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Звуковые скрипты для Танков (Загрузчик звуков, Инъектор событий, UT_announcer, Гудки)


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The UT Announcer does not count the frags correctly, happens in Random and Onslaught. I have attached a replay in which the first and third work, but the sound from the second is output on the third kill.


2024-04-10 22:19:55.472: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354287, 11354289, 0)
2024-04-10 22:19:57.804: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 3123812533 . Error The ID was not found
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354288, 11354292, 0)
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",), ())
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-04-10 22:19:57.865: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 46, in setNested_vehiclesInfo
2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarVehiclesInfo.py", line 16, in setVehInfo_isAlive
2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 64, in setVehInfo_isAlive
2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientArena.py", line 734, in updateVehicleIsAlive
2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-04-10 22:19:57.866: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled
2024-04-10 22:19:57.867: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck
2024-04-10 22:19:57.867: ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354284, 11354290, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: firstBlood playing
2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling checkSquadKills function.
2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: Check Squad Kills: (11354284, 11354290, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:11.661: INFO: UT_announcer: Player not in a Platoon. Returning.
2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354286, 11354290, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling checkSquadKills function.
2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: Check Squad Kills: (11354286, 11354290, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:21.663: INFO: UT_announcer: Player not in a Platoon. Returning.
2024-04-10 22:20:27.459: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 1650177404 . Error The ID was not found
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354295, 11354291, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",), ())
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 46, in setNested_vehiclesInfo
2024-04-10 22:20:27.460: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarVehiclesInfo.py", line 16, in setVehInfo_isAlive
2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 64, in setVehInfo_isAlive
2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientArena.py", line 734, in updateVehicleIsAlive
2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled
2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck
2024-04-10 22:20:27.461: ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
2024-04-10 22:20:30.116: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354297, 11354292, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:30.145: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 3123812533 . Error The ID was not found
2024-04-10 22:20:32.363: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354289, 11354296, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:32.363: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-04-10 22:20:32.363: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (TypeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'",), ())
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 46, in setNested_vehiclesInfo
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/AvatarVehiclesInfo.py", line 16, in setVehInfo_isAlive
2024-04-10 22:20:32.364: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/AvatarVehiclesInfoBase.py", line 64, in setVehInfo_isAlive
2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/ClientArena.py", line 734, in updateVehicleIsAlive
2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 656, in onArenaVehicleKilled
2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_UT_announcer.py", line 580, in firstCheck
2024-04-10 22:20:32.365: ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
2024-04-10 22:20:32.395: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354294, 11354292, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:32.404: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 3123812533 . Error The ID was not found
2024-04-10 22:20:33.549: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 1650177404 . Error The ID was not found
2024-04-10 22:20:35.835: ERROR: [SOUND] Event 1650177404 . Error The ID was not found
2024-04-10 22:20:35.835: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354285, 11354292, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:36.335: INFO: UT_announcer: A Vehicle got Killed (targetID, attackerID, reason): (11354293, 11354290, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:36.335: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling checkSquadKills function.
2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: Check Squad Kills: (11354293, 11354290, 0)
2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: Player not in a Platoon. Returning.
2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: Calling normal killCheck function. (11354293, 11354290)
2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: frags: (2)
2024-04-10 22:20:36.336: INFO: UT_announcer: doubleKill playing




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По поводу UT_announcer:
там теперь все данные от картошки прилетают асинхронно, поэтому может быть десинхронизация данных.

Edited by Kurzdor
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  • 5 weeks later...

@Polyacov_YuryЮрий, можно сделать какой-то мод, чтобы назначать разные звуки засвета: начала засвета - один звук и окончания засвета - другой звук. Сейчас после нововведений в механику засвета, при назначении своего звука на Шестое чувство получается путаница в голове: ты начал светится у тебя играет звук засвета, отсветился - опять звучит. И то ли ты отсветился, то ли вновь подсветился - ориентир один - изображение лампы.

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  • 3 months later...

Озвучка Громовые орудия перестала работать в обновлении 1.26. Если не сложно обновите пожалуйста загрузчик звуков.

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24 минуты назад, Heliomalt сказал:

Не могли бы вы обновить также и soundbank  от мода  PlayerHPAnnouncer  (автор тот же @Polyacov_Yury ).

Could you update also the soundbank from the PlayerHPAnnouncer mod (by the same @Polyacov_Yury ).


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Sorry, I don't speak Russian, I don't understand a single word the voice says. There are three sentences, the config file for event assignment is also needed. There is a step by step guide in the forum for Wwise. It's not difficult if you speak Russian.





