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Posts posted by nixxxie

  1. they're not. It is all about your interpretation of the info they provide.


    The circle, that has radius over 445m gives you the only ability to evaluate this camo_fighting coefficient in a convinient way, not apart from the map image.


    By the moment the config is flexible enough to use any combination of all these circles. Why don't you use the blindarea concept +  standing mode of motiom distance + static 445m?

    Blindarea will not overcome 445 with scope, it will coincide with static.




    To me, this info is useless. I know that i have camo_fighting advantage (and i am aware how much i have it on each tank) and showing it on map as an extra circle only clutters the map. And is error-inducing, because to me biggest circle is always max spotting range (which in this case sometimes isn't).

    I know the numbers, still even displaying them is useless to me because:

    A. even base camo coefficients are "confidential"

    B. You do NOT know enemy's crew training and camo-related skills (camo/BiA).

    C. You do NOT know if enemy has camo net equipped

    I congratulate you on your brain computing and seering skills, if you find them useful, though...


    What i use now is:


    "view": [
                // Simple model (one dynamic circle for blindarea), for most players
        "enabled": true,
        "distance": "blindarea",
        "scale": 1,
        "thickness": 0.75,
        "alpha": 50,
        "color":  "0xFFFFFF"
                // Extended model (5 circles), for experienced players
        "enabled": true,
        "distance": 50,
        "scale": 1,
        "thickness": 0.50,
        "alpha": 50,
        "color": "0xEE0000"
        "enabled": true,
        "distance": 445,
        "scale": 1,
        "thickness": 0.5,
        "alpha": 50,
        "color": "0xFFCC66"
        "enabled": true,
        "distance": "standing",
        "scale": 1,
        "thickness": 0.5,
        "alpha": 50,
        "color": "0xFFFFFF"
        "enabled": true,
        "distance": "motion",
        "scale": 1,
        "thickness": 0.5,
        "alpha": 50,
        "color": "0xFFFFFF"
        "enabled": false,
        "distance": "dynamic",
        "scale": 1,
        "thickness": 1.0,
        "alpha": 50,
        "color": "0xFFFFFF"
       // "color": "0x3EB5F1"


    And, as i stated before - there IS at least ONE tank in game, which can with coated optics equipped exceed 445m spotting cap with it's vision range when moving(!).

    There are however many tanks, which even with binocs do NOT reach the 445m cap so, in this case both "dynamic" circles are needed as well as cap circle. And i want both binocs AND no_binocs circles drawn ALL the time, so i know my real ranges - if they do NOT exceed max spotting range 445m so i know how much REAL coverage i have and how it changes if i move/stop IN ADVANCE.

    I use "blindarea" as another dynamic indicator for camo net and binocs switching (mostly i use both at the same time) as i use minimap a lot and this one is indeed useful.




    To be honest, i don't care what you use and how you use it, as long as i can use what I like. For me, current implementation is still lacking and i compare to Omegaice's mod which i had used since autumn (yes, the very beginning).

  2. StranikS_Scan, тебя не переубедить :) Ладно. Мы свои доводы расписали, пусть дальше sirmax решает.


    И ещё. Думается мне, все твои лекции о пользе кругов выше 445 надо как-то доводить до международной общественности. nixxxie явно не последний кому непонятно. Надо перевести их на забугорный язык.



    Yes, it IS unclear to me how you can benefit from circles that are LYING to you - you can NOT spot outside 445m. I am well aware of camo_fighting "coefficient" that additional viewrange gives me, but it still works ONLY INSIDE 445m radius circle.



    PS: bug report: i just got drawn "standing" circle as if with binocs, but no binocs equipped; "motion" circle was correct and "blindarea" hasn't switched to standing (correct) too.  ARL44, GLD/rammer/vents.

    I too think that your macro naming is BS, but i don't care much, name them whatever you want ;) , just make them work correctly :P .

  3. You do not understand the mechanics of the game. The range view distance has no restrictions. Only distance of enemy detection has a limited. The 'spotting_limit' is a great folly that made Omegaice developers. They did not understand the mechanics of the review as well as you.


    The XVM does not use the Omegaice code. XVM code was written from scratch, since Omegaice code contained fundamental errors.


    Please before discussing this topic and XVM config, read the articles - link1 and link2. This articles written how to use the circles of range view distance and why they should not be limited.



    The XVM is implemented two models of tank review. A simple model uses a blind area and it by default in the XVM config. The second model is based on the view distance. It is more complex and therefore be in the comments by default. Ordinary users typically use the first model, but the second model experienced users.



    I called Omegaice because he happened to appear in changelog ;) . Previously i thought you were writing all from scratch because of some hard feelings. Just stating facts, no offense intended.


    I know how spotting works in this game and i confimed my knowledge with some training room tests. Viewrange is both a radius and a "value"/"coefficient" in spotting equation on opposite side of camo. Nevertheless, spotting outside 445m radius is NOT possible, as is NOT possible spotting outside your viewrange radius if smaller - thus drawing circles bigger than 445m is useless, they should saturate to 445m value (even when static - that is the exact feature i used and i want to use in future). While you could write viewrange radius as value somewhere on battle hud (damagepanel?) and it arguably could be useful (because again, "coefficient"), drawing it bigger than 445m has no point.

