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Hello.  I have a problem with my target markers since i installed xvm.  My default markers are player name, vehicle name & HP left/total.  Since installing XVM all I get in game is the vehicle type & health bar & am unable to make changes in my settings menu.  Is there something I can do to change my marker back please?


Everything else is working fine & XVM is a wonderful mod, thank you!

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First way: Check a checkbox "Use standard vehicle markers" in the editor if you wish to use default in-game markers.


Second way: Also you can tune it on tab "Markers" in xvm editor if you are wish to use more flexible markers. (in this way checkbox from 1-st way must be unchecked).

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I've been running XVM for a long time, with patch 8.2 I started getting an intermittent problem where the proxy says "Mount point invalid" and shuts down. It seems to be fine for a little bit after a reboot but after that it may work one minute and not the next. Any ideas of what may be causing this?


Edit: Another random question, is it possible to get the vehicle Tier on the contour icons on the initial loading screen using XVM? I can't seem to find a setting for that.

Edited by Parnassus
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Hello XVM team,

I'd kindly ask for one small thing. How do you display desired text when tank is destroyed ? Let's say: "DESTROYED" floating up over just destroyed tank for a short time. How to do it?

Thanks for help in advance.

Edited by Sadman
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Hello XVM team,


I'd kindly ask for one small thing. How do you display desired text when tank is destroyed ? Let's say: "DESTROYED" floating up over just destroyed tank for a short time. How to do it?


Thanks for help in advance.

In editor



OR in any text editor:

"markers": {...

  "enemy": {  /or/  "ally": {

    "dead": {...

      "damageText": {...

        "damageMessage": "-{{dmg}}",

Edited by VicKing
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Thank you!


So I've decided to use img file: "<br>-{{dmg}}<img src='img://gui/green.png' width='50' height='40'>"


There is however one small problem, can I have dmg value right on the bottom of my image file ? Because at this moment dmg text is aligned to the bottom left of the icon despite of centered setting in XVM editor at Font section.

"<img src='img://gui/green.png' width='50' height='40'><br>-{{dmg}}"

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I managed to it, was stupidly obvious, my bad, but you were faster I see, thanks anyway :)


I have however different problem, question actually, what does this code section, I ask because I see no difference in the game, so not sure if it's working at all:



"minimap": {
    "iconScale": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "nickShrink": 4,
    "format": {
      "oneself": "<b>{{level}} {{vehicle}}</b>",
      "ally": "{{level}} {{vehicle}}",
      "enemy": "{{level}} {{vehicle}}",
      "squad": "{{level}} {{vehicle}} <i>{{short-nick}}</i>"
    "isDeadPermanent": true,
    "textOffsetX": 0,
    "css": {
      "oneself": "font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:6px; color:#FFFFFF;",
      "ally": "font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:6px; color:#BBEEBB;",
      "enemy": "font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:6px; color:#EEBBBB;",
      "squad": "font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:6px; color:#FFEE44;"
    "textOffsetY": 0
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I managed to it, was stupidly obvious, my bad, but you were faster I see, thanks anyway :)


I have however different problem, question actually, what does this code section, I ask because I see no difference in the game, so not sure if it's working at all:

actually "minimap" is in test-mode and don`t work in XVM-3.2.0 yet


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im working on the new minimap section and i have it set just right but i want the level icons smaller than what they are current settings are:


"minimap": {
    "enabled": true,  // On/off modification switch
    "iconScale": 1,   // Minimap icon and attached text scaling factor


^^^^ how can i go smaller than 1? or can i


2nd question i have the {{tdb}}, {{tdb:4}} under battle statistics and it shows 0 pretty much for everyone in game  but once in a while i'll get one or two players show a average damage, is the server just timing out or is there a bug?



issue with 3.2.1 test 1, when you do tank battles and tank wins they match.


 example Tank battles will show 50 and tank wins will show 50 and tank rating shows 45% every player is like this how can you be 45%% if you won 100% of your games lol


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Question for XVM 3.2.1-test1:




Why sometime is 0, sometimes is nothing? Is it a bug or....? :) Actually today I never seen it working, always 0 or none.


"formatRight": "<font face='Consolas' size='9'><font color='{{c:tdb}}'>{{tdb:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:t_battles}}'>{{t_battles:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{t-rating:3}}</font>  <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font></font>",
Edited by Sadman
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Question for XVM 3.2.1-test1:




Why sometime is 0, sometimes is nothing? Is it a bug or....? :) Actually today I never seen it working, always 0 or none.


"formatRight": "<font face='Consolas' size='9'><font color='{{c:tdb}}'>{{tdb:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:t_battles}}'>{{t_battles:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{t-rating:3}}</font>  <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font></font>",


when using the tank macros i get alot of zeros all the time, i dont use them anymore cause of that, i use tank battles and tank wins, and right now they arent working right in the test1 build. it shows total tank battles for both.  see my post above.
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Love this mod!


Is there a macro for the name of the player/vehicle who dealt damage to a tank?


So, in the Damage Text, instead of just "{{Dmg}}", something like "{{Dmg}} - {{Vehicle}}", where {{Vehicle}} is the name of the tank which did the damage, not the name of the tank which recieved it?


Just thought that would be a really helpful way of seeing who is helping you so you can thank them and support them in return, etc...

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Is it possible to display color of damage done to vehicle on it's own hp bar by a source? (dynamicaly colored for ally, enemy, squad etc.)


e.g. My own hits are colored by blue, my squad damage is showed as orange etc. Currently it's always the same (two colors, one for ally one for enemu), dmg done to enemy is showed as red, almost the same as color of hp bar.

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