advantage too - there is no argument that it is some kind of advantage ;) . Unfair advantage is very general, the automation statement was official and i've seen it somewhere (NA?), i can try and find it again. TL;DR, unless you make it outputting message in chat, it shouldn't cross the border. If implementing proposed above, i'm ok with hooking to 3sec delay (i doubt it would be possible otherwise, as you cannot insta-hook on lightbulb either) - the only advantage would be that it won't disappear and would be displayed on OTM (still possibly unaccurate until updating with next targetting the same tank). Anyway, not many people use this perk, do they?
  5. OK, i suspected sth. like that. You can use dynamic macros with "scale" parameter, although that scale will be the same for all tanks. Try it as a temporary workaround.
  6. AFAIK, it wouldn't - WG policy is that you are not allowed to provide such info automatically to other players. So, 6th sense announcer is more of a cheat than this would be. And, i meant not constant eagle eye update (not possible anyway?), but OTM update on every perk use - i.e. targeting certain enemy. So, modules info wouldn't be up to date all the time - similar to last known position on minimap: may be true or he might have repaired that ammorack already...
  7. S'il vous plait: "extraFieldsLeft": [ { "x": 310, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp-max:70}}", "bgColor": 0, "alpha":"{{alive?20|0}}" }, { "x": 310, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp:70}}", "bgColor": "{{c:system}}", "alpha":"{{alive?24|0}}" }, { "x": 320, "y": 3, "format": "<font size='12' color='#CCCCCC'>{{hp%4.4d|____}}</font>", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}" }, {} ], "extraFieldsRight": [ { "x": "310", "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp-max:70}}", "bgColor": 0, "alpha": "{{alive?20|0}}" }, { "x": 310, "y": 2, "valign": "center", "h": 21, "w": "{{hp:70}}", "bgColor": "{{c:system}}", "alpha": "{{alive?28|0}}" }, { "x": "320", "y": 3, "format": "<font size='12' color='#CCCCCC'>{{hp%4.4d|____}}</font>", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}" }, {} ] My config, may need to adjust "x" values for different ears' modes. Simple and borderline ugly but usable. Also, colors are a bit different - i liked colors Sirmax used, they are less distracting: "ally_alive": "0x13C313", "enemy_alive": "0xFF0F0F", But, that change doesn't make them stop working ;) , any colors will do.
  8. 1. Empty file :P ...? 2. Make a folder in configs with any name you want and put your config there. Treat main xvm.xc as a loader only. If in doubt, store old config somewhere. 3. Edit with notepad++
  9. Is there any way to hook to Eagle Eye perk (in those are cases someone has it :P ) and display critted modules permanently on OTM? Or, another thing for suggestions...?
  10. Now it seems that you have it correct and there is some but (never tested special), report it here: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/16384-%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-test-xvm-532/page-5 It's not about file, you can have as many files you want, with names you want :) . Still, a move in right direction, you will have easier time reading and correcting it in future. Main question: do you still need "special"? What are these values for in your config?
  11. There is an interesting issue with ears hp bars (using test1) - sometimes they get 1px outline. Since mine get it on both panels (when switching to {{c:system}} macro) i don't really care and it even looks nicer but someone sent me a screenshot where only one side got it and he was using the same template for both sides (only color was def.c1/c2 - but still it's the same call). Not a big issue but something to keep an eye on in future.
  12. Oh, sorry - my numbers were to explain general approaches, they don't refer to leecher's post; i should have named them with A,B letters... I'm also thinking that HP bars are new flavor of the season so some simple version should get into default - it's up to you to decide if "enablehpsomething..." switch should stay true or false, but some template on ears is a good idea.
  13. I'm just having problems imagining what you achieve with this config - i don't know what are these "crosshair" markers.
  14. I'm watching the stream now and a few things came to me, which i'd like to do. Snippets seem the only place to get them (if any). 1. Is there a way to display all equipment mounted on tank (eg. vents) with pure xvm? 2. Is there a way to make a customized damage panel (not log) by disabling some elements and moving other? I want only module and crew icons reordered basically + bar, no background and no silly tank icon. Can you provide a draft for damagepanel snippet to tinker with? 2b. Is there a way to display skills&perks on said damage panel with pure xvm?
  15. What? Beautiful cat :P , but maybe you can explain with screenshots ;) .
  16. That part i understood, but there were suggestions just to color low-hp enemies as an easier workaround? One-shot thing is too much, that you learn yourself (or you don't :P )...
