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[Тестирование / Test] XVM 5.3.2

Mr A

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почему-то через несколько боев на миникарте перестают отображаться круг засвета, квадрат и лазер по центру сектора видимости, иногда лазер остается, а круга и квадрата нет, из-за конфига может такое быть? конфиг стоит от старого, без динамических кругов засвета, только 445м и квадрат

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Demon2597, поможете?
я не стал с этим запариваться, мне оно кажется маленько извращением, к тому же не знаю, как определить точно цвет затемнения. Поэтому забил, буду ждать когда затемнение динамических цветов можно будет задать с помощью прозрачности.
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почему-то через несколько боев на миникарте перестают отображаться круг засвета, квадрат и лазер по центру сектора видимости, иногда лазер остается, а круга и квадрата нет, из-за конфига может такое быть? конфиг стоит от старого, без динамических кругов засвета, только 445м и квадрат

логи нужны

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об этом речь была в теме ночников 


Изменился порядок слоёв для текстовых полей макросов. Надо у "слоеных" символов переписать поля в обратном порядке, первое написанное поле является нижним слоем, последнее- верхним.


// Крест в прицеле,

// Прицел,

// Прицел фон


// Прицел фон,

// Прицел,

// Крест в прицеле


PS. кстати надо было наверное этот момент в ChangeLog мода отметить


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I'm sorry, but I have to write in english.


I have a specific "problem" with custom per tank circles.


I've used custom circles to display spotting ranges for many of my tanks for many XVM versions now, like so:


	{ "ussr-T62A": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 291, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5 } },
	{ "ussr-T62A": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 315, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5 } },
	{ "ussr-T62A": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 378, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5 } }
Since the last version, when the new dynamic circles were added, my circles no longer are displayed. Actually, they show briefly then dissappear:




How can I make my custom circles show?




Tried it with multiple file config, same thing happens. The "view" circles work if I turn them on but my "special" circles show briefly and dissappear.


Here's my minimapCircles.xc:



