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Korean Random


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Everything posted by nixxxie

  1. Simple idea: if an ally announces his reload time in chat (vanilla thing), his reload icons (both minimap and OTM) have displaying prolonged over standard vanilla delay until he finishes his reload (taken from chat). Especially useful for arties and autoloaders.
  2. Yea, no problem for me either. I may leave the third option out of curiosity, as i said previously. An interesting idea just came to me: allyReloadTimer, gonna start topic in suggestions.
  3. Somehow i cannot quote multiple posts now... Demon (+ sirmax), interesting but scientifically. If he disabled them, he still has no stats, his reasons may be various but he cannot judge how bad or good others are and that is what matters most. If it gets implemented this way, i probably use it out of curiosity, but the only important thing is who has stats enabled (xvm is not the only mod providing advanced hud features and i still won't have a way of knowing who uses others - as if it matters). Slava, i probably missed sth. indeed as i understood this part and your pic example is similar to what i described, meaning we have similar ideas about icon placements :) . Still, you wanted to bind it to some third thing instead of silhouette icon? BTW: why bother multiplying flag icons for every server? It is a neat pattern, but i doubt if useful in any way, instead of just putting them togethere once ;) . And, regarding clan icons: time to pull them from game :) ? And just make xvm server provide data if top150/all, depending who wants displayed which?
  4. As far as i can understand (maybe i can't?), you can use bindToIcon and organise all icons over tank silhouette icon, i started doing it this patch and it works quite well. So, no need to bind more items to another items - and whole bindToIcon thing was implemented because name fields are variable depending upon name length. Why should it return anything besides 0/1? The only thing we are interested in is if he uses stats part. PS: regarding statisticForm / battleLoading, maybe (again :P ) it's time to implement extraFields there - so you can move icons (flags, xvm-user etc) over tank silhouette icon, the way clan icons are? Or move it there in some other way and save text fields space for more stats ;) .
  5. Problems? No kidding? With outdated nightly... And his config is a MESS. QB is like a kid in the fog when it comes to modding :/ .
  6. Everyone thinks for himself ;) - and teamspeak is a thing to use...
  7. ? Then don't. Don't edit, don't use spotting markers. No third way.
  8. And you can currently set battletier spread on carusel as a substitute.
  9. Nope, it's: "revealed":"xvmres://spotting/awsome_lightbulb.png" and instead of format "src":"{{spotted}}" , just for clarification. At least, it's much safer that way.
  10. Just for comparison, if you pushed the latest nightly i have as a release and i don't have to redownload it again ;) . A small convenient thing to have in future.
  11. Released is which build number? Maybe you could add both numbers (version + build) next time on download site? PS: which method is less straining on performance, asking "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}" or "alpha": "{{a:alpha}}" and setting appropriate values in alpha.xc? PS: does macro in macro nesting mean that i can do now: "spotted": { "revealed": "{{vtype}}" } ? Just curious, not needed anymore.
  12. Thanks :) . OTOH, i got a bit carried away, regarding clanicons - i forgot they were to be made from game resources :P and doing it in extraFields would need adding special macro for displaying them. PS: maybe in addition/as alternative to client language flags, you should add flag decals to playersPanel? More countries afaik ;) .
  13. lol :P , maybe time to do it my way ;) ? Other features: how to add flags to statisticForm? extraFields please? Maybe time to move clanicons to extraFields too, as it isn't vanilla feature? It would be nice unification ;) . Currently it is doable in playersPanel this way anyway...
  14. EDIT, my mistake. http://i.imgur.com/7uXS3MV.jpg { "x":-85, "y":10, "h":8, "w":8, "bindToIcon": true, "src":"xvmres://icons/xvm/16x16.png", "alpha":"{{xvm-stat?70|0}}" }, seems not working - i find it hard to believe that 100% players use xvm (pic above, too). PS: 3542 nightly. PS2: regarding macro in macro - i remembered discussion long ago :) and i thought it works.
  15. You have what you like and i have what i like :) . Thanks, sirmax, already testing :) .
  16. There is probably a way to send it via TS server, but such functionality is frowned upon by WG and might be bannable...
  17. Below is my old HUD. I used tank class icons on right panel for enemySpottedMarker with colors consistent with minimap. Left panel was done by hand with static icons {{c:system}}. Notice that i have top score panel disabled. Ally tanks ocassionally do drive out of radio range, but it's not a big deal, i agree. Still, it would be nice to get similar functionality for both panels in the same way. I would also like some kind of {{rendered}} macro, just to indicate that HP values may be not correct (1/0 is enough). PS: i haven't paid close attention to details, but currently spotted icons work for ally panel, too. PS2: i'm still working on getting this to work the way i like :P , myabe there is one and my whine is not neccesary... PS3: still, i want some features to disappear or at least get more transparent on death + standard on/off switch is alpha100|0 - i wonder how to use both at the same time, especially with .png?
  18. Use {{vtype}} macro and put symbols in it, works flawlessly on minimap and everywhere else :) . {{vehicle-class}} is technically obsolete.
  19. Another one, why does: { "x": -85, "y": 4, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "xvmres://icons/xvm/16x16.png", "alpha": "{{xvm-stat?{{alive?80|30}}|0}}" }, make icons always stay on all tanks all the time? Technically "stat" value is logical true, empty value is logical false? Split {{spotted}} to ally/enemy and allow color assignment somehow? ({{c:spotted}} maybe?) :) .
  20. D*mn, somehow autofind missed it, probably it was off the screen :P . Thanks. What about the other?
  21. Merry Christmas everyone! 1. In which file to set autoReloadConfig? I can't find the switch in default anywhere. 2. More questions incoming when i handle spotting macros... It seems that i can't put a macro within a macro now :( ? 2A. OK, how to make {{spotted}} macro to return color value? Preferably differentiating between ally/enemy color? { "x": -20, "y":6, "bindToIcon": true, "format": "<font face='XVM' size='12' color='{{spotted}}'>{{vtype}}</font>", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}" }, and some experiments: "spotted": { // "neverSeen": "<font face='XVM' size='12' color='#000000'>{{vtype}}</font>", // "lost": "<font face='XVM' size='12' color='#FCA9A4'>{{vtype}}</font>", // "revealed": "<font face='XVM' size='12' color='#F50800'>{{vtype}}</font>" // "revealed": "{{c:system}}, "neverSeen": "#000000", "lost": "#777777", "revealed": "#DDDDDD" "dead": "", "neverSeen_arty": "#000000", "lost_arty": "#777777", "revealed_arty": "#DDDDDD", "dead_arty": "" }
  22. Are you playing low-res or what? Panels have fixed pixels dimensions and they "scale" relatively with screen res. So, they will be unreadable if you give your config to someone else. Just saying.
  23. There is PL forum on EU, you know that ;) , right? {"x": 45, "y": 0, "format": "<font size='12' face='$FieldFont'>({{v.battletiermin}}-{{v.battletiermax}})</font>"}, PS: don't use google translate when translating TO English, you got VERY different meaning than original text :) - and you actually asked for sth. else in both languages.
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