  17. Really, guys? A part of default/colors.xc // Values below should be from smaller to larger. // Значения ниже должны быть от меньшего к большему. // ---- // Dynamic color by remaining absolute health. // Динамический цвет по оставшемуся здоровью. "hp": [ { "value": 201, "color": ${"def.colorHP.very_low" } }, // Цвет для значений менее 201 { "value": 401, "color": ${"def.colorHP.low" } }, // Цвет для значений менее 401 { "value": 1001, "color": ${"def.colorHP.average" } }, // Цвет для значений менее 1001 { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorHP.above_average"} } // Цвет для остальных значений ], // Dynamic color by remaining health percent. // Динамический цвет по проценту оставшегося здоровья. "hp_ratio": [ { "value": 10, "color": ${"def.colorHP.very_low" } }, // Цвет для значений менее 10 проц { "value": 25, "color": ${"def.colorHP.low" } }, // Цвет для значений менее 25 проц { "value": 50, "color": ${"def.colorHP.average" } }, // Цвет для значений менее 50 проц { "value": 101, "color": ${"def.colorHP.above_average"} } // Цвет для остальных значений ], So, you should be able to paint the bars according to hp left and change color dynamically. Haven't tested, though ;) . Still, you can have your 15% left or whatever value you want...
  18. I'm tinkering again with my config and a few random ideas came to my mind. The original circles thread is closed, so i have to start new one. Something to think about and maybe to change in future versions... 1. With new dynamic and saturating circles you can make them draw one over another - but all are visible. I'm thinking about making only one visible by adding "layer" parameter (to every minimap entity, lines too) - only the lowest one is/are drawn (default 0, so no problem here). 2. I experimented with drawing a line to "blindarea" distance but no success - maybe you could make these macros available on whole minimap part? 3. I'm thinking about unifying all circles: view macros are intuitive by their names, everyone knows what they refer to (so, no point in having a "view" block - and you can draw circle with any static radius, not necessarily referring to viewrange/spotting range). "Artillery" and "shell" are special different classes now - but they refer to the same - why not returning this value by macro too? And why not return value for normal cannons (what is it, 700m? 720m?). Do you really need different colors for every class shooting range? And, i'd like to draw a camera line ending on shell range. 4. In connection with (3) some may want/need exclusion/inclusion conditions, sometimes multiple. I can't think of proper parameters' names but it is something to have in mind. (tank class eg.?)
  19. As for spotting markers i'd suggest going consistent with minimap - red for spotted, pale-peach-something for lost and black for neverseen (this one i chosen to be visibly distinctive from all others, since you can't show someone not showing ;) on minimap). My part of config, extract colors and skip the rest: As for the rest - i don't really have an opinion. There are two goals: 1. Staying vanilla (potato, as you say?) 2. Showing all features, especially new ones - like health bars - i.e. being example config how to implement such stuff in others. I can't decide which is better, and if i really care...
  20. It would be best if you try for yourself :) . Pleaidi's SpotMessanger had driving issues ocasionally but afaik it's fixed now.
  21. Which, btw, used Omegaice's code afaik ;) ... I suggested this because it was the earliest one and it's probably the easiest to analyze too. What one uses is a matter of personal preference :P - i used this from the very beginning and now i'm used to chat spam ;) . If one day it get's into xvm maybe then i'll switch to it, but that's a different matter. I don't like damage panel mods, i'm yet to design my own. PS: i just encountered a strange game bug, since it never happened previously it's either due to latest wot live patch or maybe lag. The tank i was shooting at drove out of render box and disappeared (stopped rendering) but he was still spotted on minimap; i kept shooting blind and got "penetration" and "critical hit" messages - sadly, i had no time to check if hp bar updated. Again, i shoot blind a lot and that's the first time, so it's either a new bug or one time thing... Makes me wonder if minimap info sends hp data too...
  22. Oh, probably yes, but it would be mightily inconvenient :) ...
  23. Again, i don't know how you code this but please check Omegaice's Received Damage Announcer in EU version - you get can get reports of unspotted tanks hitting you, with their exact hp value - apparently server sends this, strange but true. The rest was extrapolation, but reasonable one ;) . PS: link http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/299941-received-damage-announcer-v22-091/ NA version has unspotted reports disabled because of different allowed mods policy.
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