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Posts posted by nixxxie

  1.  is not show in hitLog. 


    Put here your hitLog.xc


    Which is a bit sad, maybe they will implement this into xvm in future. Another of Omegaice's ;) ?



    There isn't any english version of taht topic.. ?



    Check EU forums for Kodos' hitlog and damagepanel. Or his whole xvm config.

  2. I see more and more people writing that after update - with obsolete config with errors (major instead of view), they still get some circles on minimap (445m + dynamic in most cases, haven't checked that). Techically, it's a kind of bug, seems to me that there shouldn't be any circles drawn?

    Or, is whole default config loaded and those guys just haven't noticed other changes?

  3. Good idea - i don't use replays when tinkering with config, only grind live in the meantime (who cares about stats anyway :P ) and reloading whole wot eats a lot of time every small change. 

    From my observation, some files get loaded every battle, some every few battles - you never know; some never get reloaded at all.

  4. It's not for me, but some youtubers use different config for recording their videos from replays than for playing. So, automating it would help some people.


    Simple version would be putting in main xvm.xc loader two paths with different parameters depending on play/replay, so xvm recognizes game state and loads correct one.



    PS: or, if you don't want to break current one-file configs, add loader.xc as main file with "configPlay" and "configReplay" paths. Empty (or broken) path wouldn't load any, allowing to use clean vanilla (saves a switch on enabling config :P ). And if you still want to use the same config, you just use the same path twice. Profit! 


  5. I have problems understanding you - what is so painful :P ? You just edit a few lines every new version :) and save yourself trouble with half not working. You have to start doing it sooner or later or rely completely on mod/config packs released by other players.


    Just check it against default so all switches are up to date and adjust macros. Or get yourself another config which is up to date (like mine :P ).

    • Upvote 1
  6. а на чистом клиенте кто-то проверял? Вообще, по идее такое происходит когда уши перерисовываются. Это возникает при смерти кого-то (в стандартном клиенте) и при изменении хп (если включена соответсвующая опция).

    Если это так, то хз как править.


    Oh, so it will be substantially harder with HP bars and values :/ , now it explains a lot...

  7. A lot of work, kudos.

    Still, i'd appreciate if you put all "vanilla" icons too - reload, attacking/requesting fire etc... I've been thinking for quite a lot of time about doing it myself but it wasn't important enough ;) .


    PS: a lightbulb also, as similar to ingame one as possible.


    PS2: forgot to add - modules and crewmember icons from vanilla. That's the little things that would be useful to report crits in hit/damage log.

  8. Ага, экстра поля я не проверял.

    Давно в планах, пока не хватает времени. Самая большая проблема - с дизайном. Как это все выводить? Не хочется делать как другие просто одно фиксированное отображение, поэтому надо как-то что-то через макросы думать. 



    There is a quite mode for that by Locastan: forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/374447-091-team-hp-pool-bar/

    I have no use of combined hp, though - individual bars are much better, the way you can do them now.

    нашёл забавный баг. когда включены ХП в ушах, в бою нельзя кинуть жалобу, т.к. уши перерисовываются каждый раз, и выпадающее меню пропадает. не успеваешь добраться до пункта меню.


    Happened to me, too - if you are patient you can move mouse slowly and you will eventually success, after enough tries :P ...



    PS:i just found a funny message in notification center:


    Interface updated on 15 czerwca 2014 at 07:15 due to server changes.

    Everything seems to work ok for now...

  9. Yes. Clien doesn't get information about hp of tanks, that outside the render range.


    Oh, that's sad. I thought it was error on xvm part. And that's kind of illogical - they are spotted and in radio range. Oh well, another day in wot...


    At least i know that it gets about unspotted tanks in render distance if they hit you (even on bounce) - again, Omegaice - so, maybe at least this can be implemented.

  10. смысла нет. Будет чекаться хп только отрисовываемых танков. Надо будет весьма часто кнопочку жать, чтобы хоть что-то адекватное вышло



    Do i understand correctly that spotted tanks outside render range do NOT update hp? I thought previusly that this is some kind of bug- even if not, that should be changed.



    PS: can i ask again about {{c:spotted}} (and maybe {{a:spotted}}) macros, instead of current enemySpottedMarker mechanics :P ?

  11. Guys, i really can't see the problem, so stop flaming.

    There IS more than one way of doing some things, including drawing circles. And, you can make XVM display the same effect Omegaice's did. It's effect that matters, remember.



    PS: and, because Omegaice's was also configurable to saturate or not on 445m, you can't guess which version someone used - everyone is strongly encouraged to use their own brains and edit config apropriately.


    PS2: lol, poor devs: first being "Russians", then "Americans" - both being insults :P ... That made my day.



    PS3: Tealo, and everyone, find my config on EU and use circles from it, if it's too hard to change on your own. I hope, you won't be disappointed.

    • Upvote 1
  12. You happened to be not the first one trying and man can get tired of repeating the same argument time after time - and after it's already settled and implemented in nightlies. Trying to tell others that there is only one good way and everyone else is wrong and misguided, because that's what repetitive explaining and argument becomes over time. I hope you can understand my point and no hard feelings.


    Devs weren't the target and they didn't become "bad guys". I am quite happy how it is now with multiple blindareas and i am waiting for 9.1 test distro with changelog, i don't want to put nigthly in my modpack.


    I am also quite happy how devs respond to other suggestions and i hope for some further implementations in future ;) .

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