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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. So where is the problem, why it's not visible in my config?
  2. View range circle "standing" not showing up "view": [ // Main circles: // Основные круги: { "enabled": false, "distance": "blindarea", "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 80, "color": "0x3EB5F1" }, { "enabled": false, "distance": 445, "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.1, "alpha": 45, "color": "0xFFCC66" }, // Circle of the maximum units appearance. // Окружность границы максимальной отрисовки юнитов. { "enabled": false, "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFFFFFF" }, // Additional circles: // Дополнительные круги: { "enabled": false, "distance": 50, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.75, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFFFFFF" }, { "enabled": true, "distance": "standing", "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0xFF0000" }, { "enabled": false, "distance": "motion", "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x0000FF" }, { "enabled": false, "distance": "dynamic", "scale": 1, "thickness": 1.0, "alpha": 60, "color": "0x3EB5F1" } ], python.log xvm.log xvm.zip
  3. Bumping this request, as I was ignored back then. Is there anyone updating TIM ? NDO left so I'm curious. So two requests to anyone who is updating this program: - add a warning window when a font is missing (not installed in the system) - add a command line feature, so we can launch TIM without GUI and create/export icons with a batch script.
  4. Statistics widget isn't working with "carousel": { "enabled": false: "carousel": { "enabled": true: It's not working for at least few recent xvm updates, I don't know since when precisely.
  5. I think it can be always calculated for currently loaded ammo, or completely removed from the XVM. I'm waiting for XVM team response :)
  6. As title says, there is no circle for Maximum range of fire for artillery. Not sure since when, but currently it's not working. Of course it's enabled here: "artillery": { "enabled": true, "alpha": 55, "color": "0xFF6666", "thickness": 0.5 },
  7. I think it's XVM bug. Now I checked it on default XVM + contour icons from me and the bug is there too. Check this out: battle.xc "mirroredVehicleIcons": true, battle.xc "mirroredVehicleIcons": false, As you can see, the HP bar is under contour icons which is unwanted.
  8. Ok I don't have "removeHealthPoints": false, in playerspanel.xc, I added it but it didn't change anything, it's still wrong on the right side, changing to "removeHealthPoints": true, hides the health bars, and I would like to see them, not hide them. I want to use HP bars added in 1.13.0 with XVM.
  9. Used latest build 8.8.0_31 + my config for Players Panel, and the enemy panel has different size, why is that? I know that default XVM is ok, but here it's not ok, and I would like to understand why :) World_of_Tanks_EU.7z
  10. Screen is freezing when pressing ALT key to display clan icons on the markers It happens multiple times durring the battle when you press ALT key (keep in mind I enabled that clan icons only in markersAliveExtended.xc) It happens when I have 107k of eu clan icons in c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\EU\clan\ There is no problem when there is less files, i.e. 28k clan icons. This is the code I added to markersAliveExtended.xc: "clanIcon": { "name": "clanIcon", "x": 0, "y": -90, "alpha": 100, "enabled": true, "shadow": { "enabled": false, "strength": 13, "alpha": 50, "distance": 1, "blur": 5, "color": "0x000000", "angle": 45 }, "textFormat": { "color": null, "bold": false, "font": "$FieldFont", "size": 11, "align": "center", "italic": false }, "format": "<img src='{{clanicon}}' width='24' height='24'>" }, .... "textFields": [ ${ "def.playerName" }, ${ "def.hpPercent" }, ${ "def.clanIcon" }, ${ "def.rating" } ] I think there was no such problem last month, it started to happen this month. markersAliveExtended.xc
  11. Something is wrong with the crew incomplete info This is how it looks like for me Now I click on crusader and Crew incomplete has jumped to FV304: Now I click on FV207 and similar case but this time it's on the other tanks.
  12. The 8.7.8_8 has bugged selected slot on carousel, the border doesn't disappear when you click on another slot, so you are ending up with multiple borders on various tank slots.
  13. Contacts list broken is broken like that in Build 8.7.4_0033, no problems in Stable version. Sorry, no got no logs exept for this: 2021-02-02 11:59:36: [L:339] TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ContactItemUI@8fab42e0 to com.xvm.lobby.ui.contacts::UI_ContactItem. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw() at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow() at net.wg.gui.components.controls::ScrollingListEx/populateData() at net.wg.gui.components.controls::ScrollingListEx/populateData() at net.wg.data.daapi.base::DAAPIDataProvider/requestItemRange() at scaleform.clik.controls::CoreList/refreshData() at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw() at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw() at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow() at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/handleEnterFrameValidation() ...it was reported to me, and problem was sorted by returning to the stable xvm.
  14. Попробуйте мое исправление, пока ktulho не обновит его. myHP.py
  15. Hi Night Dragon On, I have a question regarding https://gitlab.com/xvm/xvm/-/commit/1cfd99228cc281338ea93c2eb42882d544b72a25 (sync decompiled swf's) How much critical update it is? I'm using previous XVM version from today, for micropatch, should I update to your sync or can wait with that? Regards, Aslain
  16. Doesn't work with WoT Thread: Main Exception: WotDataLib.WotDataException Message: Could not parse game data for country "ussr" ... at TankIconMaker.MainWindow.ReloadData(Boolean first) in MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 398 Exception: System.InvalidOperationException Message: String must represent an integer, but "54.06" has a fractional part. ...
  17. Alright. Why do you think I and the other person posting here found differences between latest updates in given files in EU client? Just curious.
  18. Ok if you say so. I always compare flash folder between updates, and this is what WinMerge is showing to me: Might be my mistake then but maybe double check it?
  19. Почему нет обновления последнего микропатча для XVM и антизеркала? Нет синхронизации SWF? Прошло уже 2 дня, а обновления все еще нет.
  20. Potential fix res_mods\mods\xfw_packages\xvm_battle\python\battle.py change: elif eventID == FEEDBACK_EVENT_ID.VEHICLE_IN_FOCUS: to elif eventID == FEEDBACK_EVENT_ID.ENTITY_IN_FOCUS:
  21. fix: change @overrideMethod(ConsumablesPanel, '_ConsumablesPanel__makeShellTooltip') def ConsumablesPanel__makeShellTooltip(base, self, descriptor, piercingPower, shotSpeed): to overrideMethod(ConsumablesPanel, '_makeShellTooltip') def ConsumablesPanel_makeShellTooltip(base, self, descriptor, piercingPower, shotSpeed):
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