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Vanilla DamageLog

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Hi all,


with version 9.18 a new dmg log value was introduced -> stun. With XVM I used my own order by updating the elements.xc (I found this idea/hint here in the forum).


However, the new field for stun is not in line and I guess I have to update elements.xc and add the new field.


Thats the part in the elements.xc

"battleDamageLogPanel": { // урон от ВГ: нанесенный/ассист/заблокированный
//"y": 441 // "глобальные" координаты всего поля, автоматически подгоняются клиентом под разрешение экрана
//"x": 50 // приведены дефолтные координаты для 1366х768, отсчет от верхнего левого угла экрана
"summaryDamageBlock": { // нанесенный, картинка
"y": -30, // -8, // <-- дефолт
"x": -229
"damageValTF": { // нанесенный, текст
"y": -22, // 0,
"x": -205
"summarySupportBlock": { // ассист, картинка
"y": -30, // 36,
"x": -149 // 0
"supportValTF": { // ассист, текст
"y": -22, // 44,
"x": -125 // 24
"summaryDefenceBlock": { // заблокированный, картинка
"y": -30,
"x": -69 // 0
"defenceValTF": { // заблокированный, текст
"y": -22,
"x": -45 // 24



Does anyone have the internal names of the fields so I can add them to the elements.xc and give them a propper position?



Edited by lina_wot
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But I dont want to disable it. I don't like the vanilla order on the left site of the damage panel, but i want to have it on top of the damage panel. As shown in the screenshot. Just the new "Stun" isn't in line, because its new. So all I need I guess are the names of the two fields so I can put them into the elements.xc as well. 

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