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[WN6, WN7 рейтинг]


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By the way, when we were discussing the figure TOP100 in TEFF, found out that it is is not enough correct. Better to take certain better percentage, rather than a fixed number. For example, the top 0.01%


Actually, as per my suggestion, it is better to use WN8. I don't mean to sound pushy, but WN8 will work well for every tank individually. Don't use the top 0.01% or the TOP100. Use the top numbers which will be determined by our analysis. :)



Another idea! When showing a tank's TWN8 (Tank WN8) in battle (if it gets implemented in XVM), it should not show the value recorded in the player's Service Record. It should, instead show a different value which pretends that there are some number of extra battles played at that player's overall WN8.


For example, if a player plays 5 battles in a new tank at WN8 = 1600, but the player's overall WN8 = 1000, then it acts as if there are 5 battles played at 1600 and (for example) 20 battles played at 1000. The number shown in-battle would not be 1600, but instead, (5*1600 + 20*1000)/(5+20) = 1120. This will make up for "beginner's luck coefficient" and the special MM that new tanks get.


Later on, that player reaches overall WN8 = 1400 and they now have 980 battles in that "new" tank (which now has specific WN8 = 1800). The number that shows in-battle as TWN8 will be (980*1800 + 20*1400)/(980+20) = 1792.


Instead of adjusting for newbie stats, we will be using all data points. However, they don't all have the same weight. Each point will be weighted as number of battles in the specific tank divided by total (data acts as if there are s/t points in the same place instead of only 1). I chose to do this after considering several sources of randomness. I multiplied each of the factors together and the result was s/t.


Furthermore, as many people know, different classes/types of tanks have different roles on the battlefield. I have come up with a system which will create more balance between tanks. For example, players of light tanks will be considered to be playing the tank better if they scout well, meaning damage has less weight and spots have more.


WN8 will also be split into two versions:

  • WN8D: 'D' means 'Dossier'. This is the rating that we will use to calculate the expected stats for WN8(D) = 1000. It is what WN8 would be if WG's API provided data for every tank a player has played. It can only be used in conjunction with dossier files, which will allow programs like WoT Statistics to calculate WN8D and websites like vbaddict, which relies on dossier files being uploaded.
  • WN8A: This is the rating that can (will?) be used in XVM and other websites such as WoTLabs and WOT-News. It is not as accurate as WN8D, but it is the best that can be done using the data provided by WG's API. When completed, it will be vastly superior to WN7 and actually allow us to accurately say which tanks are more powerful than others in actual practice. In forum signature images, this will be labeled as simply "WN8".



I'm just saying this so that you guys know where WN8 is going.

Edited by bjshnog
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noobmeter теперь умеет считать альфа версию wn8 http://blog.noobmeter.com/2013/10/wn8-rating-alpha-testing.html

Насколько я понял у них wn8 не учитывает конкретную технике, на которой играешь. Как тут уже заметиили, есть имбовые агрегаты, на которых идет повышенный дамаг и экспа. Насколько я понял наших англоговорящих друзей, они предлагали нечто другое.

Edited by Little_boo
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Я не понял, как они учитывают кол-во боев на том или ином танке.

Есть табличка, в которой собраны значения показателей на каждом танке, которые должен иметь некий средний игрок: http://www.noobmeter.com/tankList

Возьмем какого-то абстрактного игрока. Из API мы знаем, что он провел например 2 боя на мс-1 и 3 боя на маусе. Тогда ожидаемый средний урон, если это средний игрок:

expDmg = (2*264+3*1650)/(2+3) = 1096

где 264 и 1650- числа из вышеуказанной таблички, а 2 и 3- это и есть бои на танках.

Edited by seriych
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(translate please)

На заметку: WN8 просуществует недолго до появления WN9, поэтому, возможно, встраивать его в XVM плохая идея. Лучше дождаться WN9.


translated :)

Edited by TheHateInMe
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На заметку: WN8 просуществует недолго до появления WN9, поэтому, возможно, встраивать его в XVM плохая идея. Лучше дождаться WN9.


translated :)

А еще лучше дождаться WN10 или WN13 чтобы уж наверняка:)

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