There still seems to be a problem with the UT Announcer mod. It is not possible to switch to onslaught mode. The following error is in the Python.log:


2024-09-06 13:29:04.556: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-09-06 13:29:04.556: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 917, in ctrl_onPreQueueJoined
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 1164, in __setPreQueue
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 1253, in __setEntity
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/pre_queue/entity.py", line 80, in init
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/comp7_prb_helpers.py", line 62, in init
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/comp7_prb_helpers.py", line 82, in __showView
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/comp7/comp7_gui_helpers.py", line 37, in isComp7OnboardingShouldBeShown
2024-09-06 13:29:04.557: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/dependency.py", line 150, in wrapper
2024-09-06 13:29:04.558: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/comp7/comp7_gui_helpers.py", line 76, in _needToShowComp7Intro
2024-09-06 13:29:04.558: ERROR: debug_utils.HandledError: (KeyError('comp7LastSeason',), ())
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py, 348):Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 311, in leave
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 345, in __leaveLogic
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/base/pre_queue/entity.py", line 282, in leave
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/base/pre_queue/entity.py", line 277, in __leave
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 381, in unlock
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 423, in select
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/pre_queue/entity.py", line 54, in select
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/base/pre_queue/entity.py", line 107, in select
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/base/pre_queue/entity.py", line 101, in join
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/base/pre_queue/entity.py", line 113, in _goToEntity
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 917, in ctrl_onPreQueueJoined
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 1164, in __setPreQueue
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/dispatcher.py", line 1253, in __setEntity
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/pre_queue/entity.py", line 80, in init
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/comp7_prb_helpers.py", line 62, in init
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/prb_control/entities/comp7/comp7_prb_helpers.py", line 82, in __showView
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/comp7/comp7_gui_helpers.py", line 37, in isComp7OnboardingShouldBeShown
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/helpers/dependency.py", line 150, in wrapper
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/impl/lobby/comp7/comp7_gui_helpers.py", line 76, in _needToShowComp7Intro
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: ERROR: KeyError: 'comp7LastSeason'
2024-09-06 13:29:04.584: INFO: =============================
2024-09-06 13:29:04.585: INFO: 2024-09-06 13:29:04: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc
2024-09-06 13:29:04.585: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-09-06 13:29:04.585: ERROR:   File "./xfw/events.py", line 59, in __event_handler
2024-09-06 13:29:04.586: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/daapi/view/lobby/header/battle_selector_items.py", line 451, in select
2024-09-06 13:29:04.587: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/daapi/view/lobby/header/battle_selector_items.py", line 1002, in select
2024-09-06 13:29:04.588: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 180, in wrapper
2024-09-06 13:29:04.589: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 157, in doCall
2024-09-06 13:29:04.590: ERROR: AdispException: ('There was an error during unlock adisp_async call.', KeyError('comp7LastSeason',))
2024-09-06 13:29:04.590: INFO: =============================


If you then switch to replenishment and back to the garage, you are in onslaught mode, but can no longer switch back to random, nor can you switch servers. See the log entry:


2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/BaseDAAPIComponent.py", line 83, in registerFlashComponent
2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DisposableEntity.py", line 63, in create
2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/inject_component_adaptor.py", line 65, in _populate
2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/inject_component_adaptor.py", line 68, in _onPopulate
2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/inject_component_adaptor.py", line 105, in _createInjectView
2024-09-06 13:34:29.982: ERROR: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'viewFlags'

Edited by Heliomalt
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Файл конфигурации. 
Configuration file.

Сам мод:
The mod itself:

# Source Generated with Decompyle++
# File: mod_PlayerHPAnnouncer.pyc (Python 2.7)

import BigWorld
import SoundGroups
from OpenModsCore import Analytics, ConfigNoInterface, SimpleConfigInterface, overrideMethod, events
from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.meta import DamagePanelMeta
from gui.battle_control import avatar_getter

class ConfigInterface(ConfigNoInterface, SimpleConfigInterface):
    def __init__(self):
        self.currentPercent = None
        super(ConfigInterface, self).__init__()

    def init(self):
        self.ID = 'PlayerHPAnnouncer'
        self.version = '1.0.1 (09.10.2021)'
        self.author = 'by Polyacov_Yury'
        self.modsGroup = 'PYmods'
        self.data = {
            '10percent': 'PlayerHPAnnouncer_10',
            '25percent': 'PlayerHPAnnouncer_25',
            '50percent': 'PlayerHPAnnouncer_50' }
        super(ConfigInterface, self).init()

    def loadLang(self):

g_config = ConfigInterface()
statistic_mod = Analytics(g_config.ID, g_config.version, 'UA-76792179-12')

def new_startGUI(*_, **__):
    g_config.currentPercent = 100

new_startGUI = events.PlayerAvatar.startGUI.after(new_startGUI)

def new_destroyGUI(*_, **__):
    g_config.currentPercent = None

new_destroyGUI = events.PlayerAvatar.destroyGUI.before(new_destroyGUI)

def new_updateHealth(base, self, healthStr, progress):
    base(self, healthStr, progress)
    if not BigWorld.player().isVehicleAlive:
        return None
    for percentage in (10, 25, 50):
        if not progress:
        if progress <= percentage:
        percentage < g_config.currentPercent
        if 1:
            SoundGroups.g_instance.playSound2D(g_config.data['%spercent' % percentage])
        g_config.currentPercent = progress
        return None
        return None

new_updateHealth = overrideMethod(DamagePanelMeta.DamagePanelMeta, 'as_updateHealthS')(new_updateHealth)



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