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Bug with XVM-Wot Personal Rating

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46 минут назад, _SpartanWarrior_ сказал:

My personal rating is 4456


The rating bars were changed in version 7.0.0. "Yellow" begins now with > 4522

4522 - 6630  - normal    (better than 60% of players)


    // Dynamic color by various statistical parameters.
    // Динамический цвет по различным статистическим показателям.
    "colorRating": {
      "very_bad":     "0xFE0E00",   // very bad   / очень плохо
      "bad":          "0xFE7903",   // bad        / плохо
      "normal":       "0xF8F400",   // normal     / средне
      "good":         "0x60FF00",   // good       / хорошо
      "very_good":    "0x02C9B3",   // very good  / очень хорошо
      "unique":       "0xD042F3"    // unique     / уникально

    // Dynamic color by WG rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WG
    "wgr": [
      { "value": 2578,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //     0 - 2578  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 4521,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  2579 - 4521  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 6630,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  4522 - 6630  - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 8884,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, //  6631 - 8884  - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 10347, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, //  8885 - 10347 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 10348 - *     - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)




Edited by night_dragon_on
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11 минуту назад, _SpartanWarrior_ сказал:

i think XVM has bugs


In this matter there are no mistakes.


11 минуту назад, _SpartanWarrior_ сказал:

But why they changed


Because the average and good players began to play a little better, the weak worse. The threshold is based on the statistics of all players.

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1 час назад, _SpartanWarrior_ сказал:

Its not okay that they changed without telling.They should ask players do they want to change.Do they like.

We change color scales within five years.

Sometimes we remind about it. For example:



Now we change color scale every day in accordance with the current statistics.



Edited by seriych
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