* Minimap circles. Only real map meters. Only for own unit.
* Круги на миникарте. Дистанция только в реальных метрах карты. Только для своей техники.
"circles": {
"enabled": true,
// TODO: better description and translation
// View distance
// Дальность обзора
// Параметры:
// "enabled": false - выключен
// "distance" - дистанция
// "scale" - масштаб круга (множитель расстояния) (параметр не обязательный)
// "thickness" - толщина
// "alpha" - прозрачность
// "color" - цвет
// "state" - состояние танка: 1-стоит, 2-двигается (параметр не обязательный)
// Доступные значения расстояния:
// N - число в метрах, рисуется статический круг
// "dynamic" - реальная дальность обзора танка c учётом стоит/движется
// "motion" - реальная дальность обзора танка в движении
// "standing" - реальная дальность обзора танка стоя
// "blindarea" - реальная граница слепой зоны танка (50<=X<=445)
// "blindarea_motion" - реальная граница слепой зоны танка в движении (50<=X<=445)
// "blindarea_standing" - реальная граница слепой зоны танка стоя (50<=X<=445)
// Источник:
// http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/15467-/page-5#entry187139
// http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/15467-/page-4#entry186794
"view": [
// Main circles:
// Основные круги:
{ "enabled": false, "distance": "blindarea", "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 80, "color": "0x3EB5F1" },
{ "enabled": true, "distance": 445, "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.1, "alpha": 45, "color": "0xFFCC66" },
// Additional circles:
// Дополнительные круги:
{ "enabled": true, "distance": 50, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
{ "enabled": false, "distance": "standing", "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF0000" },
{ "enabled": false, "distance": "motion", "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x0000FF" },
{ "enabled": false, "distance": "dynamic", "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x3EB5F1" }
// Maximum range of fire for artillery
// Artillery gun fire range may differ depending on vehicle angle relative to ground
// and vehicle height positioning relative to target. These factors are not considered.
// See pics at http://goo.gl/ZqlPa
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Максимальная дальность стрельбы для артиллерии
// Дальнобойность арты может меняться в зависимости от углов постановки машины на склонах местности
// и высоте расположения машины относительно цели. На миникарте эти факторы не учитываются.
// Подробнее по ссылке: http://goo.gl/ZqlPa
"artillery": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 55, "color": "0xFF6666", "thickness": 0.5 },
// Maximum range of shooting for machine gun
// Максимальная дальность полета снаряда для пулеметных танков
"shell": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 55, "color": "0xFF6666", "thickness": 0.5 },
// Special circles dependent on vehicle type.
// Many configuration lines for the same vehicle make many circles.
// See other vehicle types at (replace : symbol with -):
// http://code.google.com/p/wot-xvm/source/browse/trunk/src/xpm/xvmstat/vehinfo_short.py
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Специальные круги, зависящие от модели техники.
// Несколько строк для одной техники делают несколько кругов.
// Названия танков для дополнения брать по ссылке (символ : заменяется -):
// http://code.google.com/p/wot-xvm/source/browse/trunk/src/xpm/xvmstat/vehinfo_short.py
"special": [
// Example: Artillery gun fire range circle
// Пример: Круг дальности стрельбы арты
// "enabled": false - выключен; "thickness" - толщина; "alpha" - прозрачность; "color" - цвет.
//{ "ussr-SU-18": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500 } },
{ "su_18": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500 } },
{ "gw_mk_vie": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 850 } },
{ "t57": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 553 } },
{ "renaultbs": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 483 } },
{ "gb25_loyd_carrier": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 509 } },
{ "su_26": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1218 } },
{ "bison_i": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 602 } },
{ "wespe": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989 } },
{ "m7_priest": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989 } },
{ "lorraine39_l_am": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 983 } },
{ "gb27_sexton": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051 } },
{ "gb78_sexton_i": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051 } },
{ "su_5": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 613 } },
{ "sturmpanzer_ii": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 602 } },
{ "pz_sfl_ivb": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989 } },
{ "m37": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989 } },
{ "amx_ob_am105": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1288 } },
{ "gb26_birch_gun": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051 } },
{ "su122a": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1201 } },
{ "grille": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 836 } },
{ "m41": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1294 } },
{ "amx_105am": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1288 } },
{ "_105_lefh18b2": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1000 } },
{ "gb28_bishop": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500 } },
{ "su_8": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1345 } },
{ "hummel": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1260 } },
{ "m44": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1294 } },
{ "amx_13f3am": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1381 } },
{ "gb77_fv304": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500 } },
{ "s_51": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264 } },
{ "su14_1": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264 } },
{ "g_panther": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1300 } },
{ "m12": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413 } },
{ "lorraine155_50": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1350 } },
{ "gb29_crusader_5inch": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1327 } },
{ "su_14": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264 } },
{ "gw_tiger_p": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333 } },
{ "m40m43": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1336 } },
{ "lorraine155_51": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1368 } },
{ "gb79_fv206": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1405 } },
{ "object_212": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264 } },
{ "g_tiger": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333 } },
{ "m53_55": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1291 } },
{ "bat_chatillon155_55": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413 } },
{ "gb30_fv3805": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1354 } },
{ "object_261": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1470 } },
{ "g_e": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333 } },
{ "t92": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1411 } },
{ "bat_chatillon155_58": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413 } },
{ "gb31_conqueror_gun": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 1, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1007 } },
{ "china-Ch01_Type59": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x009900", "distance": 111 } },
{ "china-Ch01_Type59": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 299 } },
{ "china-Ch01_Type59": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 324 } },
{ "china-Ch01_Type59": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 377 } },
{ "china-Ch02_Type62": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 280 } },
{ "china-Ch02_Type62": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 370 } },
{ "china-Ch14_T34_3": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 306 } },
{ "china-Ch14_T34_3": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 329 } },
{ "china-Ch14_T34_3": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 382 } },
{ "china-Ch17_WZ131_1_WZ132": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 277 } },
{ "china-Ch17_WZ131_1_WZ132": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 374 } },
{ "china-Ch19_121": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 294 } },
{ "china-Ch19_121": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 318 } },
{ "china-Ch19_121": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 381 } },
{ "china-Ch22_113": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 377 } },
{ "china-Ch22_113": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 395 } },
{ "china-Ch23_112": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 376 } },
{ "china-Ch23_112": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 395 } },
{ "france-AMX_13_90": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x009900", "distance": 101 } },
{ "france-AMX_13_90": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 273 } },
{ "france-AMX_13_90": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 370 } },
{ "france-AMX_50_100": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 373 } },
{ "france-AMX_50_100": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 383 } },
{ "france-AMX_50_100": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 395 } },
{ "france-AMX50_Foch": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 298 } },
{ "france-AMX50_Foch": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 333 } },
{ "france-AMX50_Foch": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 373 } },
{ "france-AMX_50Fosh_155": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 297 } },
{ "france-AMX_50Fosh_155": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 332 } },
{ "france-AMX_50Fosh_155": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 377 } },
{ "france-AMX_AC_Mle1948": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 310 } },
{ "france-AMX_AC_Mle1948": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 340 } },
{ "france-AMX_AC_Mle1948": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 377 } },
{ "france-Bat_Chatillon25t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x009900", "distance": 106 } },
{ "france-Bat_Chatillon25t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 283 } },
{ "france-Bat_Chatillon25t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 310 } },
{ "france-Bat_Chatillon25t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 377 } },
{ "france-ELC_AMX": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 246 } },
{ "france-ELC_AMX": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 363 } },
{ "france-F10_AMX_50B": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 386 } },
{ "france-F10_AMX_50B": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 392 } },
{ "france-F10_AMX_50B": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 397 } },
{ "france-FCM_36Pak40": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 257 } },
{ "france-FCM_36Pak40": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 302 } },
{ "france-FCM_36Pak40": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 337 } },
{ "france-FCM_50t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 377 } },
{ "france-FCM_50t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 385 } },
{ "france-FCM_50t": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 395 } },
{ "germany-DickerMax": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 277 } },
{ "germany-DickerMax": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 320 } },
{ "germany-DickerMax": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 363 } },
{ "germany-E-25": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 240 } },
{ "germany-E-25": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 305 } },
{ "germany-E-25": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 342 } },
{ "germany-E-50": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x009900", "distance": 183 } },
{ "germany-E-50": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 358 } },
{ "germany-E-50": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 366 } },
{ "germany-E-50": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 391 } },
{ "germany-E50_Ausf_M": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 335 } },
{ "germany-E50_Ausf_M": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 349 } },
{ "germany-E50_Ausf_M": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 386 } },
{ "germany-JagdPz_E100": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 382 } },
{ "germany-JagdPz_E100": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 395 } },
{ "germany-JagdTiger_SdKfz_185": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 332 } },
{ "germany-JagdTiger_SdKfz_185": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 359 } },
{ "germany-JagdTiger_SdKfz_185": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 384 } },
{ "germany-Leopard1": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 297 } },
{ "germany-Leopard1": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 320 } },
{ "germany-Leopard1": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFF00", "distance": 378 } },
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{ "germany-Lowe": { "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.5, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF00FF", "distance": 386 } },
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"Why do I use custom circles?"

