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Korean Random


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Everything posted by yepev

  1. @nicher84 ну так он же у тебя в конфиге выключен: "hitLog": { // false - disable. // false - отключить. "enabled": false,
  2. @a061vk Try this: https://github.com/hi-skittles/wot-offline-server/. I don't know if it's working, but the author claims it's fully functional* with an asterisk. And who knows what the asterisk means! :D
  3. If your project is a mod, you can make it an addon to XVM and utilize their API. Your mod's users will have to activate XVM's network services to use your mod. If your project is something else, then you have to calculate WN8 yourself. It's not that difficult.
  4. @O6opMoT всё можно, и процент, и xTE. Без конфига тут много не подскажешь. В доке есть вся информация про макросы.
  5. @JInT close the game and attach the xvm and python logs from the game folder.
  6. @JInT no, it works. Press "Activate again" and restart the game.
  7. @PeterPan show a video. I never got a captcha there. And what browser and extensions are you using?
  8. @Mikebazz show a video. I never got a captcha there. And what browser and extensions are you using?
  9. @_PRIVATE_TRENER_ вот, теперь пока кнопка зажата, нажми в игре или перезапусти игру. Если не поможет, прикрепи логи из папки игры (xvm и python).
  10. @_PRIVATE_TRENER_ а теперь сделай ещё раз, но теперь правильно.
  11. @_PRIVATE_TRENER_ просто нажми кнопку "Активировать повторно" с нужного аккаунта и перезайди в игру. Ничего сбрасывать не надо.
  12. @[email protected] если играешь на RU, то сюда: https://lesta.ru/support/ru/, если на EU, то сюда: https://eu.wargaming.net/support/ru/, если на NA то сюда: https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/, если на ASIA, то сюда: https://asia.wargaming.net/support/en/
  13. @[email protected] нихрена не понятно, что ты пытаешься сказать, но одно понятно точно - тебе не сюда надо писать про это, а в центр поддержки пользователей игры.
  14. Прикрепи хоть конфиг, что там наредактировал)
  15. That's exactly what happens when such projects are not open source. Unfortunately, the author decided to work without sharing the code to the public, and that was a mistake.
  16. It's your cognitive bias, but as you said, in fact they have a high win rate. This means that, in most cases, they actually win. And what you supposedly see 'often' actually happens less frequently. Otherwise, their win rate would be lower. But the win rate is not influenced by your subjective biased observations; it solely reflects reality. If you genuinely believe you can devise a rating better than WN8, then go ahead and publish concrete formulas and data, not your biased fantasies. If it truly is better, it will be adopted.
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