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WOT Tank Viewer - Version 1.0.17

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:an: парни есть надежда что нанесение камуфляжа починят ?

заранее благодарен


Починят кто? Дед Мороз что ли со Снегурочкой?

Edited by StranikS_Scan

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в более ранних клиентах WOT была функция наложения камуфляжа на текстуру танка с последующим сохранением. В итоге была готовая шкурка с камуфляжем Сейчас данная функция не поддерживается, а очень хочется чтобы снова заработала attachicon.gif2015-06-04_194104.jpg

Стоит клиент SD. модельки грузятся нормально и камуфляж тоже

Я не пользуюсь данной функцией. Создаю свои шкурки при помощи программы Paint.net. А обсуждаемую программу ипользую для извлечения текстур и просмотра результатов. Очень удобно рисовать и сразу видеть результат. Не понравилось или не угадал (касается зон пробития и мест размещения экипажа) можно исправть.

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Я не пользуюсь данной функцией. Создаю свои шкурки при помощи программы Paint.net. А обсуждаемую программу ипользую для извлечения текстур и просмотра результатов. Очень удобно рисовать и сразу видеть результат. Не понравилось или не угадал (касается зон пробития и мест размещения экипажа) можно исправть.

В painte массовое клеение шкурок занимает ОЧЕНЬ много времени, поскольку заливается как правило  вся текстура танка и приходится очищать катки и элементы ходовой части, что требует много времени и внимания. Просто собрать пак однотипных шкурок для одной нации уже становится проблемой. В свое время так и делал через Paint. Wot вьюер позволял все это сделать нажатием буквально ОДНОЙ кнопки.

Edited by fgcwsxjegcbk2014

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В painte массовое клеение шкурок занимает ОЧЕНЬ много времени, поскольку заливается как правило  вся текстура танка и приходится очищать катки и элементы ходовой части, что требует много времени и внимания. Просто собрать пак однотипных шкурок для одной нации уже становится проблемой. В свое время так и делал через Paint. Wot вьюер позволял все это сделать нажатием буквально ОДНОЙ кнопки.

Вы наверное давно не занимались шкурками. Сейчас это занимает считанные минутки, если не рисовать зоны пробитий. Все текстуры разделены. Шасси отдельно, башни отдельно, орудия и корпус тоже. Плюс ко всему на каждую текстуру есть отдельная текстура со схемой нанесения камуфляжа. Теперь ничего не надо стирать. Все очень просто.

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согласен с Вами , но это касается только танков которые переведены в формат HD. в клиенте еще куча танков которые сохраняют старую модель отрисовки все-в-одном, особенно маленькие левелы с 1 по 5. Их неизвестно когда все преведут в новый формат. :heh:  вобщем как то так

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Клиент SD , конфиг под SD вкинул , подгружает текстуры, но при распаковке ловим краш 


'краш при распаковке'

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 17.06.2015 15:25:03
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: MYHOME
Назва аварійного застосунку: WotTankViewer_x64.exe, версія:, позначка часу: 0x53807e26
Назва аварійного модуля: QtCore4.dll, версія:, позначка часу: 0x533ff0b9
Код винятку: 0xc0000005
Зсув помилки: 0x00000000000a2160
Код аварійного процесу: 0x174
Час запуску аварійного застосунку: 0x01d0a8f88a2ae318
Шлях до аварійного застосунку: D:\Games\WotTankViewer\bin_x64\WotTankViewer_x64.exe
Шлях до аварійного модуля: D:\Games\WotTankViewer\bin_x64\QtCore4.dll
Код звіту: e0bb02dd-14eb-11e5-832b-485b39c044d5
Повне ім'я аварійного пакету:
Код аварійного застосунку, що стосується пакету:
Event Xml:





лог краша проги 

'лог '

15:34:19[ Info ] OS Version: Windows 8

15:34:19[ Info ] WOT Tank Viewer Version: 1.0.17 x64

15:34:19[ Info ] Cpu Count: 4

15:34:19[ Info ] QT Version: 4.8.5

15:34:19[ Info ] Local Language: ru_RU

15:34:19[ Info ] Loading settings file.

