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Posts posted by nixxxie

  1. No problem, i shared here with everyone :) .



    PS: below are standard values moved to separate files if you need them for automation convenience, with initial step added (seen in extreme cases, like exactly 0 wn8, below 35% rating or not so extreme 0 kbattles). 

    Those are what i generated from.


    BTW: orignal colors.xc from wotlabs had something out of date, i don't remember now but probably dmg_kind?






  2. Better check it yourself ingame, it's barely noticeable. Just a little tweak, not a gamechanger.


    Like eg. difference between 9k and 10k or 13k and 14k. 

    Effi values are not gradiented, so you can compare their spread to wn8 and see how it works. Or check how close wn8 values are slightly different.


    Maybe it's not clear: base steps are the same as their respective original scales - these same values are used with the same colors. More were added "in between".



    • Upvote 1
  3. LOL, if you haven't changed anything in your test config, that's why there's no change. With no config, XVM loads those default values... IDK why stats are still inactive, try a different browser and then maybe check your firewall?


    PS: try redownloading and reinstalling xvm, maybe package got broken?

  4. I generated a few color gradient schemes for abovementioned ratings - wn8 and % are both for default XVM and WotLabs scales (with starting color added) and kb is from XVM default (with steps every 1k to like 40k).


    Feel free to use them, every array has a different file because otherwise it would be to messy. You load it in colors.xc with eg.

    "kb": ${"kb_xvm_7x13_gradient.xc":"kb"},

    adjust for other files.



    I did it out of curiosity and it was interesting, but not a gamechanger and it's not very noticeable during play. Have fun.



    PS: guys, i see downloads - please, write a post (anything) if you do so, otherwise this topic will fall into abyss and others won't have the opportunity to find it ;) .






    • Upvote 2
  5. Ocassionally, when digging through some old configs i meet a bunch of old constans - it seems to me that they aren't used anymore, because of absence in default?


    What were they for?



    "consts": {
        "AVG_BATTLES": 2000,
        "AVG_GWR": 48,
        "AVG_XVMSCALE": 30,
        "MAX_EBN": 200,
        "VM_COEFF_FC": 0.93,
        "VM_COEFF_MM_BASE": 0.8,
        "VM_COEFF_MM_PLAYER": 0.93,
        "VM_COEFF_VMM": 0.88,
        "VM_COEFF_VMM_DEAD": 0.5
  6. maybe try without '0': {{v.wn8effd%0.3f~:}} replace {{v.wn8effd%.3f~:}}



    OK, i'll try and if it still happens i'll post (it does very rarely and idk why, so it may take some time :P ).



    Скажи , а не планировал добавить детектор ботов ? Так то полезо на мой взгляд. На форуме импортном вот наткнулся :


    Но там мод , а может встроить ?

    ЗЫ Сам правда не пробовал пока, времени нет. 


    I use bothunter from the beginning - and now more out of habit. It is using vbaddict database indeed and upon reporting sends them one too. Since it's a simple mod, you can use it separately, it doesn't interfere with xvm, only uses it for showing extra clanicons for fake clantags it creates to display bots/wipes.

    And i would advise against implementing such as it would make xvm insta-ban on EU forum because of dumb NOT "naming and shaming" policy... Bothunter thread had been pulled down quite quickly.

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