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Korean Random


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  1. 1. It isn't a lack of information from WoT. All information is there for use and implementation. 2. Whether it's a bad idea or not? If you are making a game with multiple aspects, such as light-, medium, heavy tanks and arty... . then this score should reflect all aspects of the different tank types. Spotting from light tanks etc etc. As it is now: If you want to boost this score, you play lower Tier or hide in the backline and shoot what comes up. Then you will get good wn8. But it doesn't say anything about whether you are a good tank player or not. It reflects damage and kills, and a scoring system should not just reflect that, but more. Please write in English when a forum post is written in English. Everyone can use Google translate. No. It's narrow-minded if you think it reflects everything. You can easily have a good WN8 without winning matches. Your Win-Ratio tells you whether you are winning or not. But it depends on the players you are on a team with. I have often seen people with high wn8 and high WR get slaughtered by a tighter "worse wn8 team". If all players hide and don't dare to challenge the opposing team... they usually loses.
  2. In my opinion XVM is a statistically good MOD but ruins game play in WoT. As it is now, only those who do damage and kill that get higher wn8. If light tank and arty got equally much in wn8, when doing their tank type (light spot and arty assist damge/stun), would make people actually play their tanktype better. More and more of the "good" players hide in their light tank to do damage, but sell out their team, when the opponent's light tank does its tank type/job right. Wn8 should reflect what people give in their battles, not how good you are to hide on redline and making damage/kill the enemy team. Suggestions for improvements giving higher wn8: - damage and kills unchanged - light tank should get higher wn8 if they do their job and spot - arty should get higher wn8 if they stun and assist their team making damage - The most important thing is that wn8 should be reduced if you loose a battle. This would make people wanting to win and not hide. If you don't do anything about wn8 as it is today, this game will get more and more toxic. Sadly more and more people leaves WoT for this reason. The only people able to fix this is those making WoT and XVM. Yes, I am probably dumb to think this would ever change.....
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