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Posts posted by nixxxie

  1. 'Hangar Macros'


    \res_mods\xvm\doc\readme-en.txt, line 243 - Extended macros formatting rules

    s - string, d - integer, f - float and so on



    \res_mods\xvm\doc\macros-hangar.txt - note 'TODO' next to these macros.



    Build 3231 shows the right values in {{v.xp%d}}.

    But some previous builds indeed displayed numbers with 1 or 2 digits for "xp".



    I know, but integer are prefix and i assumed that all are.


    If {{v.xp}} is corrected, than no problem, i'll wait


    What about the rest?

    And if we have equipment macros, maybe xvm could display all equimpent used during battle, finally? And, all crew skills and perks somewhere, too ;) if we are on crew.

  2. это не я, оно так и было.



    вот у меня в конфиге cyan :-)

    А в дефолте судя по этому, что-то типа: этого:

    Цвет яйца дрозда

    Карибский зеленый

    Синий чирок

    Синий цвета яиц странствующего дрозда

    Светлое зеленое море

    Кстати, XVM-вский желтый нифига не желтый, а "цвет детской неожиданности"




    That reminds me of something...  http://i.imgur.com/oijpPlt.jpg



    PS: i'm tinkering with carousel in 5.3.5 and half of the macros seem not to work there or return some weird values? And somehow i can't make floating point value work with one singificant digit after decimal :/ ...

    • Upvote 3
  3. Я думал, сокрытие отдельных фильтров (средствами конфига) и так подразумевается.


    Фильтров уже много, они уже занимают много места, они уже нужны не всем в полном составе.

    В конфиге должны быть соответствующие переключатели вида hideXXXXXFilter = true/false (или show..., или enable...).



    Yea, bitmasks are cool :P ...

  4. I don't sure it will be useful.


    It will show in which tanks you are underperforming and which ones boost your global wr. I think that it would be useful, but if it costs too much work, we'll live without that.




    I dunno :)

    I wrote this without testing, just guessing required values. You can check it yourself.




    IDK what exactly are you guys trying to achieve. Only, dead crewmember gets penalty and earns 90% of xp (iirc). Because of that, it would be best to make another separate tab with crew report, and list every crewmember separately, with next % and total skill too. If you have accelerated training on too, one gets a double so that is another reason.

  5. Like, really? Because devs are certainly bored and will tailor distros for every wild call that someone without imagination is willing to shout...


    Want such mod, then code it yourself. Otherwise take what you've been given for free and be thankful for that. Especially if you can make it work quite easily...



    PS: XVM is ONE mod and is supported as one - if someone breaks, than you don't need to be interested in what and where, you will get a whole new version with everything fixed - your reasoning blew my mind...

    • Upvote 2
  6. разве не так же, как и {{c:t-rating}} из секции "rating" файла colors.xc?


    upd именно оттуда...


    Seems that a lot is happening lately, i am trying to understand everything.


    Since there is to be a different color macro for tank carousel t-rating, it would be good for it to show pp diffrence = {{rating}}-{{t-rating}} with color scale, as it is direct indicator in which tanks you are underperforming.



    regarding crew xp in after battle report - have you taken into account penalty for dead crewmen?


    xp to finish perk: can't you just show it in format [4234/311435] - to next % / total? And leave more advanced options hidden somewhere deep in crew personal folder?

  7. It's hard to believe you, somehow... Guess, why.


    Still, go to eu-comm.de and ask there. Something happened to their forum lately and i can't see subforum with proofs but they will provide you a replay that was the reason of you being added. It's their mod and their list. Oh, and don't forget to update us on this issue afterwards ;) .



    PS: seems that you aren't on the list: http://www.eu-comm.de/botlisting/Botlist.php

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