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Korean Random


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Everything posted by konrad509

  1. Dobra, w ten sposób to do niczego nie dojdziemy... Z tego, co widziałem w logach, korzystasz z configu Aslaina. Zacznij może od ponownego zainstalowania jego paczki, samego configu, czy co tam od niego instalowałeś.
  2. Ale nikt Cię nie pytał o zawartość jakieś pliku, tylko o zawartość folderu C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\mods\temp\com.modxvm.xfw.fonts\fonts
  3. A mógłbyś najpierw odpowiedzieć na pytania, które wyżej zadałem?
  4. Skąd tak w ogóle instalowałeś XVMa? Z oficjalnej strony? Czy na pewno korzystasz z domyślnego configu?
  5. I assumed he's talking about these But I agree, more info would be helpful. Especially screenshots.
  6. In playersPanel.xc->playersPanel->[mode you want to remove that in]->extraFieldsLeft/extraFieldsRight, comment out the following: ${"def.hpBarBg"}, ${"def.hpBar"}, I hope that helps, as I got a bit “rusty” with XVM.
  7. hitLog.xc->log->x/y, but there also separate settings for position of the hitlog header and the hitlog body in battleLabelsTemplates.xc->-def->hitLogHeader/hitLogBody. EDIT: The setting in hitLog.xc might be only for the hitlog itself, though (I don't remember now…).
  8. Если я правильно помню, это вызвано конфликтом шрифтов. Удалите из системы любые фонты с 'xvm' в названии и перезагружайте компьютер. Если это не поможет, прикрепите конфиг.
  9. If it didn't work, you wouldn't see the statistics at all. If you don't like the color scale, you change it by editing the colors.xc file.
  10. Приклиепите конфиг.
  11. Это довольно старый конфиг. Даже не стоит его исправлять. Возьмите новый дефолтной конфиг и настройте снова.
  12. I'm not a part of the dev team and I'm not "rearranging elements" of your question. I explained to you (more or less) why a different format is used and that it's not related to how colors are defined in colors.xc in general, because as I also explained to you earlier, you can define that value pretty much anywhere in the config. Why are there different formats used throughout the XVM config is a different question and that I can't answer, because I'm not sure myself. Generally, wherever HTML code appears, the #RRGGBB format is used. Elsewhere the other one is used. I believe it was discussed somewhere on the forum before.
  13. Not a bug. You want to use that color in a place that uses #RRGGBB format, so it needs to be defined in that format. It's completely unrelated to the fact that all colors defined in colors.xc are in 0xRRGGBB format.
  14. It's not really a variable, but yeah, the color scale is irrelevant here. The idea here is using a special macro {{.}} that lets you use a value defined somewhere else in the config. You can pretty much call it however you want and place it wherever you want. Then if you want to use that value, you just need to give a path to it, as in the above night_dragon_on's example.
  15. Just try default. Then if you decide you want to turn off something, edit the config, and if you don't know how, ask here on the forum.
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