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Everything posted by konrad509

  1. Удалите все связанные с XVM шрифты из системы, перезагружайте компьютер и проверяйте. Если это не поможет прикрепляйте полный конфиг.
  2. You MUST have that folder... res_mods is located in game's main folder.
  3. It's not. Batchat has only one available turret, so turret markers don't apply to it. I still don't know what you want. Are you asking if there's an option in XVM to show enemy's tank reload time? If yes, then there isn't.
  4. Ok, but what's the problem with it? Reload timer is a part of crosshair, so it's not XVM related. I don't know if one exists. Yes, but only if a tank has stock turret.
  5. What reload time? What tutorial? For configuring XVM? Do you use replay or play a battle to test the config? Are you sure there are tanks with stock turret and with(out) top gun in any of teams?
  6. Delete it. It won't help and it's not supposed to be there. Hm, I don't know what might be the problem. It works fine for me.
  7. добавил clock.xc измените цвет на какую хотите вы хотите дату цветные тоже?
  8. ktulho установил цветы только для цифр какой цвет хотите для двоеточия?
  9. clock->enabled set to true измените расположение часов путем изменения значений параметров x и y вот добавьте параметры color как я показал "format": "<font face='$FieldFont'><textformat leading='-38'><font color='#00ff00' size='36'>{{h%02d}}:{{m%02d}}</font><br></textformat><textformat rightMargin='85' leading='-1'>{{WW}}<br><font color='#00ff00' size='15'>{{D%02d}} {{MM}} {{Y}}</font></textformat></font>",
  10. 1. battleLabelsTemplates.xc 2. playersPanel.xc->playersPanel->[режим ушей]->extraFieldsLeft удалите или комментируйте ${"xmqpServiceMarker"} и читайте список изменений
  11. I'm not sure what's the problem. I'd like to see the whole config, together with the folder res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res
  12. If you set it to 100 or some other high value close to it, you may not notice it, but that "texture" is still there :)
  13. Change the amount value (range 0-100). But it's rather tinting than actually changing the colour. The contour icons are images and you can't just change their colour as you can do with vehicle icons for instance.
  14. "actionMarker": { "$ref": { "path": "actionMarkerPool"}, "visible": false },Set visible to true.
  15. The player S_bastien_Hurgon doesn't seem to have any battles played http://worldoftanks.eu/pl/community/accounts/532714002-S_bastien_Hurgon/ So, are you sure about not having another account? :) Isn't your nick sturmtruppe909? Why did you login on XVM with some different account?
  16. You didn't say what kind of rating you're using, so I'll show you using WN8 as an example. To display WN8 (in XVM scale) lower than 10 as 10, use {{xwn8>=10|10}} To change the colour of unrated players to red, use (for color value) {{xwn8?{{c:xwn8}}|#ff0000}}
  17. It's for 3. I did it so that when a tank is neither premium nor special, a default colour is used, so you don't have to create a list for each kind of tank, but only for premium and special ones. Anyway, use Kapany3uk's method.
  18. Turning off what?? To use in-game lines, set minimap.xc->minimap->useStandardLines to true
  19. You can use color macro {{c:vtype}} to mark premium tanks. As for making a list, I think it's possible. Yep, I tested it, and it's possible. I'm not sure how to do this by creating this list in a new file though. I'm not familiar with using references. I'll show you how to do it in the playerPanel.xc file. So, in the above-mentioned file, in playersPanel section, create a new section "vehicleNames":{ "VK 72.01 K": "st", "AMX CDC": "pt", //etc. }, Now change the color parameter, wherever you want to use it, to color='{{.playersPanel.vehicleNames.{{vehicle}}=st?#00ff00|{{.playersPanel.vehicleNames.{{vehicle}}=st?#FFD700|#ffffff}}}}' As for clan icons, if you want to use them in extrafields, I guess downloading them is the only solution.
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