15:34:19[ Info ] Loading zip archives.

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_01.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_02.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_03.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_04.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_05.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_06.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_07.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_08.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_09.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\vehicles_level_10.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\shared_content.pkg

15:34:19[ Info ] World Of Tanks Version: v. #62

15:34:19[ Info ] Creating connection to database.

15:34:19[ Info ] Initialising Bullet collsion detection.

15:34:19[ Info ] Bullet Physics Library version: 281

15:34:19[ Info ] Creating main window

15:34:19[ Info ] Initialising OpenGL.

15:34:19[ Info ] OpenGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

15:34:19[ Info ] OpenGL Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6450

15:34:19[ Info ] OpenGL Version: 3.2.13283 Core Profile Context 14.501.1003.0

15:34:19[ Info ] GLSL Version: 4.40

15:34:19[ Info ] Creating shader loader.

15:34:19[ Info ] Creating tank loader.

15:34:19[ Info ] Creating texture loader.

15:34:19[ Info ] Loading Texture: ..\data\NoTexture.dds

15:34:19[ Info ] Loading Texture: ..\data\grid.dds

15:34:19[ Info ] Building database.

15:34:19[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\japan\list.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\japan\customization.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/winter_white.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/winter_white_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/japan/winter_white

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/winter_spots.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/winter_spots_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/japan/winter_spots

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/summer_four-color.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/summer_four-color_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/japan/summer_four-color

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/summer_three-color_spots.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/summer_three-color_spots_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/japan/summer_three-color_spots

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/desert_blue-brown.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/desert_blue-brown_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/japan/desert_blue-brown

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/desert_green-brown_spots.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/japan/Camouflage/desert_green-brown_spots_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/japan/desert_green-brown_spots

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\china\list.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\china\customization.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_01.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_01_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_01

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_02.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_02_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_02

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_03.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_03_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_03

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_04.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_04_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_04

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_05.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_05_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_05

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_06.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_06_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_06

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_07.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_07_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_07

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_08.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_08_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_08

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_09.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_09_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_09

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_10.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_10_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_10

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_11.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_11_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_11

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_12.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_12_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_12

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_13.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_13_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_13

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_14.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_14_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/tricolor/china_historical_14

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_winter.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_winter_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_winter_1

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_winter_2.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_winter_2_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_winter_2

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_desert.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Camouflage/china_historical_desert_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/china/bicolor/china_historical_desert

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\france\list.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\france\customization.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_1.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_1_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/bicolor/franch_1

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_2.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_2_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_2

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_3.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_3_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_3

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_4.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_4_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/bicolor/franch_4

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_5.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_5_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/bicolor/franch_5

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_6.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_6_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_6

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_7.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_7_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_7

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_8.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_8_hd.DDS

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_8

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_9.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_9_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_9

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_10.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_10_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/franch_10

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_11_Winter.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Cfran_1_franch_11_Winter_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/bicolor/Winter

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Branches_and_Leaves.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Branches_and_Leaves_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/Branches_and_Leaves

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Geometric_Shapes.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Geometric_Shapes_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/Geometric_Shapes

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Gyrus.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/french/Camouflage/Gyrus_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/france/tricolor/Gyrus

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\germany\list.xml

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: Env_Artillery

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: Env_Artillery_descr

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\germany\customization.xml

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_1Feldgrau.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_1Feldgrau_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/Feldgrau

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_2WhiteDiagonal.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_2WhiteDiagonal_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/WhiteDiagonal

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_3YellowBacillus.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_3YellowBacillus_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/YellowBacillus

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_4SnowOnSpots.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_4SnowOnSpots_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/tricolor/SnowOnSpots

