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Korean Random


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Everything posted by konrad509

  1. Generally, this info is located in res_mods\mods\xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\svcmsg.py, but I'm sure there's easier way to turn it off than by removing it from that file. It's just my guess, but maybe changing the value of __development__ in __version__.py to false does the trick.
  2. The XVM clearly IS working, but the stats are disabled. Also 2019-11-05 07:40:55: xvm_integrity results: incorrect!
  3. My bad. Didn't notice you're talking about the nighlty build. Anyway, it seems to be messed up a bit, but not as much as in your screenshots. .
  4. I've just loaded your file and everything seems to be fine for me.
  5. It is possible to make XVM markers look like vanilla ones, but I'm not sure to what extent. I haven't play around with XVM for a while.
  6. Logs would be useful, I guess. Also, what do you mean by "latest Version of pro mode installed" ?
  7. JSONxLoaderException: Bad reference: ${"res_mods/configs/xvm\default\battleLabelsTemplates.xc": "def.hitLogBody"} in "res_mods/configs/xvm\default\battleLabelsTemplates.xc:battleLabels/formats[0]" Object "./def" has no key "hitLogBody"
  8. Нет. Но можно переделать маркеры ХВМове чтобы они выглядели как дефолтные из игры.
  9. "Grand colors"? What are you actually trying to do?
  10. Oh, I didn't read your post carefully. I thought you asked only about the loading screen. I can't check it right now though.
  11. battleLoading.xc->battleLoading->removeRankBadgeIcon на true
  12. Проверьте дефолтной конфиг и потом напишите что в нем хотите поменять по отношению к вашему старому конфигу. Думаю что так будет проще.
  13. Neither do you kid... You already got the answer, yet you're still complaining...
  14. Конфиг автоматически перезагружается после внесения в него изменений. Не могу найти этого сейчас, но был конфиг с включенными маркерами ХВМ, но они выглядели как ванильные маркеры.
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