    Maybe it's language barrier, i really can't write this simpler.


    Could you please point exact "errors" Omegaice made? Simple curiosity.

    Take into account that WoT "percentages" are in fact "percentage points", thus ADDITIVE, NOT multiplicative - that is another omission in description and explanation made by developers. I'd even say that it is error on their part.




    A word of explanation about me: i am a selfish bastard and i advocate for features i want to use personally and which help me play - but i also think they help others. I am into ergonomic, convenient, minimalistic hud and my config and whole modpack is almost vanilla. I don't hesitate to remove useless features (like whole frag and score bar).




    As for commenting: ordinary users don't tinker with config file - they use online editor at best. Disabling options by commenting when you have programmed switch for that is just a bad practice, which i pointed out. Again, no offense intended. You can as well add ten more circles switched to false and nothing should happen - if code is written correctly, otherwise no point in having this switch at all. 

    BTW - what is "scale" value for, when it comes to circles? Will it change radius? If so, it seems to me, that it is useless parameter and should be removed from config.

    Less then 10% of its code remains.



    Again, no offense intended. Just that i happen to read about him in changelog.

    Но ведь standing означает, что танк не просто стоит, а стоит с рогами (которые не сразу включаются). По обзору проще, поскольку у двигающегося и стоящего без трубы танка обзор одинаковый, а вот с маскировкой картина другая. Там есть три состояния: в движении, стоя и стоя с сеткой. Это если не считать стрельбу (там ещё три). Поэтому лучше сразу писать корректные имена. Во-первых, так точнее, во-вторых, когда дело дойдет до маскировки, путаницы не будет.



    Just for clarification: camo penalty for shooting is independent from camo buff for camo net - so, there are TWO values for shooting while standing: with net and without net. Source: SerBs Q&A.

    A bit of offtopic here, though...

  4. Just tested, my feedback:


    1. Since you are using Omegaice's code, was it that hard to include "spotting_limit": true swich too?

    "standing" circle can easily extend over 445m range with binocs and i believe there is at least one tank in game, which with coated optics equipped could go over 445m in "motion" too. Showing circles with bigger radius is useless, they just clutter the map and make it less readable. I repeat once again - they should saturate to max spotting distance. Now i cannot wipe them from the map. I want standing/montion circles to show me disadvantage from max (if there is one), not extra "virtual" advantage that never exists and cannot be used.


    2. Because of (1) "dynamic" is useless too. 


    3. On the other hand, "blindarea" is a good one for showing your current range. I use it with higher thickness parameter.


    4. Don't disable options in default config by commenting them if you have "enabled" switch. WTF? Just set it to false...



    BTW, you added some undocumented blocks in battle.xc


    on playersPanel fields - where can i get more info how to use them? Do they mean that now hp bar is possible?

  5. The problem with remapping many keys is in the game - some binds are hardocoded and you can't do anything with them.


    If you want to change functions assigned to them, you have to remap physical keys on your keyboard. You can mess with windows registry or try some ghost keys app.


    I can send you a key remapping both Alts as RAlt and WinKeys as LAlt, pm me with your email.

  6. Adding another opinion: more colors is NOT better. 

    Currently i have both Omegaice's and XVM's circles working (because i couldn't switch off the latter) and side effect is that active circle drawn twice is getting thicker - that is neat trick and actually i like this behavior (at least when white, like i have). So, my proposition is to show active circle with changing thickness parameter instead of color (while drawing both circles all the time).

    passive 0.5

    active 1.0

    Check yourselves if you find this convenient.

  7. If we are on colors i will copypaste part of my tankrange.xc with colors i use now:



    "major": [
            "alpha": 50,
            "color": "0xFFCC66",
            "distance": 445,
            "enabled": true,
            "thickness": 0.5
            "alpha": 50,
            "color": "0xEE0000",
            "distance": 50,
            "enabled": true,
            "thickness": 0.5



    "tankrange": {
        "circle_artillery": {
          "alpha": 80,
          "color": "0x50FF50",
          "enabled": true,
          "filled": false,
          "thickness": 0.5
        "circle_binocular": {
          "alpha": 50,
          "color": "0xFFFFFF",
          "enabled": true,
          "filled": false,
          "thickness": 0.5
        "circle_shell": {
          "alpha": 50,
          "color": "0x00FF00",
          "enabled": true,
          "filled": false,
          "thickness": 0.5
        "circle_view": {
          "alpha": 50,
          "color": "0xFFFFFF",
          "enabled": true,
          "filled": false,
          "thickness": 0.5
        "ignore_artillery": false,
        "logging": true,
        "notify_changes": true,
        "spotting_limit": true



    Nothing fancy, simple base color values. 

  8. Another thing i'd like to have...


    I'm using temporary camo quite a lot. Unfortunately, camo on tank displayed is from last battle and to check other you need to go into exterior menu - and if you don't buy all three patterns at the same time, you may not notice that one expired.