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_5SnowOnBands.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_5SnowOnBands_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/tricolor/SnowOnBands

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_6RedClouds.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_6RedClouds_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/RedClouds

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_7GrayZigzag.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_7GrayZigzag_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/GrayZigzag

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_8Honeycomb.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_8Honeycomb_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/tricolor/Honeycomb

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_9Branch.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_9Branch_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/tricolor/Branch

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_10Ragged_Patches.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_10Ragged_Patches_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/tricolor/Ragged_Patches

15:34:20[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_11Spots.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_11Spots_hd.dds

15:34:20[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/tricolor/Spots

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_12Winter.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Cger_1_12Winter_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/Winter

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Dark_Spots.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Dark_Spots_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/Dark_Spots

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Diagonal_Stripes.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Diagonal_Stripes_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/Diagonal_Stripes

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Polylines.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Camouflage/Polylines_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/germany/bicolor/Polylines

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\uk\list.xml

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\uk\customization.xml

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_desert_splintered.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_desert_splintered_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/bicolor/desert_splintered

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_bicolor_classic.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_bicolor_classic_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/bicolor/bicolor_classic

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_grassy_green.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_grassy_green_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/bicolor/grassy_green

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_LRDG.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_LRDG_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/bicolor/LRDG

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_sophisticated_bicolor.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_sophisticated_bicolor_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/tricolor/sophisticated_bicolor

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_tricolor_canadian.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_tricolor_canadian_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/tricolor/tricolor_canadian

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_tricolor_classic.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_tricolor_classic_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/tricolor/tricolor_classic

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_tricolor_diagonal.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_tricolor_diagonal_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/tricolor/tricolor_diagonal

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_stains_with_notches.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_stains_with_notches_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/tricolor/stains_with_notches

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_large-spotted.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_large-spotted_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/tricolor/large-spotted

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_Mickey_Mouse_ears.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_Mickey_Mouse_ears_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/bicolor/large-Mickey_Mouse_ears

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_winter.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/british/Camouflage/GB_1_winter_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/uk/bicolor/winter

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\usa\list.xml

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: Sexton_I

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: Sexton_I_descr

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\usa\customization.xml

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_1GuamBicolor.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_1GuamBicolor_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/bicolor/GuamBicolor

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_2IvozimaBicolor.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_2IvozimaBicolor_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/bicolor/IvozimaBicolor

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_3BretagneSky.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_3BretagneSky_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/bicolor/BretagneSky

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_4WhiteScar.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_4WhiteScar_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/bicolor/WhiteScar

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_5RudesheimTricolor.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_5RudesheimTricolor_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/tricolor/RudesheimTricolor

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_6IvozimaTricolor.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_6IvozimaTricolor_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/tricolor/IvozimaTricolor

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_7OldschoolUsa.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_7OldschoolUsa_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/tricolor/OldschoolUsa

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_8Membane.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_8Membane_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/bicolor/Membane

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_9Tri-color_Spotted.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_9Tri-color_Spotted_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/tricolor/Tri-color_Spotted

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_10Tropical_tricolor.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_10Tropical_tricolor_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/tricolor/Tropical_tricolor

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_11Winter.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/Cusa_1_11Winter_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/bicolor/Winter

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/american/Camouflage/usa_premium_asia.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/american/Camouflage/usa_premium_asia_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/usa/tricolor/usa_premium_asia

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading tank list file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\ussr\list.xml

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading camo xml file: scripts\item_defs\vehicles\ussr\customization.xml

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_1Katukov.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_1Katukov_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/Katukov

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_2BrownStains.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_2BrownStains_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/BrownStains

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_3SpringGhost.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_3SpringGhost_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/SpringGhost

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_4Leningrad.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_4Leningrad_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/tricolor/Leningrad

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_5TricolorZebra.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_5TricolorZebra_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/tricolor/TricolorZebra