My three circles per tank outline how close an enemy can get before IT spots ME, out in the open, when I'm still, moving and firing. The circles are based on my tanks with crewskills/perks, equipment and camopaint factored in. I've used it to gauge how close I can do spotting runs, or snipe at tanks that would not see me and so on. It is just a crutch I've used to play the vision game

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The circles are based on my tanks with crewskills/perks, equipment and camopaint factored in.
With new mod options you may do all the same dynamically. Now there is an ability to draw a circle, that is 0.9 or 0.5 of your view radius. And the radius is recalculated for each tank encounting equipment and perks.
I'm not sure about the "special" section, if it still works. Are you sure that there is no way to make the needed circles through "scale" parameter?
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With new mod options you may do all the same dynamically...

But it will still based on my own viewrange and not my camo factor and modifiers, right?


...I'm not sure about the "special" section, if it still works...

The interesting thing is that they show for a short period of time, then dissappear.


...Are you sure that there is no way to make the needed circles through "scale" parameter?

Could you please give me an example? I'm not much of a coder, even in config files ;)
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что это означает по русски:

 "новые опции: captureBar/allyColor, captureBar/enemyColor"  

 Цвета полос захвата баз (для союзников и противников соответственно).


Так ведь даже в стандартном конфиге есть комментарий:

// Цвета полос захвата союзников и противников (по умолчанию используется системный цвет)

Edited by Kotyarko_O
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  • 3 weeks later...

Смотрю зашла речь о кругах на миникарте. Все никак не доходили руки написать:

У меня была такая проблема на машинке Бишоп, не верно отрисовывался круг дальности полета снаряда, правда сейчас уже не помню на каком орудии. Если все правильно помню, то на Бирч гане так же не правильно показывался тот же круг. Мол почти на всю карту стреляет, а в действительности примерно на 550м.

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