    So, i'd like to have somewhere in garage three icons displaying camo patterns enabled, preferably with time left on them (and if permanent, you can put gold coin icon on them).


    Simple idea, simple explanation.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Since i was redirected here, i am bumping this topic.


    I would imagine this feature as accessible from config only, with tank-specific profiles for each slot (empty value means ignore) - that way noone can screw himself, equipping on battle button event and removing on tank returning from battle.


    I use a lot of binocs and nets and while i have several sets, i still have much more tanks...

  10. Sorry for being inventive today/tonight.


    The idea got to me from automated crew movement feature, which even got implemented into vanilla. I use a lot of binocs and camo net and there's a lot of swapping between my tanks going on in garage.

    So, it would be great to implement automated tool in xvm with tank "profiles" - autoequipping "soft" (non_gold) equipment before battle (on clicking battle button) and removing it after vehicle comes back to garage.


    To make it simple, define it in config only, similar to now-infamous circles, every slot by hand on each vehicle.

  11. Ну, для меня содержимое Вашей все еще размыто, ибо терминология мне Ваша не близка... но предложение однозначно поддерживаю.  :gawi:

    И я это... идею у Вас позаимствую  :heh:

    @sirmax, вопрос есть (предложение)... я не знаю... реализовано это сейчас или нет... или есть в планах... чтобы круги (они же динамические) прямо во время боя реагировали на контузию командира... "красное" повреждение оптики, контузию члена экипажа при боевом братстве, или владельца радиоперехвата и орлиного глаза... вроде ничего не забыл?



    According to SerB, there's currently a bug and dead crewmember doesn't switch off brothers in arms perk - although it is meant to change (KTTS, as usual).

    Viewrange penalties would be:

    1. Dead commander (perks/skills doesn't matter)

    2. Red optics (until repaired to orange, so very short time)

    3. Dead radioman if with Situational Awareness skill

  12. I see there's a discussion going on, without me :P ...


    1. I used google translate to read most of this topic.


    2. I am long time Omegaice mod user so i have game experience using dynamic circles (to be frank, i wish you could directly copypaste his code into xvm, but... Can't you talk him into joining xvm team :P ?).


    3. Since spotting range in game is capped on 445m, dynamic circles should be saturated on this value - there is no point in displaying how much more "advantage over camo" you have (yes, i play scouts with binocs too and i can get well over this range). And render box is a cube (for now, KTTS), so no point in talking about 500m circle for now (who got that brilliant idea?). 

    3.1. And if your max is still less than 445m, you should have static 445m because it's max distance you can get directly spotted by enemies - spotting works both ways and you have to assume worst(but that's static feature, so nevermind).


    4. I hate dynamic switching between binocs/no_binocs - best way to get yourself killed. I want to know how much i gain/lose upon stopping/moving IN ADVANCE. Neat trick would be to have current circle getting thicker, but good player needs BOTH on map all the time.


    5. Good idea is to separate global static part of file from dynamic ranges on certain tanks into a second file. That way you know what part of config is accessed by calculator and what not to mess with.


    6. Autocannons have limited shell flight range and Omegaice's mod displays them too - put this on your to do list. It was rumored to be 360m for all of them, but his digging in code revealed that it is different for every autocannon.

  13. Topic name is misleading and i will explain this - it's a name of the file from some old (gods know which) mod, which fortunately still works and i fear the moment it stops... Oh, and it messes a bit with XVM's battletimer, but i live with that because of extra functionality, which is:


    horizontal (traverse) gun ruler with constraints. Since xvm is about "visualization" - even in it's name -  i wonder if you could add similar functionality to the core (to be switched off in config if someone doesn't want it). And, if we are on that, also vertical (elevation) gun ruler, also with constraints?

    And, maybe zoom ratio indicator (for standard crosshair users), if we are on aiming?

  14. That's a quick one.

    Sth. similar to bothunter marking maybe - extra clan icon for people on your friends list (and another for ignore list).  I recently had a few games when i met some and i haven't noticed them until the end of battle...


    I know that WG communicator is "being reworked" but it's more than a year since first announcement so we can expect at least another year before it happens and they add similar functionality themselves...

  15. Oh, so it's not that my other mods are responsible :P ? That's a great news, since i already decided to wait for next release anyway.


    If i may suggest something on the topic: separate files with static circles from one with dynamic values (even load it from static) - that's how it's done neat and tidy ;) and then you have separate file to access for recalculating.

  16. Another wild thought just came to me...


    WG works and thinks in mysterious ways. Some tanks in game get their nicknames as names. Others do NOT. We have Dicker Max for years now, but we can't get Sturer Emil because "fuck yea" ("players would get confused", "historical accuracy", "historical unaccuracy", whatever), we even get historically uncorrect Hetzer because whole world thinks it was called so (logic ^^).

    There is a tool to bring justice back and it is name substitution in default config, so everyone can get them, every time. Just to stand and show our point, after it gets into default it will eventually get noticed and recongized by them (doesn't matter if corrected or not).


    For now i have two candidates: Sturer Emil and Heuschrecke. Any others?

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