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_6OldschoolRkka.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_6OldschoolRkka_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/tricolor/OldschoolRkka

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_7Talvisota.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_7Talvisota_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/tricolor/Talvisota

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_8GasolinePellicle.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_8GasolinePellicle_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/tricolor/GasolinePellicle

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_9four-color_stains.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_9four-color_stains_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/tricolor/four-color_stains

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_10Branches.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_10Branches_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/Branches

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_11Winter.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Cussr_1_11Winter_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/Winter

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/White_Spots.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/White_Spots_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/White_Spots

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Band.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Band_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/Band

15:34:21[ Info ] Loading non cached texture: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Brown_Spots.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Camouflage/Brown_Spots_hd.dds

15:34:21[ Warning ] Could not translate: camouflage/ussr/bicolor/Brown_Spots

15:34:22[ Info ] Database rebuilt in: 2.529 seconds

15:34:22[ Info ] Creating default materials.

15:34:22[ Info ] Creating grid mesh.

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading garage.

15:34:22[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\hangar_premium_v2.pkg

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_AM2.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_AM2_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_floor_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_floor_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_floor_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_floor_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_floor_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_floor_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_alpha_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_alpha_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_alpha_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_alpha_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_alpha_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_alpha_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_envIN_008_details_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_envIN_008_details_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_envIN_008_details_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_envIN_008_details_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_envIN_008_details_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_envIN_008_details_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_2_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_2_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_2_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_2_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_2_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_hangar_premium_v2_tech_2_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_03_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_03_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_03_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_03_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_03_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_03_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_props_props_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_props_props_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_props_props_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_props_props_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\hangar_premium\envIN_008_props_props_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/hangar_premium/envIN_008_props_props_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_06_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_06_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_06_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_06_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_props_06_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_props_06_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_elements_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_elements_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_elements_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_elements_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_elements_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_elements_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\evnIN_007_hangar_posters_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/evnIN_007_hangar_posters_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\evnIN_007_hangar_posters_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/evnIN_007_hangar_posters_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\evnIN_007_hangar_posters_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/evnIN_007_hangar_posters_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\russian\Tank_detail\Details_map.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/russian/Tank_detail/Details_map_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\background\background.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/background/background_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_premium_v2\background\Background_Trees.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_premium_v2/background/Background_Trees_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading garage.

15:34:22[ Info ] Adding file archive: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\packages\hangar_v2.pkg

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_hangar_AM2.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_hangar_AM2_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_alpha_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_alpha_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_alpha_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_alpha_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_alpha_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_alpha_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_floor_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_floor_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_floor_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_floor_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_floor_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_floor_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_hangar_GMM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_hangar_GMM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_hangar_ANM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_hangar_ANM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\hangar\envIN_007_hangar_AM.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/hangar/envIN_007_hangar_AM_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Loading Texture: content\Environment\hangar_v2\backgroung\background.dds

15:34:22[ Warning ] Could not open file: content/Environment/hangar_v2/backgroung/background_hd.dds

15:34:22[ Info ] Creating Shadow Map Texture.

15:34:22[ Info ] Shadow Map size: 2048 x 2048

15:34:22[ Info ] OpenGL Initialising complete.

15:34:22[ Info ] Loaded layout file: default.layout

15:34:23[ Info ] main window setup complete.

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Tank: Renault NC-31

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\tracks\Renault_NC31_track_NM.dds

15:35:0[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/tracks/Renault_NC31_track_NM_hd.dds

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\tracks\Renault_NC31_track.dds

15:35:0[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/tracks/Renault_NC31_track_hd.dds

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\tracks\Renault_NC31_track_SM.dds

15:35:0[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/tracks/Renault_NC31_track_SM_hd.dds

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31\Renault_NC31_NM.dds

15:35:0[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Ch06_Renault_NC31/Renault_NC31_NM_hd.dds

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31\Renault_NC31.dds

15:35:0[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Ch06_Renault_NC31/Renault_NC31_hd.dds

