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Korean Random


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Everything posted by konrad509

  1. Не надо всего этого делать... @xvm.xc->autoReloadConfig установите на true. Потом запускаете реплей и настраиваете конфиг.
  2. Вероятно battleLabelsTemplates.xc->def->totalEfficiency->enabled на false
  3. With standards options, I don't think so. But most likely it's doable with Python macros. You can easily mark any tank with low HP though.
  4. Do you even know what a modpack is? Odem Mortis modpack (OMC), as well as other modpacks, is not a mod itself, but a bundle of different mods. And one of these mods is XVM. Many features that the OMC offers are actually XVM features. I don't know what other mods the OMC consists of, but without XVM, I believe it would be half as useful, or even less. So, XVM does a lot. Btw, it looks like the OMC is no longer developed. Its successor is this modpack http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/535868-1101-the-relhax-modpack-omc-20-fastest-mods-installer-with-previews/
  5. Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. What you're talking about is probably some modpack with installer, that features XVM, but definitely not XVM itself.
  6. That time never used to come in XVM and neither does it now. res_mods\configs\xvm (\default by default :))
  7. I'm not sure what you mean. There never were any options to choose during installation of XVM if that's what you mean. If you want to change something, you edit the config.
  8. playersPanel.xc->def->enemySpottedMarker->format texts.xc->texts->spotted
  9. In damageLog.xc if you want to change the color of that info that shows in damage log.
  10. 1. No. 2. Nothing. 3. This one I'm not sure about. I guess it's so players don't unnecessarily prolong too often as it really is pointless (and/or maybe it could also cause problems with stats servers?). Stats are active for 14 days since activation, so there is really no need to prolong them after just a few days of activation.
  11. Please, be more specific as to what you mean by "stopped working".
  12. Then just set the "Top clans count rated wGM" to 0 in your personal cabinet at the XVM site.
  13. You want to see only your own clan icon or your team clan icons?
  14. Generally, for the first one, you need to edit the playersPanel.xc file, and for the other one - battleLoading.xc
  15. I wonder if I'm the only one who doesn't quite understand what you're trying to do. Is it that you want to create a modpack using an installer, that will install XVM, but without a config, that will let players, who already have XVM installed, customize their existing config?
  16. {{hitlog.dead}} is only for hitlog to mark killed players, so it won't work in players panels. What you're trying to achieve is not possible with standard options, I guess.
  17. There's most likely some syntax error. You should see the info about the error during battle loading. You can also find that info in the xvm.log file. If you can't solve it by yourself, just attach your playersPanel.xc file.
  18. There's no macro for "per tank WN8". {{v.wn8effd}} returns so called "WN8 effective tank damage" which is equal to (average dmg)/(expected dmg).
  19. friend|nothing The macros should work in replays too. At least {{ingored}} does.
  20. Установить отсутствующий шрифт. Или использовать другой.
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