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31\Renault_NC31_SM.dds

15:35:0[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Ch06_Renault_NC31/Renault_NC31_SM_hd.dds

15:35:0[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\bottom\Ch_bottoms_NM.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Bottom/Ch_bottoms_NM_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\bottom\Ch_bottoms.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Bottom/Ch_bottoms_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\bottom\Ch_bottoms_SM.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Bottom/Ch_bottoms_SM_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\german\Crash_inside\crash_inside_NM.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Crash_inside/crash_inside_NM_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\german\Crash_inside\crash_inside.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Crash_inside/crash_inside_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\german\Crash_inside\crash_inside_SM.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/german/Crash_inside/crash_inside_SM_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\bottom\Ch_bottoms_crash.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Bottom/Ch_bottoms_crash_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31\Renault_NC31_crash.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Ch06_Renault_NC31/Renault_NC31_crash_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading Texture: vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31\Renault_NC31_CM.dds

15:35:1[ Warning ] Could not open file: vehicles/chinese/Ch06_Renault_NC31/Renault_NC31_CM_hd.dds

15:35:1[ Info ] Loading camouflage options for tank: Renault NC-31

15:35:1[ Info ] Renault NC-31 loaded in: 1.527 seconds

15:35:4[ Info ] Created directory: D:\Games\WotTankViewer981\vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31

15:35:15[ Info ] Extracting texture: vehicles\chinese\Ch06_Renault_NC31\Renault_NC31_CM.dds to: D:\Games\WotTankViewer981\

15:35:15[ Info ] Extracting texture: vehicles\german\Crash_inside\crash_inside_NM.dds to: D:\Games\WotTankViewer981\

15:35:15[ Info ] Extracting texture: vehicles\german\Crash_inside\crash_inside_NM.texformat to: D:\Games\WotTankViewer981\

15:35:15[ Info ] Extracting texture: vehicles\german\Crash_inside\crash_inside_NM_hd.dds to: D:\Games\WotTankViewer981\


в какую сторону смотреть?

Edited by say1981

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Скачай hd клиент

А ХД клиент говорит "Не удалось загрузить танк: XXX".

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А ХД клиент говорит "Не удалось загрузить танк: XXX".

Файлик тоже заменил?
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Распаковал в папку с игрой,установил путь к игре,вроде все сделал правильно,но пишет не удается загрузить танк.Объясните нубасу поподробнее,пожалуйста.

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Скачал HD ... заработало

Так без ХД вылеты не исправить? (на 32-разрядн через лаунчер не скачать)

Где-то можно взять архив клиентских ХД-текстур?

Edited by vlad_cs_sr

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Так без ХД вылеты не исправить? (на 32-разрядн через лаунчер не скачать)

Где-то можно взять архив клиентских ХД-текстур?

скачать , на 32_ю  элементарно..

файл в корне  app_type.xml ...править Notepad++

в верхней строчке вместо sd прописать hd ...сохранить и запустить launcher

  • Upvote 1

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файл в корне  app_type.xml ...править Notepad++

в верхней строчке вместо sd прописать hd ...сохранить и запустить launcher


А почему б не добавить в 1 пост архив с правленым resources и инструкцией по скачиванию ХД?

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А почему б не добавить в 1 пост архив с правленым resources и инструкцией по скачиванию ХД?

это не ко мне

мне вообще не понятно, для чего ограничения WG ввели, но  "если гора не идёт к Магомету......."   :gg:

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@vlad_cs_sr, нет времени этим заняться. Я был бы благодарен, если бы кто-нибудь сделал. 

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Друзья помагите после обновы все модели загружаются во так.


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Друзья помагите после обновы все модели загружаются во так.

Починят кто? Дед Мороз что ли со Снегурочкой?

Timothy C Barnes не обновлял проект больше года. Edited by ShadowHunterRUS

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